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These userboxes are for displaying your nationality.

Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
Flag of Australia This troper is from Australia.
{{Aussie Troper}}
Flag of Canada (Pantone) This troper is from Canada.
Ce tropeur vient du Canada.

{{Canadian Troper}}
Flag of China This troper is from China.
{{Chinese Troper}}
File:Flag of Denmark.svg.png This troper is from Denmark.
Denne troper er fra Danmark.

{{Danish Troper}}
Flag of Finland This Troper is from Finland.
Tämä Troper on Suomesta.

{{Finnish Troper}}
Flag of France This troper is from France.
Ce tropeur vient de la France.

{{France Troper}}
Flag of Germany This Troper is from Germany.
Dieser Troper kommt aus Deutschland.

{{German Troper}}
Flag of India This troper is from India.
{{Indian Troper}}
Flag of Ireland This troper is from Ireland.
{{Irish Troper}}
Flag of Israel This troper is from Israel.
{{Israeli Troper}}
Flag of Jamaica This Troper is from Jamaica.

{{Jamacian Troper}}
Japan150 2275 This troper is from Japan.

{{Japanese Troper}}
Flag of Kenya This Troper is from Kenya.
Troper hii inatoka Kenya.

{{Kenyan Troper}}
Flag of Mexico This troper is from Mexico.
{{Mexican Troper}}
Flag of Saudi Arabia This troper is from Saudi Arabia.
{{Saudi Troper}}
Flag of Scotland This troper is from Scotland.
{{Scottish Troper}}
Flag of South Africa This troper is from South Africa.
Le troper ivela eMzantsi Afrika.
Le troper ivela eNingizimu Afrika.
Hierdie tropper is van Suid-Afrika.

{{South African Troper}}
Flag of South Korea This Troper is from the Republic of Korea.
이 송어는 한국 출신이다.

{{South Korean Troper}}
Spain flag 300 This Troper is from Spain.
Este troper es de España.

{{Spanish Troper}}
Flag of Sweden This Troper is from Sweden.
Den här trollkarlen är från Sverige.

{{Swedish Troper}}
Flag of Syria This troper is from Syria.
{{Syrian Troper}}
Flag of Uganda This Troper is from Uganda.
Troper hii inatoka Uganda.

{{Ugandan Troper}}
Flag of the United Kingdom This troper is from the United Kingdom.
{{UK Troper}}
Flag of the United States This troper is from the United States.

{{USA Troper}}
Flag of Wales 2 This troper is from Wales.
{{Welsh Troper}}