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Chopsticks (PSF) Conserving Helpful Otaku-Produced Superior Titles, Increasing Common Knowledge Society member
Cup (PSF) Cool Unearthed Pictures Society member.
{{CUPS Troper}}
BlauweVork Friends Of Really Kool Sobriquet member.
{{FORKS Troper}}
Bitxo0 Hotblooded Others Taking a Stand And Ushering in Chaos and Entropy member.
{{HOTSAUCE Troper}}
Blade types Kalculated Naming Indifference Violent Enforcement Section member.
{{KNIVES Troper}}
Napkin holder Negative Space Kult of Ireland and Northern Scandinavia member.
{{NAPKINS Troper}}
Dried Peppercorns People Ensuring Pages Populated by English Reliably member.
{{PEPPER Troper}}
Fruit Platter People Letting All Trope Titles Exist Relishably member.
{{PLATTER Troper}}
Losalt tub Supporters of Additional Likenesses in Text member.
{{SALT Troper}}
Grapefruit spoon Society to Prevent Overly Original Names member.
{{SPOON Troper}}
Ptong Tropers Opposed to Negligent and Gratuitous Spoilers member.
{{TONGS Troper}}
Whisk Wonderful Humans' Insight Secures Koolness member.
{{WHISK Troper}}