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Manga de Wakaru is a Japanese phrase that translates to "understand through manga" in English. It refers to the concept of using manga, or comic books and graphic novels in general, to convey information, knowledge, or complex topics in an engaging and easily understandable manner.

Manga has been employed as a medium to explain various subjects, including science, history, technology, and educational content. This approach aims to make learning more enjoyable and accessible, especially for those who might find traditional textbooks or written explanations challenging. For example, you might find educational manga that explain scientific principles, historical events, or even language learning. The combination of visual elements and simplified explanations in manga can help readers grasp concepts more effectively.

This concept aligns with the idea of edutainment, where education and entertainment intersect to create engaging learning experiences. "Manga de wakaru" exemplifies this by using the visual storytelling nature of manga to facilitate better understanding of complex subjects.

Examples of Manga de Wakaru include:


Anime and Manga[]

These works focuses more on plot than education, though to various degrees. They will usually spend time digressing or explaining on real world topics, and use it as a plot point.

  • Bakuman: The journey of a duo of mangakas aspiring to bring their dream story to life in the manga industry.
  • Blue Period: A young boy discovers his passion for traditional painting.
  • Dr. Stone: A scientist wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world and works to rebuild the world by recreating inventions of the modern world starting out in stone age technology.
  • The Former Prostitute Became a Rich Wife: A preppy girl joins Soapland and aspires to become the best prostitute possible, despite the world's overall aversion to the world she's entered. Explains several prostitution terms and techniques. She eventually begins studying at university while working as a prostitute, and covers dilemmas in connections with this.
  • How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift: A whimsical way to learn how to exercise.
  • Oshi no Ko: Covers topics relevant to the entertainment industry, specifically actors and idols.

Comic Books[]

Fan Works[]



These works are textbooks written as a graphic novel or comic book.

  • The Manga Guide to Statistics
  • The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis
  • The Manga Guide to Databases
  • The Manga Guide to Calculus
  • The Manga Guide to Physics
  • The Manga Guide to Electricity
  • The Manga Guide to Cryptography
  • The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology
  • The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra
  • The Manga Guide to the Universe
  • The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
  • The Manga Guide to Relativity
  • The Manga Guide to Physiology
  • The Manga Guide to Microprocessors
  • Understanding Comics

Live-Action TV[]


New Media[]

Newspaper Comics[]

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends[]



Professional Wrestling[]

Puppet Shows[]


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy[]

Tabletop Games[]


Video Games[]

Visual Novels[]

Web Animation[]

Web Comics[]

Web Original[]

Western Animation[]

Other Media[]

Real Life[]