This a Just For Fun page |
This is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek approach to certain tropes that will never be agreed upon by the community, either due to being absolutely universal, pointless, far too subjective, Complaining About Shows You Don't Like, or The Same but More.
Compare Lousy Alternate Titles for titles that will never happen.
Too Universal / People Sit on Chairs[]
- Tropes That Will Happen
- Walking Through A Doorway - Seen It a Million Times and Truth in Television
- Breathing Oxygen - So much so that aversions and subversions have become tropes in their own right.
- Two Objects Cannot Be In One Place (and its inversion...And no, Teleporter Accidents do not count,)
- One Object Cannot Be In Two Places
- Also subverted by Quantum Mechanics.
- Only in the Copenhagen interpretation, there are other interpretations where a something only is at one place a time[1]
- Sure it can. It just will be in two pieces.
- Also subverted by Quantum Mechanics.
- Time Always Moves Forward
- Really?
- How time moves and how you move through it are not the same thing.
- Shouldn't belong here, methinks.
- How time moves and how you move through it are not the same thing.
- Some scientists, philosophers, and religious individuals strongly disagree.
- Really?
- Guy Looks Like A Dude
- Gal Looks Like A Chick
- Small And Completely Inconsequential Bugs (like sprite flickering)
- Three-Dimensional Euclidean Geometry
- Subverted by General Relativity.
- Further subverted by string theory.
- The Word "The" (except in Spell My Name with a "The")
- Didnt Get The Call, Didn't Find the Call, Couldn't Care Less About The Call
- and its subtrope, Didn't Get The Call And Really Are Just As Happy About It; Happier, Maybe.
- The Call Doesn't Want To Contact You And You Don't Really Want To Be Contacted Either And Later The Call Calls Someone Who Wants To Be Called
- The Bad Guy Fails
- The Bad Guy Dies, with subtrope Disney Villain Death
- The Bad Guy Fails High School
- The Bad Guy Fails Physics Forever
- Really As Old As They Look
- and its sister trope, Really As Young As They Look.
- Porn With Porn
- Plot With Plot
- Moderately Hard Difficulty
- Steam, of a non-gaming platform AND non-punk kind.
- I'll be surprised if there isn't a trope about steam vents as obstacles in games.
- Windmills Actually Do Work That Way
- Everyday Clothing
- It'd be a supertrope of Not Wearing Tights (for superheroes) and Custom Uniform (for plain clothes detectives).
- Pressing the Start Button
- Two People Who Do Not Meet And Who Are Not In Love
- The Slapwankles Tetra-Inversion Principle:
Tom Siddell: It's when a character says something to another character in a story, and then later a different character says a thing that has nothing to do with that other thing. |
- Eating Food
- Nose
- We have tropes for exaggerations (Gag Nose) and aversions (The Noseless).
- List Of Series That Have Characters
- All Writers Are Literate
- Aversion: My Immortal
- Functionally literate.
- Fghk ghk hgkjblj hj bghjkbk?
- Functionally literate.
- Unless they dictate into a recorder over Columbus Day weekend instead.
- Most Writers Are Literate
- Aversion: My Immortal
- Talking Humans -or- Opening That Giant Hole In Your Face And Having Words And Sounds Come Out
- Played with in various ways: The Speechless, The Voiceless, and The Unintelligible.
- Call a Rabbit a Rabbit
- Call a Smeerp a Smeerp
- A Horse Of A Color
- That Dog Has Fleas!
- People Who Can Spell Their Own Names
- Flip A Switch, The Light Comes On
- Subverted in power cuts
- Use Of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Matter -or- Materials Made Of Atoms
- Subverted with various degenerate states of matter.
- Is light a wave or a particle?
- Averted in Cyberspace.
- Standing On A Planet
- Averted in works set on Generation Ships.
- I Have A Face
- Subverted by Mel Gibson?
- Invoked in cases of My Eyes Are Up Here.
- Women Have Boobs
- Keep Abreast of This Index?
- In Real Life, Women Don't Look Like Anime
- NOOOO! Say it's not so!
- In Real Life, Women Don't Look Like Anime
- A-hem.
- Not really, they still have boobs. Only... not as... common.
- You're also forgetting trans women who have not/will not get breast implants or hormone therapy.
- Keep Abreast of This Index?
- Moving
- Blinking
- Eye Tropes has a few, but not Once For Yes, Twice For No.
- Existing
- Combustion Fuel
- Zoidberg Fuel
- Combustion Fuel as a MacGuffin
- My Lower Body From My Waist To My Ankles In My Pants
- I've got two legs from my hips to the ground...
- He got feet down below his knees..
- Aversions include some examples of Inspirationally Disadvantaged, Sorry, Billy, But You Just Don't Have Legs, and Bizarre Alien Locomotion.
- Person Who Is Moderately Attractive
- Mediocrity Sue
- Realistically Flawed Sue
- Lawsuit Sue
- Runaround Sue
- The Fred
- That's what you think.
- Precedent: Jack Attack was cut.
- Gravity
- Inverted in I Wanna Be the Guy.
- Zig-zagged in VVVVVV and in Mega Man 5.
- It might make an index, given all the related tropes in the lead of Artificial Gravity.
- Gravity Is Not A Seamstress, Harsh Or Otherwise
- Adrenaline Brigade Bait
- See Nightmare Fuel.
- Dopamine Brigade Bait
- We do have Melatonin Brigade Bait, Insulin Brigade Bait, and Serotonin Brigade Bait.
- SOS Brigade Bait
- Endorphin Brigade Bait
- Triiodothyronine Brigade Bait
- A Creator Announces That It Will Release A Work, Then Later The Work Is Released
- Double subverted with Duke Nukem Forever and anything else Uncanceled.
- Imagination Writes The Plot
- Smarter than Ralph Wiggum
- Dumber than Einstein
- Movement
- Inertia
- I Know The Limits of My Own Abilities
- Bog-Standard Protagonist
- Plain As A Pikestaff
- Touching an Item with Any Part Of The Character Or Machine Results of it Being Picked up in Video Games
- Subverted by I Wanna Be the Guy: "YOU JUMPED ONTO A SWORD! YOU RETARD!"
- Subverted by most RPGs—you have to push a button to pick things up.
- If I Set This Match Alight, It May Burn
- Older Than Fusion Power
- If TV Tropes lasts another 20 years, I'll make you eat your words.
- The Sun would like a word with you, as would its many older cousins. So, how about Newer Than Fusion Power?
- Older Than Faster-Than-Light Travel
- Both could have in-universe examples.
- Older Than Time Travel
- Older Than Things That Are Younger Than It
- Dead Historical Figures
- People Who Aren't Dead
- Feed the Dog
- Evil Is Not Good
- Tropes That Have Already Happened
- Works That Have An Author
- Works That Don't Exist Because The Person Destined to Become Their Author Decided To Become A Postman Instead
- Dream has a library full of these.
- Works That Don't Exist Because The Person Destined to Become Their Author Decided To Become A Postman Instead
- All First-Person Games Include Killing
- Banned In North Korean Concentration Camps
- Most Women Are Female
- Older Than Something That Came After It
- Younger Than Something That Came After It
- Possible in real life thanks to special relativity.
- Younger Than Something That Came After It
- Memes That Failed To Catch On
- In a sense, Dino Riders; didn't catch on as a series, but did later become a meme.
- Forced Meme, perhaps?
- Even The Guys Want Her
- Even The Girls Want Him
- Everybody Has Lots of Something
- Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me
- Space Has Stars
- Unreliable Reliable Narrator (How to explain the Third Person Limited point of view.)
- Vaguely Similar To What It Says On The Tin
- Physical Dog
- Jerkdick
- Winnable By Design
- Words With Spaces Between Them
- Letters With Tiny Spaces Between Them
- ...And/Or Visual Representations And/Or Sound
- Crowning Moment Of Jimmy Olsen Getting Superpowers Only To Have Them Vanish At The End Of The Issue
- Take a shot.
- Twenty Four Hour Superpowers
- Acting For One
- Tropes It Didn't Use
- Didn't Use All Possible Existing Tropes
- Did Use All Possible Existing Tropes (this does belong in a different section, but it relates nicely.)
- Didn't Use All Possible Existing Tropes
- The Sky is Blue
- Except sometimes, when it's an Alien Sky.
- Carbon Based Terrestrial Lifeforms
- Anterograde Motion
- Beware The Obviously Evil Ones
- Incomplete Monster
- When a monster feels psychologically incomplete because he derives no joy from doing the "monstery" things associated with his race, it's My Species Doth Protest Too Much.
- Politicians that Lie: Cited as an example of something that might be too PSOC to trope.
- All Dogs Are Animals
- Water Is Not Air
- Americans Speaking English
- Barely, especially one's Immigrant Parents
- English Speaking English
- Also barely, with some accents, especially Geordie
- Fiction Artists Have No Sense Of Light Pollution
- Caused by Reality Is Unrealistic, The Coconut Effect (if it's night, the stars should out) or Rule of Cool.
- Tuning A Tuning Fork
- This is done with a tuning fork tuning fork, which has to be tuned with a tuning fork tuning fork tuning fork.
- Toenail Cutting
- Cut Toe Nailing
- Is it the same as toenail breaking?
- A Story With Tropes
- The opposite of The Tropeless Tale
- Exaggerated when it's Troperiffic.
- If I'm Still Breathing, It's Okay
- People Brushing Their Teeth
- Guy On Girl Is Hot
- Guy On Girl Is Het
- Guy In Girl Is Het
- Would this be People Sit on Chairs for porn?
- Zeno's RPG - An RPG where leveling goes briskly in the beginning until finally slowing down to a crawl.
- Zeno's MMORPG
- Zeno's FPS (the bullets never quite reach their targets).
- This Index Is An Example - basically all trope namers that are examples.
- Money For Something
- And Chicks For Time, Money, Care, Love And A Sense Of Humour, (Or For Being A Bastard).
- Intelligent Enough to Live
- Writers Write The Plot
- Except in cases of Real Life Writes the Plot, Executive Meddling, Dub-Induced Plot Hole (Translators Miswrite The Plot), Wag the Director and surely others.
