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These userboxes are for displaying your preferences concerning troping.

Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
Chat This troper can be found on #allthetropes

{{IRC Troper}}
Sandbox This troper likes to make use of sandbox pages.

{{Sandbox Troper}}
Chain (PSF) This troper likes to create wiki links.

{{Page Link Troper}}
Crystal Clear app kedit This troper likes to create new pages.

{{Creator Troper}}
trope This troper likes to edit Trope pages.

{{Trope Troper}}
work This troper likes to edit Work pages.

{{Work Troper}}
Toolbaricon quote This troper likes to edit Quotes subpages

{{Quotes Troper}}
Nuvola apps bug This troper likes to edit Headscratchers subpages.

{{Headscratchers Troper}}
File:Ayanami Rei 32px.png This troper likes to edit Laconic subpages.

{{Laconic Troper}}
Face-grin1 This troper likes to edit Funny Moments subpages

{{Funny Troper}}
Nyan-Cat-Original This troper lieks to edit Meme subpages

{{Memes Troper}}
Star-icon This troper likes to edit Awesome Moments subpages

{{Awesome Troper}}
Emblem-favorite This troper likes to edit Heartwarming Moments subpages.

{{Heartwarming Troper}}
Vista-kview This troper like to edit Image Links subpages.

{{Image Links Troper}}
Skull0 This trope likes to edit Nightmare Fuel subpages

{{Nightmare Fuel Troper}}
Magnifier This troper likes to edit Analysis subpages.

{{Analysis Troper}}
Rainbow This troper likes to edit Ho Yay subpages.

{{Ho Yay Troper}}
FilmRoll-small This troper likes to edit Recap subpages.

{{Recap Troper}}
Farm-Fresh balance This troper likes to edit YMMV subpages.

{{YMMV Troper}}
Transmit blue This troper likes to edit Radar subpages

{{Radar Troper}}
Haiku-wide-icon This troper likes to edit Haiku subpages

{{Haiku Troper}}
Icons-mini-icon extension This tropeer likes to edit Playing With subpages.

{{Playing With Troper}}
File:Tardis 2.png This troper likes to edit Wild Mass Guessing subpages.

{{WMG Troper}}
Incomplete list This troper likes editing Useful Notes pages.

{{Useful Notes Troper}}
Help-browser This troper likes to edit Trivia subpages.

{{Trivia Troper}}
Gota icono This troper likes to edit Tear Jerker subpages.

{{Tear Jerker Troper}}
Refridgerator This troper likes to edit Fridge subpages.

{{Fridge Troper}}
Group This troper likes to edit Characters subpages.

{{Character Troper}}
DW This troper likes to edit Darth Wiki pages.

{{Darth Wiki Troper}}
SW This troper likes to edit Sugar Wiki pages.

{{Sugar Wiki Troper}}
Nuvola apps package This troper likes to make userboxes.

{{Userbox Troper}}
Imbox style This troper likes neat and tidy pages.

{{Neat Troper}}
Pengreen1 This troper likes to turn Recent Changes green.

{{Page Green Troper}}
AddLinks This troper likes to make wiki links.

{{Link Troper}}
Redirect arrow without text This troper likes to create redirects.

{{Redirect Troper}}