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These userboxes are for displaying your WikiFauna identity.

Userbox Code to copy/paste to your user page
Basic WikiFauna
Poor little birdie teased by Richard Doyle This troper is a WikiElf.
{{WikiElf Troper}}
Noemie goldene zeiten berlin This troper is a WikiFairy.
{{WikiFairy Troper}}
WikiGnome This troper is a WikiGnome, don't mind me....
{{WikiGnome Troper}}
Frodo CSC pic cropped This troper is a WikiHobbit.
{{WikiHobbit Troper}}
WikiOgre2 Warning, WikiOgre coming through!
{{WikiOgre Troper}}
Troll mode 'on' pink I'm a WikiTroll, but only for some harmless laughs.
{{WikiTroll Troper}}
Expanded WikiFauna
Angel statue by Sleepwalker stock This troper is a WikiAngel.
{{WikiAngel Troper}}
File:Badger-2-(wikibadger).png This Troper is a wikiBadger and doesn't care.
Barbarian This Troper is a WikiBarbarian.
{{WikiBarbarian Troper}}
52bear This troper is a WikiBear.

{{WikiBear Troper}}
File:Bogeyman-(wikibogeyman).gif This Troper is a WikiBogeyman.

File:Bouncer.jpg This Troper is a WikiBouncer.
{{WikiBouncer Troper}}
Ragdoll cat Merlin 0733 This troper is a WikiCat.
{{WikiCat Troper}}
CharlesGreenwithPenguin This troper is a WikiChef

{{WikiChef Troper}}
SMirC-xmas Ho ho ho, tropers, I'm a WikiClaus!

{{WikiClaus Troper}}
File:Cyclops-sinbad-movie.png This troper is a WikiCyclops.

{{WikiCyclops Troper}}
File:Boreal-Chickadee-png.png This Troper is a WikiDee.
{{WikiDee Troper}}
Igdodo This troper is a WikiDodo

{{WikiDodo Troper}}
Nibelungendrache This troper is a WikiDragon.

{{WikiDragon Troper}}
File:Fili.png This Troper is a WikiDwarf.

{{WikiDwarf Troper}}
File:Philippine-Eage-png.png Swoop! This troper is a WikiEagle.

{{WikiEagle Troper}}
Fallen This troper was or sympathizes with the WikiFallen.

{{WikiFallen Troper}}
Template:WikiGiant Troper
{{WikiGiant Troper}}
Fedora hat I'm a WikiGoon, wiseguy. Don't youse be doing any vandaling on my terf.

{{WikiGoon Troper}}
BOT This troper has a WikiGremlin under their control.

{{WikiGremlin Troper}}
Gryphon This troper is a WikiGryphon.

{{WikiGryphon Troper}}
ModernDayHoser This troper is a WikiHunter.

{{WikiHunter Troper}}
Hybrid I'm a WikiHybrid. I trope like multiple WikiFauna.

{{WikiHybrid Troper}}
Diavolo bonaiuto2 This troper is a WikiImp.

{{WikiImp Troper}}
File:Jackal-png.png This troper is a WikiJackal.
{{WikiJackal Troper}}
File:Jaguar-png.png This troper is a WikiJaguar.

{{WikiJaguar Troper}}
File:Janitor (wikijanitor).jpg This Troper is a WikiJanitor.
{{WikiJanitor Troper}}
King Henry VII This troper is a WikiKing.

{{WikiKing Troper}}
Lolcat2-cropped This troper is a WikiKitten.

{{WikiKitten Troper}}
Rycerz This troper is a WikiKnight.

{{WikiKnight Troper}}
File:Komodo-Dragon-png.png This troper is a WikiKomodo.
{{WikiKomodo Troper}}
Colossal octopus by Pierre Denys de Montfort This troper is a WikiKraken.

{{WikiKraken Troper}}
Infanterie Regiment von Donop - officer and private 1783 This troper is a WikiMercenary.
{{WikiMercenary Troper}}
Wappen-maulbron This troper is a WikiMule.

{{WikiMule Troper}}
WikiOgre2 Warning, WikiOgre coming through!
{{WikiOgre Troper}}
WikiOtter This troper is a WikiOtter.

{{WikiOtter Troper}}
HK Ocean Park 熊貓山 Panda Mountain 竹葉 Bamboo leave in use as food Munch, munch, this troper is a WikiPanda.
{{WikiPanda Troper}}
Pfau links This troper is a WikiPeacock.

{{WikiPeacock Troper}}
Platypus-sketch This troper is a WikiPlatypus.

{{WikiPlatypus Troper}}
Policeman-icon This troper is a member of the WikiPolice.

{{WikiPolice Troper}}
File:Common-Potoo-PNG.png This troper is a WikiPotoo
{{WikiPotoo Troper}}
Elisabeth Albertine von Anhalt-Dessau 1 This troper is a WikiPrincess.

{{WikiPrincess Troper}}
PumaNov06small This troper is a WikiPuma.

{{WikiPuma Troper}}
Chiotgolden This troper is a WikiPuppy.

{{WikiPuppy Troper}}
Ruzaccho This troper is a WikiRabbit.

{{WikiRabbit Troper}}
The death This troper is a WikiReaper.

{{WikiReaper Troper}}
File:Roadrunner 2.png This Troper is a WikiRoadrunner. Beep, Beep!
Tiger Shark "CHOMP!" This Troper is a WikiShark.

{{WikiShark Troper}}
Sloth cartoon This troper is a WikiSloth.

{{WikiPuma Troper}}
SMirC-vamp This troper is a WikiVampire

{{WikiVampire Troper}}
File:Warlock.png This Troper is a WikiWarlock.

{{WikiWarlock Troper}}
Weasel head This troper is a WikiWeasel.

{{WikiWeasel Troper}}
WikiWizard White This troper is a WikiWitch.

{{WikiWitch Troper}}
Magic Wand This troper is a WikiWizard.

{{WikiWizard Troper}}
Maned Wolf Pup Image 001 This troper is a WikiWolfcub

{{WikiWolfcub Troper}}
File:Last-of-Us-2-zombie.png This troper is a WikiZombie.

{{WikiZombie Troper}}