- Second Life Writes The Plot
- People Use Umbrellas When It Rains
- Only averted by natives of Seattle.
- Shining Yellow Orb In The Sky
- Averted by sunset and by any story taking place IN SPACE.
- Children Are Smaller Than Adults
- Exaggerated as Teens Are Short and Pint-Sized Kid
- Children Are Younger Than Adults
- The Alien is An Alien
- Unless naturalized
- The Man Who Had A Cough And It's Just A Cough And He's Fine
- I Did What I Didn't Really Have To Do, But Really Wanted To
- One Game for the Price of One
- Greetings!
- Censorship
- Sensorship
- Censor-shipping: when Moral Guardians meet and fall in love.
- Heroes Vs. Villains
- Animesque/Anime and Manga
- Liminal Advertising
- Truly Normal Animal
- Evil Is Not Nice
- Spell My Name With A Letter
- Briefly subverted by Prince.
- Real Trailer Real Movie
- Fate Better Than Death
- Ordinary-Sized Regular Flea From Nowhere
- Ordinary-Sized Regular Flea From Somewhere
- Ordinary-Sized Regular Fleas From Everywhere
- Everyone Wears Underwear
- aversions include going commando.
- It's Terrible, Now It Sucks.
- Absurdly Low Stakes Game
- That might happen.
"Alright, I see your quarter and raise you a stick of gum." |
- Every Pinto Is A Car
- Unless it's a horse or a bean.
- So Ugly, It's A Curse
- Potty Success
- Do we have a trope for the feeling of incredible relief when you make it to the toilet just in time?
- Possible, But Quite Hard To Pull Off
- Within The Possible
- Rape Is Okay When It's Not Done At All
- Rape Isn't Okay At All
- Someone Helping You Learn Your New Power
- Regular-Ass Normal
- His Name Isn't Really Barkeep
- First Person Person
- Monoglot
- Reality Ensues/Real Life
- Crack Is More Expensive
- Orthodox Reload
- Orthodoxy: Reloaded
Too Obscure/Bizarre[]
- Bile Fornication
- Falafel Good, Falafel Neutral, and Falafel Evil
- Mundanely Inept Attempt At In-Universe Wordplay That Results In Scorn From His Fellows.
- Incredibly Lame Gun
- People Sit On Spikes
- One Fabio Limit
- The limit of Mr. Fanservice characters that can be used in a series?
- One Ed Limit
- Fifteen Steves Limit
- Crowning Moment of Heartworming
- At least, let's hope not.
- Face Worse Than Death
- Why Don't You Send Me Flowers Any More? When Did You Start Sending Me Flowers? Who Are You? What Are You Doing In My House? Get Out Before I Report You To The Police.
- Mind Chastity
- Malensky Trifle
- The Walrus Was Not Paul
- The Walrus Was John All Along
- The Walrus was Cab Calloway
- The Taxman Was George
- This Boy Was Ringo
- The Ocean Child Was Yoko
- Hey Jude Was Julian
- Sadie Was The Maharishi
- The Nowhere Man Was Jeremy
- The Nowhere Man Was Jeremy Clarkson
- The Walrus Was Rotor and the Eggman Was Dr. Robotnik
- The Walrus Was Jamie
- Green Eggs And Ham Is A Harsh Mistress
- You Are Watching Big Brother
- In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You
- Could go one of two ways: fan of "reality" series likeBig Brother, or who watches the watchers?
- So Good It's Bad
- Awesomeness Withdrawal, where you hate something for being so awesome...and then it ends.
- This was what the Doug Walker actually said about Spirited Away. His justification? "I'm jealous of it!"
- Springtime for Hitler
- Show Within a Show Within A Show Within A Show Within A...
- Yeah, yeah, we need to go deeper, etc, etc.
- Show Within A Soap Within A Show Within A Soap Within A Show Within A Soap Within A Show Within A Nested Story (Within A...)
- Something like that happens in Darths and Droids in fact.
- Oops, I Forgot To Use The Condom/Vasectomy
- Cheaper By the Dozen, of the "turns out vasectomies aren't instantly effective variety.
- You Fail Staying Alive Forever
- Also falls under too broad, as it applies to, well...
- You Fail "Staying Alive" Forever
- Too Dumb to Live
- List of Series That Don't Use Tropes
- This might work...
- The Tropeless Tale
- The Thing With That Guy: You know, that thing. Seen It A Million Times.
- Girl on Girl is Shot
- Girl on barbecue is hot
- Girl on Lunch Break is Hot
- Girl on Crack is Hot
- Girl on Girl I Shot?
- Sounds like Death by Sex with lesbians!
- Dying Without Any Special Add Ons Bonuses Or Other Unique Or Cliched Stuff
- Wouldn't that be a form of Reality Ensues?
- No, it's a subtrope of Sometimes You Don't Win A Game.
- Wouldn't that be a form of Reality Ensues?
- Good Is Tactically and Technically Efficient
- There really needs to be a trope where this is inverted.
- Everything's Better With Buttered Shark Fins
- Shark sandwiches are!
- Tulip Immunity
- No Manga Author Is In Any Way A Raging Pervert
- All Novelists Are Sane
- For a given value of sane.
- Ass Jerk
- Monolingual Bonus
- Nothing Going Wrong Ever
- Sounds related to God Mode Sue.
- Or a subtrope of a famous one.
- One Or Two Things Going Wrong In A Manageable Way
- Your Cousins as a Gateway Drug.
- Least Common Superpower: A power that only one character has, for a few seconds, after which it's taken from him and no one ever has that power again. Not even in other stories, films, or books.
- Not the opposite of Most Common Superpower?
- UnDead Baby Comedy
- Someone has never seen Braindead.
- Immortal Baby Comedy
- Or the Dawn of the Dead remake.
- Immoral Baby Comedy
- Perfectly Healthy Baby Comedy
- Eh, Rugrats?
- 100% Apathy Rating.
- I was going to do this one but I just didn't care enough.
- Modern politics rapidly approaching this trope; collision imminent.
- 86.5% Approval Rating
- OVERNINETHOUSAND Percent Approval Rating
- 0% Percent Approval of Raping
- 147.964% Disapproval Salad
- World Without Strawmen - aka Utopia
- World Without A Strawman
- The Death Of Strawman
- Straw Straw Man
- Like accusing someone of using a Strawman as part of your Strawman?
- Yo dawg...
- Jesus and Mo gives us a Straw Straw Strawman
- Like accusing someone of using a Strawman as part of your Strawman?
- Straw Nazist
- Kill Your Strawman With Fire
- Is It Just Me Or Does This Smell Of Cheese?
- Prologue In My Pants
- Shiny Inventive Term That Plays With Words In Your Pants
- Epilouge In My Pants, Monolouge In My Pants, Soliliquy In My Pants, Rap In My Pants, Sibilance In My Pants, Alligator In My Pants...
- Retreating Wall Of Shyness
- What about this xkcd?
- Non-Moving Wall of Non-Sentience
- Show Us On The Doll Where The Vorlons Touched You
- Bitchslapped By Vorlons
- Sounds like Cursed with Awesome to me.
- Stared At Creepily By Vorlons
- The Sound Of One Hand Fapping
- I Put On My Robe And Leather Pants
- List Of Series That Use The Word "Agjitushygutisjghvnudagvjhvsufgisiglzhvciuxzgraif"
- The only reason this will never be a Trope is because the current list totals some 1,200,402 entries.
- Cthulhu Sue: Pronounced Clu-loo Sue, this Trope takes the worst aspects of Mary Sue and increases it to such a level that it becomes a metaphoric cosmic horror in its own right.
- The True Fae.
- We already have this.
- How is Cthulsue not entirely possible?
- Chainsaw Neutral, Chainsaw Evil
- И, Just И
- This would be a good alternate name for The Backwards R, actually.
- But impossible to search.
- You are weak.
- But impossible to search.
- This would be a good alternate name for The Backwards R, actually.
- Second Person Person
- A lot of people do this occasionally. You've probably told yourself "Okay, you can do this!" at least once in your life.
- Draco In Leather Depends
- Our Water Is Different
- Played straight in Riven.
- Doctor Who episode The Waters of Mars
- Eleventh Hour had Mineral water that was Heavy Water - looked the same, non-radioactive, would cause damage similar to radiation poisoning if drank (D2O is not compatible with human anatomy.) In reality, heavy water isn't especially toxic to humans compared to other substances, but you probably still wouldn't want to chug a glass of it.
- Floating Water
- Water Is Air
- Our Vampires Are Different When Convenient
- Informed Attribute?
- Twilight?
- I thought that was Our Vampires Suck.
- Our Differences Are Different In A Different Way
- Would probably fit under Department of Redundancy Department.
- Non-Self-Demonstrating Trope
- Not Demonstrable Trope
- Xanatos Masturbation
- You Fail Astrozoology Forever
- "Never" is a bit harsh.
- You fail Theoretical Xenobiology Forever.
- Following Avatar, how do we not have this?
- You Fail Digestion Forever
- Someone's obviously never been to a voraphilia website.
- You mean it doesn't work like that?
- Someone's obviously never been to a voraphilia website.
- You Fail The Evil Overlord Forever
- Giant Flying Puppet Socks That Like Cold Breakfast Cereal
- Xanatos Restful Weekend With No Plans
- Xanatos Can't Win
- Gambit Pileup Piplup
- Xanatos Poker
- You Fail Biology For A Short Period Of Time
- Given how quickly biological Science Marches On, surely someone who Did Not Do the Research got lucky and was later proven right.
- I Have The Power Supreme
- Names To Icecar Away From Really Fast
- You Pass Biology But Your Grades Are Not Good Enough For Your Parents To Get You A Car Like They Promised
- List Of Writers Who Are Neither Male, Adults, Human Nor Writers
- My Immortal
- List Of Writers Who Are Eldritch Abominations
- Low Calorie Diet Sugar Wiki
- No Added Sugar Wiki
- Nutrasweet Wiki
- This Is Xanatos On Drugs
- This desperately needs to be an actual work.
