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Examples of Partner-in-Crime Who Got Caught Blackmails Partner-in-Crime Who Got Away with It include:

Exactly What It Says On The Tin: Alice and Bob were doing something illegal together. Alice got caught, didn't rat out Bob, and then served her sentence or escaped. Bob didn't get caught, and has usually gotten very successful in his career. Alice comes to Bob and blackmails him: help Alice do something illegal, or she'll tell on Bob.

Needs A Better (and shorter) Name.


  • In the novel Night Heron, they were Chinese citizens, spying for British Intelligence.
  • In Blake's 7, brilliant hacker Avon was caught trying to steal a million credits, and sentenced to a prison colony. In the episode "Killer," he blackmails his partner-in-crime for assistance with one of Blake's guerrilla-warfare schemes against the Federation.