On TV Tropes, they had a little feature called "badges" for decorating user pages, which cost money (the shop has since been disabled).[1] While they're nice to look at, it's hard to collect a lot of them without donating a fair amount of "currency."
Here, much like Wikipedia,[2] we have "Userboxes", which are basically fun little boxes you can put on your userpage to tell people a little bit about who you are as a troper.
Below is a handy way to auto create your own userboxes. Name your templates like this: "[x] Troper"
Don't forget to link new userboxes to the galleries below.
Our Userbox Galleries[]
- Troping Language Proficiency - Languages that troper is adept in.
- Troper Moods - What mood a troper is in.
- Troper Nationality - What country a troper is from.
- Troping Preferences - Preferences as a troper about troping.
- Troper Pets Preferences - Troper's pet type
- Troping Sexuality - Troper gender and sexuality.
- Troper Sports - Troper's favorite sport.
- Troper Web Affiliations - Troper membership on websites.
- Troper Software Preferences - Troper preferences concerning software.
- Troper Philosophies - Philosophies of troping.
- Troper WikiFauna Identity - Userboxes for tropers to show what kind of WikiFauna they identify as.
- Archive of Bellicose Lexicon Entities Userboxes - Preferred trope cataloging scheme.
- Troper Media Preferences - Media Tropers Like.