- Everything's Better With Ham-Flavored Jell-O
- This Non-Troper
- Tropes Are Not Neutral
- Nothing Material Or Immaterial Exists, Has Ever Existed, Or Ever Will Exist Anywhere, Anytime And In Any Sense
- TV Tropes Will Begin Your Life (i.e., will conceive and give birth to you)
- What if two people have sex and conceive while reading TV Tropes, as a direct result of reading TV Tropes?
- TV Tropes Will End Your Life
- TV Tropes will make you wealthy and successful.
- What if a Troper becomes or is a successful, critically acclaimed writer?
- Cool Tricycle
- Badass Unicycle of Doom
- Demolishor, Revenge of the Fallen, robot mode.
- Homestuck: Unireal Air.
- Actually, I thought Crumplezone was cool..
- Badass Unicycle of Doom
- Yandere meets Yandere
- Again, desperately needs to be an actual work.
- Degrassi the Next Generation, Peter/Emma/Sean love triangle.
- Again, desperately needs to be an actual work.
- Bryozoomorphic Personification
- A Nonexistent Trope That Is Very Common Throughout Non-Fiction
- People Get Minor Illnesses and Aren't Really Inconvenienced by Them
- Audience Surrogate Bait and Switch
- That might be a form of Tomato Surprise
- Cholecystokinin Brigade Bait
- Cool Middle-Aged Guy.
- Cocytus Counterpart - Any frozen lake deliberately used to underscore characters betraying each other.
- Saccharinecrap World - A seemingly dark or grim world/land that is actually great place to live.
- Dark Is Not Evil, applied to places?
- We got A Hell of a Time. Does that work?
- Ate The Call
- Stalker with a Crush Couple
- This actually happens in the Meg Ryan movie Addicted to Love, where two people stalking their exes (who are seeing each other) fall in love.
- Villainous Breakdance
- Candle Jackoff
- Except you'll never get to fini
- You No Take Candle Jackoff!
- Except you'll never get to fini
- Fifth Human Hybrids
- Chickwithadickification
- ...Have you been on the internet? Like, anywhere?!
- Dude Looks Like a Labia
- Our Placozoa Are Different
- Complete Monstera
- Complete Human
- Sliding Scale Of Rwandan Animation Obscurity
- Fanwork that Caused Bankruptcy
- You Fail the Feven Feas Forever
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Physical Godhood, Anyway?
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Lameness, Anyway?
- What Kind Of Incredibly Lame Pun Is Heart On Anyway
- Chickenification
- Samurai Jack anyone?
- Jack Chickification
- BC could probably qualify.
- Violence Jack Chick
- Samurai Jack Chick
- Candle Jack Chi
- Spell My Name With A Squiggly Line
- In languages with tildes, there are names that are required to be spelled with squiggly lines. Like João, for example (Portuguese version of John).
- Would The Artist Formerly Known As Prince count, or is he closer to Spell My Name With A Bizarre Sigil?
- Dramatic Drizzle
- Gainax Beginning
- Does Gurren Lagann ring a bell?
- Early Installment Weirdness
- Mario Party Games Have Good AI
- Rape Is Funny When Its Hermaphrodite On Male
- Jumped At The Call But Hit The Ceiling And Knocked Yourself Unconscious
- Five-Point Landing
- Nul Point Landing
- Draco in Assless Chaps
- Everything's Better With Sparks
- Girl Genius would be a lot less interesting without them. Though Othar Tryggvasen would disagree.
- Base Low Quality Sticky Taper
- This
- That
- It
- Those
- These
- This Trope Statement Is False
- Absurdly Blunt Blade
- Was used already. Starlight and Shadows, for one.
- Blades can become absurdly blunt.
- Femalevolent Architecture
- If the architects were Straw Feminists, many buildings would be like that.
- It's filled with Death Traps that only the present of men (or women?) sets off.
- What A Sensible Waste Of Human Life
- List Of Shows That Demonstrate Successful Ways Of Violating The First Law of Thermodynamics
- Insecurity Tuning Fork - A tuning fork which appears over character's hand when the character feels insecure.
- That sounds like a really good (and easily grasped) visual metaphor, like Idea Bulb.
- Screw The Rules, I Have Honey
- Save the Girl Screw The World (assuming that saving the world is some sort of duty)
- Screw The Rules, I Have Potato Salad With Tacos!
- But You Screw One Rule
- Whippet Good
- Drone Ambient Digging Kid
- Word Of Satan
- Things said about a show by the archnemesis of the creator?
- Did You Just Punch Out A Baby?
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out A Baby
- Did A Baby Just Punch You Out?
- Spin Dash
- Reinforced Trope - When a trope is reconstructed before it is deconstructed.
- So Cool Its Horrible
- Crowning Moment Of Non-Caring.
- Shock Sites Are Impressive
- Grenade Ass Shove
- Nailgun Emasculation
- Castration By Grass
- Death By USB Stick
- Death By Shiny Floating Space Hole
- Spontaneous Torso Explosion
- Ludicrous Gibs, or being shot with the BFG.
- Self Remonstrating Article
- Anything that doesn't move(Or isn't alive)
- Death By Birth (Not Death by Childbirth. It's when YOU die, BY being born.)
- People Die After They Are Born
- It'd probably be a supertrope of Convenient Miscarriage.
- I Tried Being A Monster, But Come On, Everyone Experiments In College
- Kneel Before Zoidberg
- Gratuitous Etruskian
- A Little Something We Call Antidisestablishmentarianism
- Taste Your Solid Acid - Solid Acid Cannons
- Quadruple Issue Wonk
- Strawman Sue
- Heel Heel Turn: When a villain switches sides to become a different kind of villain.
- Face Face Turn: When a hero switches sides to become a different kind of hero.
- Toe Heel Turn: when a character spins gracefully on one foot but falls out of the turn onto their heel and stumbles awkwardly, though sometimes the judges decide to credit such a move as a D with execution deductions anyway because they like the Americans and the Russians but not the Chinese.
- Heel Ass Turn: When a villain stops being a villain, but is still a Jerkass.
- Fluffy Cloud Hell
- Fragile Flower Couple
- Twice Shy, if one (or both) gets over their shyness and asks the other person out.
- Immortal Horse Trope
- Perfectly Healthy Horse Trope
- Real Men Wear Panties And A Bra
- Real Men Have Breasts
- Real Men Are Women
- Like lumberjacks, who are OK.
- Real Men Have Breasts
- Sucky Moment of Dethroning
- Happens at the start of nearly every Fire Emblem.
- Refictionalization - when something is Defictionalized, but then people realize it sucks and it becomes fictional again.
- He Who Fights He Who Fights Monsters
- He Who Fights Hipsters
- Stilt-Man Immunity
- World Of Fragile Flower
- Camp Asexual
- Bury Your Heterosexuals
- Eat Your Heterosexuals
- We Chose A Form You Are Uncomfortable With Because We Are, How Do You Say It, A Dick
- We Chose A Form You Can't Comprehend
- Mistaken For Starfish Alien
- Defending Shows You Haven't Watched
- People Shit On Chairs
- Yaw Attack
- This Loser Is Me
- Called Self-Deprecating Humor.
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Knife
- Throwing Your Head Always Works
- Heartwarming Moments / Hip Hop Locos
- Fade To Beige
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Wife
- Good Is Not Good
- Boring Invisible Hero
- Action Transsexualism
- Token Transsexualism
- Attack Of The Five Foot Whatever
- Fifty Steve Limit
- Hey It's That Gun
- Evil Does Not Understand Basic Arithmatic
- You Fail Failing to Fail Failing Failure by Failing to Fail at Failing Failure Forever
- Speed Equals Shyness
- Farmers Always Wear Glasses
- A Man Has A Y Chromosome
- Except when he doesn't. (See XX Male Syndrome)
- Tropers That Will Never Happen
- Exactly What It Says In The Fine Print On The Packing Slip
- Brought Down To Physical God
- Genius Penalty
- Monkeys With Typewriters Write The Plot
- Take Away My Brown Pants
- Call a Rabbit a Smurf
- Fan Nonfic
- Headphones Equal Physic Powers and Abnormal Eating Habits.
- Dropped A Dr. Octagonapus On Him
- Jumping Off The Slippery Soap
- Back-to-Back Fatasses
- To The Batadjective!
- To The Bat Verb!
- To the Bat Adverb!
- To The Bat Preposition!
- To the Bat Interjection!
- To The Bat Gerund!
- Curves in All the Wrong Places
- In the Future We Still Have Rhubarb
Too Specific[]
- You Fail Disco Forever
- Disco Fails Forever[3]
- Disco Has Failed You (Forever)
- The Cheating Bastard is a Computer
- Boy Eats Girl
- Vore fetish in a nutshell
- The inverse is more common.
- There actually is a movie called this.
- Vore fetish in a nutshell
- Boy Meets Robot Girl. Boy Loses Robot Girl. Boy Builds New Robot Girl From Spare Parts.
- This happened sort of on My Life as a Teenage Robot and more closely on Futurama, although Leela was never a robot.
- In fairness, this is probably what would have happened if The Sarah Connor Chronicles had gotten a third season.
- Droid meets droid, droid becomes chameleon, droid loses chameleon, chameleon becomes blob, droid gets blob back again, blob meets blob, blob runs away with blob and droid loses blob, chameleon and droid!
- Antidisestablishmentarianism Does Not Work That Way
- The Password Is Always "W./#K|&c~`3"
- Dammit, now I have to change my password again.
- Only One Person Knows The Password And He Didn't Write It Down Anywhere.
- ...Hey, this might actually work.
- The Password Is Changed Weekly
- WarGames had this for the school computer system.
- Two words: Harry Potter. Frequently more often.
- Used in adventure games to justify the protagonist finding a note with a password on it.
- The Password Is Always Coelacanth
- Ferris Bueller's Two Week Sick Leave
- Watching Paint Dry
- Classic, tropable catch phrase.
