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Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
Steal Your Square Icon This Troper is/was a Deadhead

{{Grateful Dead Troper}}
File:Phish logo.png This Troper Is a Phishhead.
{{Phishhead Troper}}
Lady Gaga - ARTPOP logo This Troper is a Little Monster
{{Lady Gaga Troper}}
Nine Inch Nails logo Nothing can stop me now.
{{Nine Inch Nails Troper}}
Spicegirlslogo This Troper is about Girl Power

{{Spice Girls Troper}}
Weirdal This Troper Listens to "Weird Al" Yankovic
{{Weird Al Yankovic Troper}}


Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
Amazon Music logo This Troper visits from
Amazon Music.
{{Amazon Music Troper}}
Deezer Icon This Troper listens to music on Deezer.

{{Deezer Troper}}
File:Demento drawing.jpg This Troper Gets Demented with Dr. Demento
{{Dr. Demento Troper}}
Play music triangle This Troper gets music from Google Play.
{{Google Play Music Troper}}
File:Soundcloud logo-550-310x310.png This Troper listens to music on SoundCloud.

{{SoundCloud Troper}}
Spotify logo with text This Troper Listens to music on Spotify.

{{Spotify Troper}}


Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
B.B. King, 2006-06-26 This Troper Listens to the Blues
{{Blues Troper}}
File:Chaphopicon.png This Troper Listens to Chap-Hop
{{Chap-Hop Troper}}
Johann Sebastian Bach This troper listens to Classical Music.

{{Classical Music Troper}}
Stetson cowboy hat 1950 This troper listens to Country Music.

{{Country Music Troper}}
File:Electroswing.png This Troper Listens to Electro Swing
{{Electro Swing Troper}}
Armenian Musicians This Troper Likes To Listen to Folk Music
{{Folk Music Troper}}
Philips SBC MD 110 This troper listens to Hip Hop music.
{{Hip Hop Music Troper}}
Odyssey3 This troper listens to House Music.
{{House Music Troper}}
File:Ayumi-Hamasaki-icon.jpg This troper listens to J-Pop music.
{{J-Pop Music Troper}}
325989 4610 This troper listens to Jazz music.

{{Jazz Music Troper}}
KYPCK- Jalometalli 2008 - 02 This troper listens to Heavy Metal music.
{{Metal Music Troper}}
Lisa Wohlgemuth This troper listens to Pop music.
{{Pop Music Troper}}
FGF museum 06. punk model This troper listens to Punk Rock music.
{{Punk Music Troper}}
Bob-Marley This Troper Listens to Reggae.
{{Reggae Troper}}
File:122px-The Temptations 1971.jpg This troper listens to R&B
{{Rhythm and Blues Troper}}
Jasanguitarcloseup This troper listens to Hard Rock music.
{{Rock Music Troper}}
EX This troper listens to Surf Rock music.

{{Surf Rock Music Troper}}
Tr909 This troper listens to Techno music.

{{Techno Music Troper}}
Poi circles This troper listens to Trance music.

{{Trance Music Troper}}