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Trope Workshop Guidelines

Describe the trope here, using more than one paragraph. Remove this line when you place a description on the page. Sometimes, things get bad, so you have to find a solution. This scenario covers the solution causing bigger problems.

This trope is a trick that maintains dramatic tension and sometimes irony. The heroes find themselves in great danger, so their solution is to escape. The result? They end up in bigger trouble than before.

This is a subtrope of From Bad to Worse, where the solution of a problem causes and/or leads to a worse one. From Bad to Worse does not require linking between the former problem and the even worse one. Someone who is in a pool with jellyfishes in it would merely encounter From Bad to Worse if someone adds more, whereas those who escape the jellyfishes only to end up in a tank of sharks (or even worse, a tank of acid or lava) would end up with this trope.

Examples of Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire! include:


Anime and Manga[]

Comic Books[]

Fan Works[]


  • This occurs in three Star Wars films.
    • During A New Hope, Luke Skywalker and his friends escape by diving down a slide... which leads into a trash compactor. Fortunately, R2-D2 saves their lives. In another instance, Luke disables a control panel to seal a door and save himself from some stormtroopers... but this panel also controlled the bridge up ahead, cutting off his escape route. That's right! He traded death by stormtrooper for death by Bottomless Pits.
    • Han Solo attempts to escape Darth Vader's fleet by flying into an Asteroid Thicket. He then realises that his odds versus the Asteroid Belt are not any more than his odds versus the Imperials. This drives him into a cave... which turns out to be a giant space slug's gullet!
    • This happens in the film Solo when the gang escapes Twin Ion Engine fighters in the Akkadese Maelstrom after pulling a heist on Kessel. Afterwards, they bump into a Summa-verminoth, which tries to make their ship and bodies a snack. This leads them into a black hole cluster.
  • This occurs in the third Toy Story film. After the toys escape a shredder via grabbing some metal objects, they end up confronting an incinerator. It does not help that their so-called "friend," Lotso, ditched them when he could have disabled the conveyor belt to provide an escape route despite the fact that his companions saved him from that shredder.


Live-Action TV[]


New Media[]

Newspaper Comics[]

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends[]



Professional Wrestling[]

Puppet Shows[]


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy[]

Tabletop Games[]


Video Games[]

Visual Novels[]

Web Animation[]

Web Comics[]

Web Original[]

Western Animation[]

  • Dexter's Laboratory: Dexter ends up in detention at his school during the episode Dexter Detention, so he decides to bust out by digging a tunnel, only to emerge inside a state prison.
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks: This happens during the episode No Small Parts. The crew blows up the Pakled ship, but three equally powerful Pakled ships warp in and fire grapplers onto the primary hull, nearly tearing the ship in half. Thank god the Titan appeared afterwards.

Other Media[]

Real Life[]