- Watching Grass Grow
- Watching Paint Grow
- Watching Grass Dry: When people are underwhelmed by or cynical towards the beauty of a sunrise.
- People Who Are Dead Inside
- People Who Are Dead Outside
- Should be 'Too Universal' since almost everyone is covered by dead skin cells.
- Wouldn't be as funny there. :P
- Should be 'Too Universal' since almost everyone is covered by dead skin cells.
- People Who Are Dead Outside
- Watching Grass Grow
- Classic, tropable catch phrase.
- Jumped On The Caller
- The Character That Is Never Mentioned, Hinted At, Or Relevant To The Plot In Any Way, Shape, Or Form
- Sir Not Appearing on the Trope Page?
- You Know, That Non-Entity Where...
- Sir Not Appearing on the Trope Page?
- You Can Argue With Elves And Prove Your Point.
- Screw You, Elves!
- Fuck Your Elves!
- You Can Sit Down And Have A Nice Calm Discussion With Elves
- Trying To Argue With Elves While Watching Them Bathe
- that's the trope Elminster in Myth Drannor is built upon...
- Sliding Scale Of Sepia - an index of tropes dedicated to the tint of the film the director chooses to shoot on.
- This might not be a bad idea, especially as a way of quantifying Real Is Brown.
- Cassandra Was Wrong And The Truth Isn't Out There
- The Political Leader That Everyone Likes, Always Does Right, And Isn't Secretly Satan, God And/Or The Antichrist
- Real Life doesn't even have any of these.
- For a given value of "everyone": Optimus Prime.
- And for a given value of "political".
- The Jellyman from Jasper Fforde's Nursery Crime, maybe.
- Um, Dumbledore. Duh.
- Somewhat deconstructed in DH, though it was made pretty clear that after his childhood he was a very good person.
- See also: Mary Sue.
- The Buffalos From Buffalo That Buffalos From Buffalo Intimidate Intimidate Buffalos From Buffalo.
- Every Thirtieth Point In Base Thirteen
- Thirty points is thirty points, no matter what base you're counting in.
- Shoot The Dog Out Of A Cannon
- Shoot The Shaggy Dog Out Of A Cannon
- Shoot The Dog Out Of Canon
- Orwellian Retcon?
- Seems like a combination of The Scrappy and Retcon.
- Shaving The Shaggy Dog
- Isn't that Earn Your Happy Ending?
- Or Rescued from the Scrappy Heap?
- Sliding Scale Of A Snake's Underside
- Sliding Scale Of A Moving Piano Playing Scales
- The OTHER Other Wiki
- Encyclopaedia Dramatica
- It could also be Uncyclopedia
- Or maybe The Other Other Other Wiki?
- Too many! Tooo maaany!
- The Uther Wiki
- The Udder Wiki
- The Under Wiki
- The Über Wiki
- List of video games for the Xbox named Halo
- That Don't Have Numbers or Other Words Attached to the Title
- List of video games for the Play Station 3 named Halo.
- List of video games for the Halo named Xbox
- Freud Was Mostly Just Projecting His Own Insecurities Onto Other People
- Freud Just Had A Really Hot Mom
- This Is Your Freud On Drugs
- Real Life.
- Freud Knew Oedipus, And He LIKED Him
- This Is Your Freud On Phlebotinum
- The Dog Shot First, but then it was sent to prison, before being transferred to the hospital due to eating a cake with a jackhammer in it, where it lived until it died several years later.
- The Dog Shot First, But Missed, Then The Cat Shot Back And Splattered Its Doggy Guts All Over The Wall, No Seriously I'm Not Bitter, One Coin To Clean Up The Whole Mess, Solo?
- The Dog Shot Second
- The Dog Shot Third
- The Dog Fired Six Shots, Or Maybe Only Five
- The Dog Shot Third
- The Comrade Syndrome, in which all socialists and communists say "Comrade" and, shortly afterwards, are brutally censored, and I don't mean like normal censorship, where the things being censored are only relatively gruesome, or not safe for work, I mean the stuff being censored is so gruesome that even the censor covering it is not safe for work before being beaten to near death with their dead pet, child, friend, and/or genitalia, before their body is relax, I am only doing this for your sanity, you'll thank This Troper someday, think of kittens, or flowers, or even less brutal violence. The Aristocrats.
- You Can Argue With Elves And Reach A Reasonable Agreement That Benefits Both Parties
- Take a Third Option?
- You Can Argue With Elves And Be One Hundred Percent Correct
- All Writers Are Undead Talking Animals Masquerading As Humans
- This could be true, considering the things they come up with.
- All Tropers Are Undead Talking Animals Masquerading As Humans
- Well, it's not a masquerade if you go around telling people.
- All Tropers Are Dirty Old Men Masquerading As Young Nerds
- Next-Door Neighbor Is Planning To Go To The Beach On A Sunday With His Family Of Four
- You Fail Third Period Gym Class
- You Fail Physics Forever badly enough to be a Critical Research Failure?
- You Fail Third Period Lunch
- You Fail Having a Period
- A Slight Itch In Your Left Ear
- Someone is gossiping about you?
- Kick The Dog Then Feel Bad About It Later And Give The Dog Some Bacon To Make Up For It, Provided The Dog Isn't Still Pissed Off, In Which Case You'll Probably Have To Wait Until He Comes Out From Under The Bed
- Subtrope: And When He Does Give Him Facon For Being Such A Drama Queen
- Dropped A Bridget Fonda On Him
- ...well, Stephen Colbert had a Jane Fonda dropped on him...
- How about Dropped a Bridget Moynahan on him, then? However in that case we could make the Colbert argument for Tom Brady.
- ...well, Stephen Colbert had a Jane Fonda dropped on him...
- Our Senior IV Nurses Are Different
- Real Men Don't Care If People Shoot Them While They Aren't Wearing Pants Because Damnit They're Hungry And Want Some Cheerios
- Chekhov's Custom .50 Cal Desert Eagle
- Sounds like a cross between Chekhov's Gun, Cool Guns, and Description Porn.
- Chekhov's Lightsaber - where you come up with random explanations for things that drew attention to themselves earlier, like the Star Wars Expanded Universe
- Chekhov's Slingshot
- Chekhov's rubber band
- Useful Notes: I-88 in Illinois Between Mile Markers 42 and 43
- Big Maybe
- Big Meh
- Big Dunno
- Shrug of God, people.
- Big Mu
- Big Mumu - "Marge, have you seen my fat-guy dress?"
- Big Moo
- Gushing About Mr Krabs's Character Alignment
- Crowning Moment of Drycleaning
- Crowning Microwavable Giraffe Just Add Potato Salad of Shiny Leather Floating Pokemon-Filled Taco, anyone?
- Our Vampires Are The Same
- Everything's Better With Pope Innocent VIII
- Dropped A Bridget Jones Diary On Him
- "You said this wasn't a Chick Flick! I want explosions!"
- Synonyms For The World Plimsoil - Consisting of pages AA-ABA, ABA to ABB, ABB to ABBA...
- Goddammit Jim I Told You I Don't Like Boiled Peas
- Linkin Park Makes An Honest Man Of Ray
- Pantry Shot
- I'm pretty sure this one's been done in a cooking show...
- Nigella Lawson. Without a doubt.
- Possibly related to Food Porn.
- Kung Fu Guy With A Reasonable And Objective Assessment of His Own Capabilities
- Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike Soundtrack With Founder's Copyright
- Not So Hopeless - Seemingly Hopeless Auditionees that turn out to be really talented once they start performing.
- Hopeless Auditionee Spot: "You know, I think one might be bearable... No, he's rubbish." Alternatively, "[Contestant], I think you have real talent. In scaring away animals and terrifying small children. That was hideous."
- What Do You Mean Its Political For The Other Side (There actually is a statue in Kansas that fits this trope: Initially protesting the occupation of the Panama Canal, its current owner says the sculptor saw into the future and protested giving away the Panama Canal.)
- Go Straight To "Revelation"
- Just Here For The Cute Female Protagonist
- Just Here For The Hot Female Protagonist
- Final Fantasy XIII
- By extension, Just Here For the Hot Male Protagonist
- Apple Stem Pulling Teeth
- Tiddlywinks At Noon
- Screw The Rules I Have Pot
- Wouldn't that be The Stoner?
- Spin To Deflect Criticism
- Batman Is Unrealistic
- Nobody Wants To Remember The Stripper
- Norbert's Scale Of Gameplay And Story Segregation
- Radiantophilia
- Massively Multiplayer Online H-Game
- What Do You Mean, It's Not Locupletative?
- Big Yo
- Aesop Unfriendly Family
- The X Files episode "Home".
- Medium-Heavy Sleet Equels Death
- The Author Reads TV Tropes Because He Wants To Eliminate Any Tropes From His Work But It Turns Out Everything Is A Trope So He Sinks Into Despair And Kills Himself And The Thing He Was Writing Is Never Written So Wait How Do We Even Have A Page On This Thing Anyway?
- Ominous Latvian Chanting
- But You Screw One Goat! Dead Kid Goat While On Fire aka necropedopyrobestiality
- A man decided to seek therapy for his sadonecrobestiality fetish, because he realized he was just beating a dead horse.
- This is simultaneously awesome and awful. We present you with this medal and then wield it for a merciless flogging.
- But You Screw One Dead Thirteen-Year-Old Frog Robot Girl While She Beats You Up aka sadomasopedorobonecrobestialiy.
- A man decided to seek therapy for his sadonecrobestiality fetish, because he realized he was just beating a dead horse.
- Dude, She's Like, In Oklahoma!
- Everything's Better With The Golomyunka Fish That Lives In Lake Baikal And Is Preyed Upon By The Baikal Seal
- Most Writers Are Vampires
- Most Writers Are Emotion Eaters (Muse Abuse?)
- METAL BAWKSES in which our enemies hide, the cowards, the FOOLS!
