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A Portmanteau is a new word formed by joining two others in a creative way and combining their meanings. So, naturally, a Tropemanteau is a trope with a name that contains a portmanteau.
They generally make up in fun what they lack in Wiki Wordiness. Some of them are made up Just for Pun. A few of them (marked with "♦") come from Real Life.
- Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder = Absence makes the heart grow fonder + go yonder.
- Acrofatic = Acrobatic + fat
- Addiction Displacement = Adaptation Displacement + addiction
- Adorkable = Adorable + dork
- Adipose Rex = Adipose + Oedipus Rex
- Administrivia = Administration + Trivia ♦
- Aerith and Bob = Aerith + Alice and Bob
- Aesoptinum = Aesop + Phlebotinum
- Affirmative Action Girl = affirmative action + Action Girl
- The All-Seeing AI = the all-seeing eye + AI
- Ambadassador = Ambassador + Badass
- Ancient Grome = Ancient Greece + Rome
- Angrish = Anger + Gibberish or Anger + Engrish
- Anvilicious = Anvil + Delicious (or Malicious, depending on who you ask)
- Bifauxnen = Bishonen + Faux
- Bizarrchitecture = Bizarre + Architecture
- Blaxploitation = Black + Exploitation ♦
- Blipvert = Blip + Advert
- Critical Status Buff = Critical status + Status Buff
- Cosplay = Costume + Play (or Roleplay) ♦
- Crunchtastic = Crunch + Fantastic
- Dashed Plotline = Dashed line + Plotline
- Determinator = Determined + Terminator
- Dissimile = Dissimilar + Simile
- Dramedy = Drama + Comedy
- Dubtitle = Dub + Subtitle ♦
- Expospeak = Exposition + Speak
- Eyedscreen = Eye + Widescreen
- Fanfic = Fan + Fiction ♦
- Fanon = Fan + Canon ♦
- Fauxlosophic Narration = Faux + Philosophic Narration
- Fauxtastic Voyage = Faux + Fantastic Voyage
- Fauxtivational Poster = Faux + Motivational Poster
- Femme Fatalons = Femme Fatale + Talons
- Fictionary = Fiction + Dictionary
- Freemium = Free + Premium
- Gayngst = Gay + Angst
- Gaijinja = Gaijin + Ninja
- Gasshole = Gas + Asshole
- Gorn = Gore + Porn
- The Great Whodini = The Great Houdini + Who
- Heavy Mithril = Heavy Metal + Mithril
- Hellevator = Hell + Elevator
- Implonkus = Impetus + Plonk
- Idiosyncrazy = Idiosyncrasy + Crazy
- Kamehame Hadoken = Kamehameha + Hadoken
- Kevlard = Kevlar + lard
- Kidanova = Kid + Casanova
- Kissgusting = Kiss + Disgusting
- Machinima = Machine + Cinema (or Animation) ♦
- Mary Suetopia = Mary Sue + Utopia
- Mayincatec = Maya + Inca + Aztec
- Metaphorgotten = Metaphor + Forgotten
- Metroidvania = Metroid + Castlevania
- Mundanger = Mundane + Danger
- NameDar = Name + Radar
- Narm = Numb + Arm
- Nay Theist = Nay + Atheist
- Necromantic = Necromancer + Romantic
- Oxbridge = University of Oxford + University of Cambridge ♦
- Placebotinum = Placebo + Phlebotinum
- Princess Classic = Princess + Coca Cola Classic
- Psycho Electric Eel = Psycho Electro + Electric Eels
- Retirony = Retirement + Irony
- Retraux = Retro + Faux
- Robeast = Robot + Beast
- Sabotutor = Saboteur + Tutor
- Scanlation = Scan + Translation ♦
- Scenery Gorn = Scenery Porn + Gorn
- Scotireland = Scotland + Ireland
- Snowlems = Snow + Golems
- Spexico = Spain + Mexico
- Spin Offspring = Spin Off + Offspring
- Squick = Squeamish + Ick
- Sue Donym = Sue + Pseudonym
- Stripperiffic = Stripper + Terrific
- Tropemanteau = Trope + Portmanteau
- Twincest = Twin + Incest
- Wangst = Wank (or Whiny or Wang) + Angst