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An element commonly found in various varieties of Buffy-Speak but far from limited to it is a variety of derisive nickname or description coined out of the traits or qualities one finds offensive or annoying about the target. Such names are frequently one-off insults and are not generally used day-to-day as genuine nicknames. Of course, as with other insults, they can also be used affectionately.

They usually take the forms X McY, in which two different traits are joined by the prefix "Mc" into a faux-Gaelic name: "Slutty McBoobs", "Grumpy McGrouchyface".

Related may be the structure X Xson, where one or two attributes specific to the moment are recast as a name: "Nosey Noseyson", "Creepy Creepson".

The usage is most likely descended from the McDonald's breakfast sandwich, the Egg McMuffin.

Not particularly related in any way to Awesome McCoolname despite the obvious structural similarities.

Examples of Derisive McNickname include:

Fan Works[]


I know he looks like Skeevy McEvilpants, but he’s not so bad once you get to know him.

  • In another BtVS/Potter story, The Life of Brian by echo, Dawn Summers refers to someone who has snuck up on and surprised her as "Lurky Lurkerson".

Films - Live Action[]

Live-Action TV[]

  • The name of the eponymous rap group of Shasta McNasty seems to be an early example of this trope.
  • While not a derisive nickname, the handle of "Doctor McDreamy" given to Derek Shepherd of Grey's Anatomy is clearly an example of this practice.