- Artistic License - Lithuanian Forest Site Types
- Black-With-A-Couple-Of-Grey-Splotches-And-This-Weird-Purple-Bit-In-The-Corner And Bluish-Greeny-White-With-One-Thouroughly-Irritating-Black-Spot-Nothing-Else-Goes-With Morality
- Knight In Slightly Rusted And Blood-Spattered Armour That Needs A Good Polish
- Everything's Better With Mutant Elves With Glasses Who Ride Piggyback On Anthropomorphic Goats Who Shoot Lasers From Their Eyes
- To which even Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time is a step down.
- With Great Power Comes A Great Likelihood Of Getting Half Your Face Blackened
- With Great Power Comes Great Likelihood Of Losing An Eyebrow
- Hey It's That Girl Who May Or May Not Be Hotchner's Wife.
- Dropped a TARDIS on him
- Something Something Leonard Hofstadter
- Something Something Leonard Nimoy
- Something Something Leonard Cohen
- Something Something David X. Cohen
- Fridge Fridge
- When you're watching a show, and the entire episode focuses on this bizarre alien machine. The protagonists have no idea what it is, yet they manage to harness its powers to win before finally deciding that the world is not ready for it, leaving it behind. Then, after the episode is over, it hits you—it was a fridge!
- Rape As Satire
- True Art Involves Cutting Up Sharks
- The Good Guys Always Get Captured, Raped, Stabbed, Thrown in a River, Trampled by Wildebeests, and Eaten Alive by 26 3/4 Rabid Chipmunks.
- Dropped Raquel Welch On Him ("She's got a big bottom!")
- Damsel in Eustress
- Your Life Will Ruin TV Tropes
- Which is why they closed Troper Tales.
- Zecora Was Right
- Grateful Bastard
- Jerk Butt
- Failed A Girdle Check (which does happen in the Pan Am pilot)
Complaining About Shows You Don't Like[]
- Samuel L. Jackson Just Plain Sucks
- Complaining About Shows That Like You
- The Trolls Were Right - This is when the trolls are absolutely correct in saying that a popular television show is actually absolute trash.
- Twilight?
- And here I was thinking the ones who liked Twilight were the trolls.
- My Immortal
- Twilight?
- The Bomb Is Rigged To Explode If Anyone Cuts A Wire Rather Than Actually Properly Defusing It
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Truth in Television: "sloppily placed" mines with extra Booby Traps are an old way to target guys whose job is to remove them. Or sea mines complemented with anti-trawl devices.
- The Laws Of Thermodynamics Do Work That Way!
- Complaining About Shows You've Never Heard Of
- Complaining About Shows You Haven’t Heard Of
- I hate ...that thing. I bugs me that it exists, whatever it is.
- Complaining About Remakes You Don't Watch (Of Shows That You Do)
- Complaining about facebook pages you don't like
- Showing Complaints You Don't, Like, Like, Y'know?
- Complaining About Legend of Zelda Monsters You Don't Like-Like
- Shows in Which Everyone is a Mary Sue
- Thirty-Sue Pileup?
- Accusing Characters You Don't Like of Being Mary Sues
- Already done. This is called the Internet.
- Complaining About Shows That Don't Exist
- Man, I hate My Stepdad Is a Flenser.
- Wow! You too!
- Thank god it wasn't renewed for a first season.
- Red Dwarf US
- Fanwork Ban
- Man, I hate My Stepdad Is a Flenser.
- It Sucks So It Sucks
- It Sucks So It Blows
- It Fucking Sucks So It Sucking Fucks
- It's A Powered Vacuum Cleaner So It Sucks
- They Sucked It Now It Changes
- Executive Meddling, with a bit of I Was Young and I Needed the Money
- Complaining About Ships You Don't Like aka Why
ZutaraKataangJuphBlueko Is Evil - Complaining About Ships You Don't Like aka Why The Enterprise is terrible.
- Got The Character's Shirt Color Wrong In One Episode
- Caustic Critic of Caustic Critic.
- Complaining About Trope Names You Don't Like (Though we seem to have a forum section for just that...)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Really Isn't That Great
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Really Isn't That Bad
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Really Is The Greatest Show Ever, Neon Genesis Evangelion Really Is The Worst Show Ever
- Episode 24 Really Isn't That Gay
- Those Last Two Episodes Aren't Really That Hard To Understand
- Battlestar Galactica Really Isn't That Great I Mean It Started Out With A Crowning Moment of Awesome, But They Changed It, Now It Sucks, And It Ended With A Dethroning Moment Of Suck
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Really Isn't That Bad
- Complaining About Laws Of Physics You Don't Like
- Complaining About People Who Complain About People Who Complain About Shows They Don't Like
- So this would be Complaining About Joss Whedon Fans, then?
- Complaining About Complaining About Complaining?
- Complaining About Broken Aesops That Suck
- How is this different from regular Broken Aesop?
- A Broken Aesop is not bad if it's played for laughs.
- But a Broken Aesop has to be unintentional. You are thinking of Spoof Aesop.
- A Broken Aesop is not bad if it's played for laughs.
- How is this different from regular Broken Aesop?
- Complaining About Shows You Like ("You can tell I'm the biggest fan because I hate it more than anybody else!")
- Complaining About Liking Shows
- Complaining About Showing Your Likes
- Liking Complaints About Shows
- Complaining About Shows You Don't Lick
- Complaining About Shows You Like A Little Bit Less Than You Did Before
- A less extreme version of They Changed It, Now It Sucks?
- Showing Your Complaints
- Complaining About Shows That You Made Up Just To Complain About
- A particularly creative Troll might do this...
- Complaining About Watching Shows
- Complaining About Shows Watching You
- Watching Yourself Show Complaints
- Shows You Don't Like Complaining About YOU
- In Soviet Russia...
- Not Liking Shows That Complain About You
- Complaining About Shows That Don't Like You
- If they pull a This Loser Is You or a You Bastard (for interactive media), it counts.
- Complaining About Complaints About Shows You Like But Other People Complain About.
- Wild Mass Complaining - complaining about things that they'll never actually do.
- Complaining That TV Tropes Ruined Your Life, The Bastards
- What Do You Mean It's Not 4Kids?
- Nobody Remembers The Stripper But You, You Sick Fuck
- None Of The Strippers Remember You
- Shows You Don't Like Complaining About
- Fapping To Shows You Like
- Fapping To Shows You Don't Like
- Fapping To Shows You Made Just So You Could Fap To Them
- So Average It's Good
- Slice of Life are often this trope.
- It Actually Does Suck
- And The Fandom Wept (AKA Cue Werehog)
- Sounds like a less extreme Ruined FOREVER.
- And The Fan Dumb Rejoiced
- And The Hatedom Rejoiced
- And the Hate Dumb Rejoiced
- Pandering to the Base, maybe?
- Complaining About Shows You Hate Only A Little Bit But Not Too Much
- He Panned It Now It Sucks
- He Panned It Because It Sucks
- They Banned It Now It Sucks
- They Banned It Now It Doesn't Suck
- Vindicated by History + Keep Circulating the Tapes
- Complaining About Shows That Don't Bring You Bagels Anymore
- Complaining About Shows That Don't Bring You Flowers...Anymore
- So Bad It's Locked
- My Immortal
- Encyclopaedia Dramatica
- Complaining About Shows A Total Stranger Doesn't Like
- Executive Dumb
- Complaining About Shows You’re Completely Indifferent To
- Gushing About Shows You Don't Like
- Isn't that a reverse troll?
- Complaining About Complaints You Don't Like
- Complaining About Shows You Maintain
- Our Product Sucks applied to television programs? Also, Who Would Want to Watch Us? in a meta sort of way.
- Fanbase Ruined The Work
- What Do You Do?
- Tainted By The Fanbase, but that's gone now.
- Copyright Cruelty
- Idiot Illustrator
- Subbing Versus Dialogue Voiceover
- Author's Stupidity Writes The Plot
- They Banned It Now They Suck
- Complaining About Shows Nobody Watches[4]
- So Bad It's Horrible, if people ever stop sticking things on there just because they don't like them.
- Complaining About Showers You Don't Like
- Complaing About Likes You Don't Show
- Moral Guardian Event Horizon
- Tropes That Were Obviously Written By Bitter People Who Failed English Class
- Gushing About Complaining You Don't Watch Shows You Like
- Liking Shows You Don't Complain About
- Imbecile Executive Decisions
- Complaining About People Complaining About Shows Where They Do a Lot Of Complaining
- This is basically what most TV Tropes forum discussions of our pages on Caustic Critic shows turn into.
- Domesticated Mass Guessing
- Animu and Mango
- Pandering To The Hatebase
- Unpleasable Hatebase
- Liking Shows Everybody Hates
- It's A Live Action Adaptation, So It Sucks
- Needs More Hate
- And, Needs Less Love
Too Subjective[]
- It Actually Makes Perfect Sense
- TV Tropes Will Not Affect Your Life In Any Way Whatsoever
- Tropes We Have But Should Not
- Tropers We Have But Should Not
- Tropes We Really Should Not Have But Do
- Tropers We Really Should Not Have But Do
- Tropers We Really Should Not Have To Do
- Tropers We Really Should Not Do But Have
- Tropers We Really Should Do But Haven't
- Tropers We Really Should Not Have But Do
Fan SmartFan Tastic- Worst Troper Awards
- Made Of Fail
- Worse Than Spinal Injury
- Originality Storm
- Widget Series for the good ones, What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs? for the bad ones or when they get too original.
- This Is An Interesting Fact Which You Will Probably Believe
- Crapulous - Fabulous Crap.
- Perfected FOREVER
- The platonic ideal of Adaptation Distillation.
- Hype Subversion
- AKA Hearing Nothing But Good Things About a Work, Then Seeing It And Discovering You Hate It With A Passion.
- Tropers We Don't Like
- Complaining About Tropers We Don't Like
- Complaining About Tropers We Don't Watch
- Complaining About Tropers We Don't Know
- Complaining About Watchmen You Don't Watch
- Complaining About Watchers Who Don't Watch The Watchmen You Watch (Or Don't Watch As The Case May Be)
- Complaining About People Who Don't Understand "Who Watches The Watchers" Is A Noun Phrase, Not A Question
- Complaining About Watchers Who Don't Watch The Watchmen You Watch (Or Don't Watch As The Case May Be)
- Troping About Complaints We Don't Watch
- Troping About Complaints We Don't Wiggy Spam Spam
- Being Unemployed Does Not Work In Any Way
- Very specific and rare forms of You Fail Economics Forever?
