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Some Medias are have females to be either naked, accessories wearing, wearing a top and bottomless, or a variant of dresses and skirt with shirt but without underwear underneath, while males are in full clothes as in barefoot or full dress. Males however can have underwear under their fur which is also Fully Dressed while Females aren't shown to have fur clothing expressed.

It is one of the exceptional to Tertiary Sexual Charactertstics as Females are more likely to be adding in additional clothes than men especially for their humanoid scales.

Sometimes, Lampshade Hanging can happen on males when they're undressed as they have a reason to be covered up most of the time, females who are humanoid are less likely to be part of the trope due to Non-Mammal Mammaries of their breasts. Some Writers are okay to include females furry animals to include less clothing than otherwise.

An Inverted Trope of Pantsless Males, Fully-Dressed Females. A new subtrope to Appropriate Animal Attire.

See Going Commando or No Nudity Taboo which is one of the reasons why females with long clothing on their legs don't need to wear panties.

See Fur Is Clothing, Removable Shell, or Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal if you referred to a gender neutral trope.

Examples of Fully-Dressed Males, Pantsless Females include:


Anime and Manga[]

Comic Books[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics have a few male characters like EnterJak being completely dressed from head to toe while few females wear less clothing like Sally Acorn and Liz the Chameleon.
    • A Future prediction called "25 year Later" story arc shows some adult males wear more clothing while adult females wear less clothing than their younger Pantsless Males, Fully-Dressed Females counterpart.

Fan Works[]


  • Downplayed with The Rescuers as Bianca only wears a Bow while Jake and Bernard wears a shirt.
  • Fun and Fancy Free shows Mickey and Goofy are in full clothes while Lulubelle is an Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal.
  • In the Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie shows the first scenes of Longclaw who wears an Armour that covers her chest only while the Male Echidna Tribes are fully covered from Neck to toe.
  • Chicken Little played straight with almost every male characters being fully dressed but Barefoot while two females Abby and Goosey Loosey being pantsless.
  • Puss in Boots 2011 movie includes a Humanoid Egg Humpty Alexander Dumpty who is fully dressed including his hat and Kitty Softpaws only wears belt, boots, and a mask during her introduction.
  • An American Tail features the female birds wore less clothing than most of the male characters at the beginning.
  • DreamWork's 2006 Over the Hedge Film has Verne wears a shell that can be removed while the female animals don't have any clothing, the rest of the males adverted the trope as they wore no clothes.


  • Downplayed with Mr. Men has Mr Bump wear more clothing than the majority of female characters.
  • The Blood Ladder Lampshaded the trope that male transformations is embarassed that males tend to cover up while females don't need to cover up.

Live-Action TV[]


New Media[]

Newspaper Comics[]

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends[]



Professional Wrestling[]

Puppet Shows[]


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy[]

Tabletop Games[]


Video Games[]

  • Played Straight with Star Fox Adventures as Four Pilot Males Fox, Slippy, Falco, and Peppy being fully clothed and Crystal wears bra, lioncloth, and sandals but no underwear.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Games rarely used this trope since it is usually inverted as males wear only shoes and gloves while females wear full clothes.
    • However Zeena, Sally Acorn, and a few other female characters don't have much clothing or no outfit.
    • Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, and a few other male characters get to wear full set of clothes in an alternate outfits despite of them usually almost naked.
      • Subverted as in the later games, males wouldn't wear pants anymore.
  • Spyro the Dragon has the Professor and Moneybags both are Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal while Shiela is a Pantsless Cartoon Animal and Cynder is fully nude as justified that she walks on four legs.
  • Donkey Kong has two characters played straight which are Funky Kong the Barefoot Cartoon Animal and Dixie Kong the Pantsless Cartoon Animal.
  • Sly Cooper franchise brought Male Bosses wearing fully dressed outfit while very few females are pantsless.
  • Downplayed with Banjo-Kazooie as Banjo wears a necklace, bag pack, and shorts while Kazooie is completely nude. Banjo's sister Tooty adverted this trope since she is dressed.

Visual Novels[]

Web Animation[]

Web Comics[]

  • In the Dragon City comic, all females wear nothing while males wore clothes.

