Next Sunday AD an old eccentric named Don Cavalier, who is the owner of Megalo Company, passes away. In his will, he declares that his vast fortune will be shared with everyone who decides to participate in his magnum opus, a Defictionalized MMORPG taking place on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. However, there seems that there is something more to it than that.
And so various adventurers make their way to the island, all with their own reasons for seeking a fortune. And that's where your place in this story begins.
Trickster Online shares a lot of similarities with Ragnarok Online, though the mechanics are fairly different and it has quests in place of monster grinding like most modern MMORPGs. Also ingrained in the game is a system that allows people to drill for things underground. And everyone starts off looking Little Bit Beastly due to entry requiring this.
Examples of Tropes used in this game
- An Adventurer Is You
- An Interior Designer Is You
- Atlantis
- Bribing Your Way to Victory - While it's a free game, you can buy items with real money that range from equipment to low-weight potions and more. Most people will also pay a huge amount of in-game money for store items.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience - The four main stat areas are red for power, blue for magic, purple for sense, and orange for defense.
- Chekhov's Gun - you'll find a lot of the items you're questing for by just digging around or fighting random monsters before you even receive the quest.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady - The Dragon class is very girly. Seriously, do you think this could possibly be a guy? Even the official comic lampshaded this.
- The NCP you go to to get married appears to be a girl however when talking to 'her' he goes "What part of me looks like a girl?!"
- Fairy Tale Motifs
- Faking the Dead - Danihen twice
- Little Bit Beastly
- Palette Swap - Ignoring the clothes you can buy in the store, each character's final two job costumes are just palette swaps.
- The Punishment - Enkicladus
- Purely Aesthetic Gender - Initially this is true, but the second level of each class, as well as the third level of a pure class, has an entirely different set of skills.
- Rule of Cute - Many of the monsters and gear which leads to...
- Rummage Sale Reject
- Shout-Out - Surprisingly quite a few, from other games by the same company to soft drinking polar bears to Italian holidays
- Socketed Equipment
- Sugar Bowl - Crap Saccharine World
- Surprise Santa Encounter
- Star-Crossed Lovers - A big part of the story
- This Is a Drill - Drilling is an important part of game and necessary for quests
- Took a Shortcut - Most towns have the same set of named NPCs. Some of which happen to be the 7 girls the Teacher class is looking for...
- Too Many Belts - The Fox's Thief Master/Hunter Lord outfits.
- Twenty Bear Asses - Either this or twenty mined fishes.
- Unwinnable by Design - The game allows you to sell or accidentally drop (destroy) quest items necessary for the story quests. They cannot be replaced, petitioning a GM will only get the response 'well you shouldn't have done that'. Although the game is still playable about 1/2 of the single player content is forever lost and the EXP those quests can give is gone.
- Waif Prophet - The NPC Stella, also a Tsundere
- You All Look Familiar - With 8 character types, you're bound to run into someone who looks like you. Especially since alternate clothing colors cost real money.