- Guess The Number I'm Thinking Of
- Tropers Are Tools
- Evangelion Really Isn't That Great
- My Foot Hurts
- Not Subjective Enough
- That's a matter of opinion.
- Very Interesting Shows
- It's Awesome Because I Said So
- Complaining About Shows That Are On A Channel You Don't Even Get, And That You Wouldn't Watch Even If You Did Get That Channel.
- They Changed it And Nobody Noticed
- They Changed it and Changed it back
- They Changed it and Now you suck
- They Changed It and Now They Suck
- They Were Going Change it, but then it was close to quitting time so they went home instead
- Tropers Are Not Good
- All Tropers Are Ax Crazy
- All Tropers Are Yandere
- All Tropers Are Eldritch Abominations
- You know too much. I'm afraid we're going to have to kill you.
- All Tropers Are Ax Crazy
- Most Tropers Are Copyleftists
- YKTTW Is A Crapshoot
- Mohn's Scale Of Ear Worm Catchiness
- Most Tropers Hate Moral Guardians
- Ridiculously Loud J-Pop
- Song Filler - Parts of the song you like to skip forward.
- Aggression Fuel
- Nightmare Fuel / Sliding Scales
- Everything's Better With Strippers
- Sliding Scale of So Bad Its Good
- Sturgeons Song - Song of where only 10% of it is good and the rest of it is Padding and other uninteresting parts.
- Yellowcard—Fighting
- TV Tropes Ruined My Wife
- Tropes Are Not Bad Except For These Horrible Ones
- Fan Hyperopia
- Sotanax Gambit
- Springtime for Hitler + Xanatos Gambit, in which you plan on failing, but fail at that, but you succeed anyway due to a different fail oh no I've gone cross-eyed.
- Pet Peeve Tropers
- Informed Humor (Can also cross into Complaining About Shows You Don't Like territory)
- Does This Look Infected to You?
- People Actually Think Samuel Beckett Has Talent
- Better Love Stories Than Twilight
- Better Endings Than Mass Effect 3
The Same but More[]
- Complaining About Shows Everybody Likes
- Space....IN SPACE!!!!
- Crowning Moment Of Heartburning
- I would have thought that would go under to obscure.
- Awesome Sauce (it's like Pure Awesome, but in an A-1 steak sauce bottle)
- Department Of Redundancy Department Of Redundancy Department
- Memetic Mutation 2 - Alzheimer's Revenge
- Memetic Molestee
- The Same But Even More So - listing the most extreme uses of The Same But More.
- The Same
- Trope Tropes Tropes
- Self Induced Wallbanger: This is a wallbanger you bring upon yourself.
- Every Googolplex Points
- The replay values of modern pinball games?
- Names To Get Away From In A Vehicle Because Running Isn't Fast Enough
- Names To Get Away From At Tachyonic Speeds
- Anything, Period
- X Just X, Y, Z And Also A, B And C As Well
- Rape The Shaggy Dog
- Nuke The Shaggy Dog
- Rape the Moral Event Horizon
- TV Tropes Will End Your Life
- The TV Tropes Mutant Zombie Army?
- Nothing Is Better With Anything
- Up To Eleventy-Thousaaaaand
- Department Of Redundancy Department Of Redundancy Department
- Did You Just Make Cthulhu Your Bitch?
- Did Cthulhu Just Make You Cthulhu's Bitch?
- Orgasm Fuel
- Fuel Fuel
- Fuel Fetish
- Fuel Nightmare, a.k.a. the Middle East
- Drop Dead Gorgeous In Mink
- Everythings Perfect With Indexes
- Rule Of Fucking Awesome
- The Complainer Makes You Evil By Being Wrong
- This Is Your OTP On Drugs
- Crack Pairing
- Crystal Meth Pairing
- Crack Pairing
- You Pass Biology Forever
- Shown Their Work
- Shoved Their Work Down Your Throat
- Shown Their Work
- Suicide Inducer
- Evangelion can go fuck itself.
- So Horrible Its Evil
- So Horrible Its Awesome
- Rape Destiny Up The Ass
- Make Sweet, Sweet Love To Destiny
- Jumped At the Call
- Jumped The Call's Bones
- Jumped At the Call
- Make Sweet, Sweet Love To Destiny
- Our Newspapers Are Different
- Crowning Moment Of Crowning Moments
- Vulcan Very Good
- Xanatos Xanatos
- Manipulating events to make other people arrange a conspiracy for your benefit.
- Isn't this just 24?
- Xanatos Didn't Plan This But Wants You To Think He Did Because He's Really Incompetent But Wants To Be Feared
- Xanatos Morphine Drip
- Manipulating events to make other people arrange a conspiracy for your benefit.
- Everythings Better Than Everything Else
- Nothings Better
- Evangelion Really Isn't That Great
- So Awesome It's Perfect
- Evangelion Downright Sucks
- You Are Disgusting Subhuman Trash
- A meets B meets C meets D meets E meets F meets G meets H meets I meets J meets K meets L meets M meets N meets O meets P meets Q meets R meets S meets T meets U meets V meets W meets X meets Y meets Z
- X Meets Y, Settles Down And Has a Family of Zs
- And then Z meets A, creating an infinite loop. After a few eons it gets bored and starts running backwards, creating lots of steem in the process.
- Our Differences Are Different
- Crowning Moment of Narm
- The Database Thinks I'm Scum
- So Horrible Its Awesome
- Infinity Plus Two Sword
- When an Updated Rerelease includes an even stronger Infinity+1 Sword than the original Infinity+1 Sword (Meaning, 90% of the ones Square Enix has done).
- Octuple Subverted
- The Labyrinth
- Million To Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Odds
- One Oni Two Oni Red Oni, Blue Oni
- Less Dakka
- Animesquesque
- Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt. An anime that looks like Western animation, but still looks a lot like an anime.
- Adam Smith Kicked You In The Nuts
- Chaotic Eviler
- Yum Yum Yum
- Yum Yum Yum Yum
- Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum
- Yum—Oh, let's just skip to the end. -deep breath- Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum -falls down- gah. can't breathe
- Is that when a woman has solid chocolate penises made for her to eat? And you thought a banana was suggestive!
- Page Lock Bait
- The Complainer Is Always Insane
- Giant Damn Heroes
- Big Double-Damned Heroes
- Berserk Touch Screen
- One True Orgy
- O T 7 billion
- Red Oni Ultraviolet Oni
- Radio Oni Gamma Oni, or equivalently, Invisible Oni Ionization Oni
- Crowning Moment Of Squick
- Deader Than Deader Than Dead
- To Infinity And Beyond the Impossible
- You Can't Fight Tempting Fate
- Harder Than Harder Than Hard Impossible Mode in I Wanna Be the Guy
- And by extension, Easier Than Easier Than Easy
- Complete Monster Woobie
- Except Zoidberg
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick, Nausea Fuel
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot on Girl Is Hot
- Big Oh No
X Meets Y Tropes[]
- Crowning Moment of Awesome But Impractical
- Crowning Moment of Tearjerker is on here no matter how many times it gets YKTTW'd, damn it.
- Crowing Moment of Natter
- Crowning Moment of Nightmare Fuel
- Crowning Moment of Furry. (Squick).
- Crowning Moment Of Mary Sues
- Awesome Of Moment Crowning (alt. title: emosewA fO tnemoM gninworC)
- Crowning Moment of Evil
- Crowning Music Of Funny
- Crowning Music Of Hundreds Of Voices Screaming In Unison
- Everything's Better With Smeerps
- Everything's Tastier With Babies
- Boredom Fuel
- Chinese People Blowing Up
- Evil Brits Blowing Stuff Up
- Crowning Moment of Average
- What Do You Mean Its Not Stupid? Something is portrayed as idiotic, but falls short on the idiocy.
- I'm taking this to YKTTW.
- Third Person Promoter: you try to promote yourself, but in third Person.
- This Troper
- "AstroTurfing" and of use of Sockpuppets.
- The Trope Too Good To Use
- Heartwarming Moment Of Rape
- Someone's clearly never read The Fountainhead.
- Rape Is Love in general.
- Hilariously Abusive Relationship
- Crowning Moment Of Rape
- Funny Moment of Rape
- Someone's clearly never read The Fountainhead.
- Crowning Funny
- Crowning Moment of Crowning Awesome Moment of Crowning
- Pretty much any movie that centers around a character's pregnancy, then shows the actual childbirth during the climax has one of these. (Example: Knocked Up)
- Crowning Crown Of Crowning
- Awesome Moment Of Awesome
- A Crowning Moment of Awesome from the "Awesome Series" by Egoraptor?
- Can overlap with the Department of Redundancy Department
- Harder Than Hard Mode Mockery
- Have a Nice Death, where the game mocks you for being crazy enough to try "Impossible".
- A Date With Rape
- Dethroning Moment of Awesome
- Would the last few minutes of Code Geass count?
- Nightmare Sugar
- Rape And Zoidberg
- Squick.
- Naughty Tentacles?
- Arson Murder And Zoidberg
- Xanatos And Zoidberg
- Zoidberg Gambit
- Thirty Zoidberg Pileup
- Kick The Zoidberg
- Shoot The Zoidberg, Rape The Zoidberg, Eat The Zoidberg
- Everything's Better With Zoidberg
- Sliding Scale Of Incest
- That's a perfectly sensible sliding scale, ranging from screwing your Opposite Gender Clone to obeying laws against miscegenation.
- Does the clone even have to be opposite-sex?
- For maximum Squick, yes, because then you could concieve a horribly inbred baby.
- No, maximum Squick requires both clones be male and somehow result in a double Mister Seahorse.
- Somehow, one could guess that there'd be aFire Emblem example on either end of that scale.