Web Original[]

Western Animation[]

  • Ed Edd n Eddy somewhat included Plank as he sometimes wear clothes like in the Episode Mirror, Mirror, on the Ed as he wore Eddy Outfit at the end scene. However Plank's Mother appears in one episode which she is not wearing any clothes but Clothing Appendage as justified that it was just a drawing from Johnny.
    • Wilfred the pig also got the same treatment as Plank as he wore full clothes in a few episodes.
  • Monica from Oggy and the Cockroaches is the only furry animal in the show who doesn't wear fur nor many clothes, since she only wears roller skates, White gloves, and two pigtails on her blonde hair.
  • The Amazing World of Gumball has Richard and Gumball Watterson, Azrael, and Juke who were the men being fully clothed while some female characters like Penny, Carrie, and Teri (who is actually naked as her body shaped like she was wearing a dress) don't have much clothing on.
  • Tom and Jerry has Tom Cat with his fur and his Goofy Print Underwear Underneath while female cats Zig Zagged the trope as they are usually wore accessories as nearly naked, rarely they wear clothes.
  • Played Straight with Courage the Cowardly Dog episode Heads of Beef, that the male pig wore full clothes while his wife wore a dress and went Going Commando.
  • Duck Tales 1987 has Lunchpad and Gyro are Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal, while Webby Vanderquack and Magica De Spell are Pantsless Cartoon Animal especially without a skirt. Magica De Spell wears a dress and high heels but she has no panties on. Adverted with Scrooge McDuck and his nephews that they the same amount of clothes like the two females.
  • Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers has Fox glove being fully naked while Chip, Dale, Lou, Zipper, and Monterey Jack wear clothes.
    • Gadget Hackwrench and Tammy adverts this trope since she wore full jumpsuit but barefoot. But Gadget was pantsless in a dress disguised in the episode Double O' Chipmunk.
    • Parodied In The Episode Fly in thr Ointment, Gadget became pantless and coveres up with a skirt while Dale being fully dressed by swapping bodies. Gadget however is still pantless as a crafted skirt only made her looked fully dressed.
  • Peppa Pig Played Straight with all male characters wear a bodysuit that covers their torso including shoes and all females wear nothing but a dress and shoes with no exception. Since No females are shown to have any Panty Shot, so they are most likely pantsless.
  • Played With Tiny Toon Adventures
    • Straight with Goopy Gear, Eddy Cougar, and Dog Postman wear a full outfit while Shirley McLoon is pantsless, Fifi La Fume wear only a bow, Sweetie pie wears nothing but a bow, and Babs Bunny wears a top and skirt with no underwear.
    • Adverted with most of the male characters as they are pantsless while Hampton J. Pig is shirtless and almost fully dressed.
    • Lampshade Hanging with Dizzy Devil and Plucky Duck has fur on and they reveals their butt if his fur was removed. It is also lampshaded that a male cheetah censored his groin as Elmyra removed his fur.
    • ZigZagged as Babs is occasionally fully dressed like wearing an extra underwear from her normal outfit, or wearing an alternate costumes that cover her entire torso respectively or shirtless rarely.
  • Played Straight with SpongeBob SquarePants as the titular character and Mr. Krabs wear a full set of clothes while Mrs Puff is actualyl pantsless as she wears a top and a skirt but no underwear.
  • Mickey Mouse has Goofy and Daisy Duck respectively.
  • The Mr. Men Show has all female characters wears nothing but accessories while Mr. Bump is the only character to be covered up.
  • Looney Tunes has Speedy Gonzales wears a full Mexican outfit except shoes while Penelope Pussycat wears nothing.
  • Adverted with Woody Woodpecker as Winnie Woodpecker is shirtless as she wears just a skirt with White Gloves while Buzz Buzzard is considered a Barefoot Cartoon Animal.
  • Ben 10: Omniverse has Pesky Dust as probably the only Demi-Girl alien Ben Transforms to wear a dress and no underwear while some male aliens Ben transformed to has full clothes like Diamondhead, Fourarms, and Jury Rigg.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot has Duke in full clothes and Jenny Wakeman in Clothing Appendage.

Other Media[]

Real Life[]