- That's a perfectly sensible sliding scale, ranging from screwing your Opposite Gender Clone to obeying laws against miscegenation.
- Crowning Moment Of Rosie Palms
- What, you mean masturbating to a video of two people of one's preferred gender watching each other masturbate? What troper hasn't done that?
- Planet Of The Shaggy Dogs Ending
- "Wait...I never left Earth! Or even this postal district! Why did I bother? WHHYYYYY???"
- Rape As Shaggy Dog Story
- Rape the Shaggy Dog Story (not the dog, the story)
- Princesses Prefer This Troper
- Did You Just Punch Out Sexy Flanders?
- Horrifying Sexy Cthulhu
- We Cannot Go On Without Tropey the Wonder Dog
- Screaming Groin Attack
- Isn't this the norm?
- Crowning Moment of Rule 34
- By definition, I think every instance of Rule 34 is a Crowning Moment.
- Timey Wimey Idiot Ball
- Holding this may cause you to become your own grandfather/mother.
- Face Full Of Batman Wing Wong
- Rule34 strikes again!
- Battle Royale With Panty Shots
- The Dog Kicked Me First, In The Nuts!
- Crowning Moment Of Dethroning
- Most times La Résistance wins, actually.
- Dethroning Moment of Crowning
- A birth scene that ruins the movie?
- Dethroning Moment of Crowning
- Most times La Résistance wins, actually.
- Dethroning Suck Of Awesomecrowns
- Fuel Fetish
- High-Octane Moment Of Fuel
- Timey Moment Of Wimey Groins
- You Can Argue With Elves
- What about Screw You, Elves?
- Evil Power Vacuum Cleaner
- Made Of Xanatos
- Tear Jerk Ass
- Fridge Full Of Wing Wang
- Lorena Bobbitt
- The Elf Shot First
- You Fail Ruined FOREVER
- You Ruined Epic Fail FOREVER
- Evangelion is still not that good.
- Yay Ho—cheering for a prostitute
- Overlaps with Hooker with a Heart of Gold.
- Sucking The Crown From A Moment
- Xanatos Finally Gets Sick Of It All And Retires
- Isn't that what he canonically did?
- Made Of Fap (Fetish Fuel meets Rule 34 - downgraded from
KeterToo Dangerous) - Everything Is Better With This Troper
- Everything Is Better With That Troper
- Everything Is Worse With The Other Troper
- Everything Is Better With That Troper
- You Fall In The Abyss Forever
- Crowning Moment Of Fan Service
- Eiken
- No. That's not a "moment."
- It's a whole shitload of moments.
- No. That's not a "moment."
- Eiken
- One-Winged Kavorka Man
- Those Wacky Nazis Love David Hasselhoff
- Snark Incontinence, although it's certainly Truth in Television.
- Evangelion Really Isn't That Troper
- Grimdark Lolita
- Cute Complete Monster Girl
- The Other Wookie
- Wookieepedia?
- So Awesome It's Horrible
- Ho Ho Ho Yay
- Possibly implied by a Sexy Santa Dress?
- I Will Fight Crime No More Forever
- I Will Fight The Forever War No More
- Thirty Yandere Pileup
- Some harem anime might qualify... Higurashi almost does...
- Crowning Moment Of Ho Yay
- Crowning Moment of Suck
- Dethroning Moment of Awesome
- How Do I Shotacon
- What Do You Mean it's Not Xanatos?
- Three Minutes of Writhing With Porn
- Overly Short Gag
- Orphaned Punchline, perhaps?
- Hobo Yay
- Tingle Loves David Hasselhoff
- Um, ew?
- They Fight Crime ... IN SPACE!
- Dirty Pair fits the bill, kind of.
- Nintendo Hard Gay
- A Nintendo character with an "alternative lifestyle", or an indestructible homosexual?
- If you're a gay man, have you ever tried the missionary position with your partner? Is that even possible?
- American Kirby Is Hard Gay
- All Amazons Want Cheerleaders
- Some Anvils Need To Be Dropped On The Dog
- Shaggy Xanatos Story
- An elaborate conspiracy arranged so ingeniously that the perpetrator can't fail to benefit from it, all to achieve...nothing in particular. He just likes the intrigue.
- Spanner in the Works
- Big Narm
- Timey Wimey Dodecahedron
- The only example would be Doctor Who.
- Schmuck Fuel
- Complaining About The Research
- Xanatos Aesop
- I Just Want To Be A Physical God
- Tropes That Must Not Happen
- Tropes That Must Not Be Named
- Earn Your Happy Ending Gainax Ending
- Chrono Trigger actually did that: The New Game+ endings are all kinda Gainax-y.
- Crowning Moment Of Executive Meddling
- Mind Rape Is Okay When Its Hero On Villain
- I'm certain one could find examples of that. Let's start at What the Hell, Hero? and Super Dickery and go from there.
- Dungeons And Dragons plays this straight—the spell named' Mind Rape has an 'evil' tag, but good characters have their own version, 'Programmed Amnesia', without the tag but otherwise nearly identical. And then there's Sanctify the Wicked, a spell which traps someone in a Clockwork Orange mindrape demiplane for a year to forcefully turn their alignment to good. Casting this spell is considered a good act.
- done.
- Well, in Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, Luke does this to Cronal. After Cronal mindrapes Luke and tries to mindrape Leia.
- Retro Yay (A bunch of boys probably stole a Playboy and masturbate together in their treehouse, much like in The Fifties.)
- Ho Nay (Two male lovers are really just friends but pretend to be gay to get chicks.)
- Rez Yay (An otherwise-straight guy watches Westerns for Shirtless Scene ProudWarriorRaceGuys.)
- It's Your Mileage, Now It Sucks
- Holding Out For Someone Taller
- Rape Is Funny When It's Skitty On Wailord
- Earth Shattering Kawaii!
- Fridge Magnet
- Xanatos Will Ruin Your Life
- Spell My Name With A Smeerp
- One-Scene Wonder Toast
- Fetish Retardant Fetishist
- Crack Fandom Rivalry
- Complaining About Ships That Don't Exist
- Draco in Pimped-Out Dress
- A variation on Villainous Crossdresser. You just know a fangirl is going to draw this now, if one hasn't already.
- Humans Are Bastards Magnificent Bastards
- No, Just No Yay
- Fridge Badass: When you think about it, this character kicked ass. It just didn't seem like at the time. (Not to be confused with Badass Fridge, such as the one in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.)
- High Octane Sweet Dreams Fuel
- Tastes Like Diabetes for the Glurge Addict?
- Missed Moment of Funny
- Orphaned Punchline is one form.
- Missed Music of Awesome
- Take Our Word for It used for music in literature and comics.
- Missed Moment of Heartwarming
- Missed Moment of Suck
- Crowning Moment of Mistresses
- Crowning Moment of Moments
- Hats To Run Away From Really Fast
- The Double Black Hat Guy from XKCD?
- Doris from Meet The Robinsons.
- Knight Meets Baby
- What Do You Mean It's Not Better With Cows?
- Where The Hell Is Ron the Death Eater
- Draco In Robe and Wizard Hat
- You Know, That Thing Where The Hell Is Springfield
- Did You Just Punch Out Mary Sue?
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Mary Sue
- High Octane Nausea Fuel
- High Octane Fetish Fuel
- Crowning Moment Of Asshole
- Ron the Death Eater In Leather Pants (making a good character more evil, then making the evil version sexy)
- You actually see quite a bit of fanfiction that does this to Harry in the Harry Potter fandom
- Did You Just Slap Slap Kiss Cthulhu?
- Fridge Fetish Fuel
- Something where you don't realise how hot it was until years later: that might work.
- Parental Bonus?
- Digital Piracy Is Evil Is Sexy
- New Media Are Affably Evil
- Subverted Trope vs Dubverted Trope.
- Seinfeld Is Unfunny So Unfunny It's Funny
- Yanderedere - Someone who goes into extreme measures to make their love interest love her/him, but once she/he's gotten a positive responce, turns into Fragile Flower.
- Could Fluttershy count, seeing what she's usually like and how she acted in "The Best Night Ever"?
- He Who Fights Monsters Cute Monster Girls
- Protoganist of Monster Girl Quest might qualify.
- Arrogant Old Spice Guy
- Everthing is Better Than Canon
- Everything Sounds Sexier In Norwegian
- Everything Sounds Sexier In Simlish
- Continuity Gorn
- An aspect of They Just Didn't Care?
- Yay Foe - When the hero congratulates the villain on doing such a great job.
- Perhaps the opposite of Your Approval Fills Me with Shame?
- Sealed Chaotic Neutral In A Can
- Dropped The Research On Him
- When the author is unsettled that he got the facts wrong.
- Those Wacky Nazis By Any Other Name
- Aliens Speaking Simlish
- Crying Magical Native American
- Rousseau Was Horribly Right
- Those Two Yaoi Guys
- Brown Panty Thief
- Eww.
- Executive Avatar: When a big-shot executive forces writers to insert him into their work.
- Calvin And Hobbes Were Right
- Bill Watterson Was Right
- Xanatos Was Right
- Zoidberg Was Right
- The Wright Brothers Were Right
- Super OOC
- Incredibly Lame Pun Bond One-Liner
- Dickjerker (Fan Service)
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog Shaggy Frog Story
- Gainaxing Ending
- The Same but More But Wait! There's More!
- Dropped An Unsettling Gender Reveal On Him
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? The Dog?
- Jerkass Normal
- Badass Has A Point
- And Zoidberg The Dog
- Cyanide Pill Prank
- Repurposed Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly Song
- Fat Best Friend Black Best Friend
- Black Best Friend Bastard
- Magical Negro Girl
- Magical Native American Girl
- Magical Asian Girl
- Like Reality Unless Noted But Awesomer
- Citation NEEDLESS
- Stupid Time Lord Hitler
- Everything Is Sexier If Time Lord
- Wibbly Wobbly Timey Mind Screw
ABC Meets XYZ[]
- Stubbing Your Toe On The Door Then Deciding You Want To Go Ice Fishing In Dinosaur Times Then Decide To Entry Pimp Sex With Your Own Toe In France Then Rape Someone While Laughing At A Mr. Fanservice From A Kids Show
- Halfway Between Troperiffic And Cliché Storm
- Sliding Scale of Troperiffic Versus Cliche Storm
- Mohs Scale of Cliché Storm Hardness
- Halfway Between Troperiffic And Halfway Between Troperiffic And Cliche Storm
- Eighty Seven Point Five Percent Of The Way Between Troperriffic And Cliche Storm
- Which way?
- Both.
- Which way?
- So Bad Its Crowning Moment Of Awesome Is Horrible (aka Boxbot?)
- So Cool Its Dethroning Moment Of Suck Is Awesome
- So Cool Its Crowning Moment of Awesome Is Doctor Horrible
- Crowning Moment of Subverted Xanatos Kawaii Badassness
- Okay, I SERIOUSLY need to write one of these.
- Just for Nightmare Moment of Laconic Darth Sugar Tropes Wiki
- Crowning Moment of Crowning Moments
- Sliding Scale of Realism Versus Cynicism Versus Videogame Objectives Versus Dialogue Versus Puppies
- Horrible Sliding Scale Of Crowning Moments And Zoidberg
- Crowning Zoidberg
- All Hail King Zoidberg
- Down With The Tyrant Zoidberg
- Didn't those three actually happen?
- Down With The Tyrant Zoidberg
- All Hail King Zoidberg
- White Collar Windmills Are Not Safe For Work That Way
- The Power of Rock Beats Laser Guided Easy Amnesia
- Die For Our Gambit Pileup... IN SPACE!
- Disney Princess Fanservice
- Do want
- Quickly, to deviantART! (Other art sources are available.)
- Do want
- Everything's Better With Incest
- Rule34
- Fire Emblem
- Dark Horse Defeat
- Did You Just Drop A Bridget On Marvin?
- A Wholesome Crossdresser accidentally shoots Marvin in the face after revealing his true gender.
- Everything's Better With Dead Babies Raping The Doomity Dog Of Doom
- Dead Baby Comedy... Up to Eleven and then Beyond the Impossible!
- Isn't that the humor of Warhammer 40,000?
- Dead Baby Comedy... Up to Eleven and then Beyond the Impossible!
- Everything's Better With Crowning Moments Of Badass
- We need this, but it would just be binned and put back here under "Too Dangerous".
- Fridged A Bridget On Xanatos' Dog
- What Do You Mean It's Not So Bad It's Good?
- Playing With Complaining About Shows You Don't Like?
- Scary Shiny Idiot Rabbit
- Crowning Moment of Nerd Rage
- It's Not You It's Me Too Good To Last Disc Magic A Is Magic A Wizard Did It's Not You It's Me
- Scrappy's Gambit
- Cunningly arranging to redeem himself with the audience.
- Did You Just Punch Out Scrappy?
- Precision Cluster Atomic N-Strike Privileges
- Screw The Girls, I Have Ho Yay
- Screw The Girls, I Have Les Yay
- But the girls don't have a screw.
- Well, then, Screw The Guys, I Have Ho Yay
- But the girls don't have a screw.
- Screw The Girls, I Have Les Yay
- We Can Make A Master Race Together...wait, that actually might be a trope.
- Tsunyandere: Being obsessively in love with you, bordering on mental illness, an denying it constantly.
- Played straight by Helga
- Ho Yandere: A guy you experimented with at summer camp who turned out to actually be gay, thinks you're unhappy in your heterosexual relationship, and thinks you're still in love with him, as if you ever were.
- Probably would be a subtrope of Depraved Homosexual.
- Family-Unfriendly Death By G-Rated Sex
- Yes, I like it: our unfortunate character tried the magic fairy sex from Fern Gully, but he was overloaded was pleasure and his head exploded.
- Draco in Earth Shattering Gainax Ending
- Over Nine Thousand Percent Approval Gambit Ruined FOREVER IN SPACE Vs Coyote Season Rabbit Season And Zoidberg Especially Zoidberg Versus Unforgivable Fourth Wall Hardness
- Sliding Scale of Sliding Scale Abstractness.
- Plucky Strange Genki Fat Girl
- WHAM BLAM Musical Christmas Baseball Beach Episode on a Plane - yes, all of that at once.
- Dumbass Badass Jerkass Woobie Sue
- They Changed It Now It's So Cool It's Awesome
- Crowning Moment Of Dude, Not Funny
- Earn Your Downer Ending
- Everyone Is A Time Lord On TV Tropes
- But it's true! Right guys? I'm not the only one here? Right? Right?
- Colin Baker Forgot To Take His Pills
- Don't you mean "Everyone on TV Tropes especially in Wild Mass Guessing is Shinji Ikari AND Haruhi Suzumiya on Gallifray who was once Jesus and may or may not have ever been the clone of a Cylon Skrull who was created by Dr. Manhattan"?
- But it's true! Right guys? I'm not the only one here? Right? Right?
Silly Puns, Often on Other Trope Names[]
- Chuck Norris Goes To Candy Mountain
- Discredited Tropes Whose Time Has Come Again
- Couldnt Think Of A Trope
- Made Of Vin (Diesel)
- The Trope Never Happen
- Xanatos Supper
- Xanatos Trip To The Bathroom
- Xanatos Random Happenstance
- Working That Way Does Not Work That Way
- Performing A Task In Such A Manner Does Not Work That Way
- Don't Work That Way
- So Below Average That Its Not Even Bad Enough To Complain About
- Xanatos Can't Be Bothered
- Did Not Need To Bother To Do The Research
- Did In Fact Do The Research
- Did The Research But Ignored It
- Did The Research But Did Not Cite Sources And Now Has To Repeat The Course
- Did The Research On The Wrong Thing
- Did The Research But The Research Is Obsolete
- Did The Research But He Got It From Encyclopaedia Dramatica
- Did The Research, But The Source Was Wrong
- Done Over By The Research (Once you investigated the details, the story fell apart.)
- Honestly Intended To Do The Research, But Just Started Browsing And All The Tropes Instead
- Xanatos Chuck Norris (Hey, if Gilligan gets one...)
- Whatever happens, the result is that Xanatos comes out ahead and Chuck Norris looks like a badass. Whoever wins, we lose.
- Describe Describe Topic Here Here
- Generally Inconsequential Or Unimportant
- Dirt Is More Expensive
- High Octave Nightmare Fuel
- Xanatos Fails Grade School Forever
- Crowning Moment Of Nothing
- Crowning Moment Of Everything
- Which is where Crowning Moment Of Awesome was going, anyhow.
- Crowning Moment Of Everything
- Crowning Moment Of 'Huh?'
- Crowning Moment Of Whatever
- Crowning Moment of What
- Crowning Moment Of Doom
- Doom needs no crown, minion.
- Title Been Rejected Mmmmhmmm
- In A Minute You Won't Be Alive
- Clowning Moment Of Funny
- Lord Cthulhu's Punch-Out!!!
- Epic Yale
- Deus Ex Machinima
- Deus Ex Micro Machina
- Hand Canon
- Heroic Open Tray Error
- Heroic Paper Jam
- Villainous Breakdown Rescue
- Villainous Breakbeat
- Villainous Breakfast
- Die Cute
- Absurdly Specious Sewer
- Macaronic and Cheese
- Spotlight-Stealing Squid (probably also Too Rare to trope)
Too Dangerous[]
- One God Limit
- One Party Limit
- Just Bugs Me/Religion
- Wall Banger/Religion
- Fetish Fuel/Religion
- Peverse Sexual Lust/Religion
- So Bad It's Good/Religion
- So Cool It's Awesome/Religion
- So Bad It's Horrible/Religion
- Did Not Do The Research/Religion
- Too Dumb To Live/Religion
- Hitler Was Right
- Jonathan Swift Made Some Good Points
- Stalin Did What He Had To Do
- Okay, What Would You Do While Rome Burns?
- Hitler In Leather Pants
- Stupid Sexy Hitler
- Creepy Cool Swastikas
- Somewhat Subverted
- Somewhat Everted
- Somewhat Perverted
- Somewhat Diverted
- Most TV Writers Are Liberals
- This was actually YKTTW'd.
- Rejected because most tropers are liberals.
- ReDead Black Comedy Rape, Squick.
- How about this?
- Well Fuck That Shit!
- Drugs Are Awesome
- This Troper
- Tropes That Will Never Happen
- Owch.
- Tropes That Always Happen
- Tropes That Might Happen
- Accidental Nightmare Fuel Retardant
- Retarded Nightmare Fuel Accident
- Made Of Fap (Downgraded to
EuclidX Meets Y) - Fapped A Bridget On Him
- Dropped a Widget On Him
- Title Fap
- DartherWiki
- Can you really The Same but More an entire namespace? Should we even try?
- NO! It's too dangerous!
- Do you really want to cause an XK-class End-of-the-world scenario???
- Darthiest Wiki
- All The Tropes 40,000 (In the grim, dark future of All The Tropes, there are only Justifying Edits!)
- Sugarier Wiki
- Can you really The Same but More an entire namespace? Should we even try?
- Crowning Abortion Of Awesome
- Crowning Moment Of Troll
- Targets That Should Be Acceptable
- Useful Notes: Homemade Incendiary Devices
- Useful Notes: Doomsday Devices
- Everybody Remembers the Swastika
- Why not? It's so true!
- Xanatos Is A Moron
- I Am Making This Up
- I Am Not Cleaning This Up
- Summer Glau Is Not Hot
- Hype Backlash?
- Chuck Norris Is Not Awesome
- This Troper. No, Not You, This Troper.
- Why Your Political Beliefs Suck
- Why Your Religion Sucks
- Why You Suck
- So Bad It's Horrible / Countries
- So Bad It's Horrible / Real Life
- So Bad They're Horrible / Tropers
- Abandonia - A section where otherwise locked pages are left to open.
- List Of Administrative Passwords For This Wiki
- List of Administrative Passwords for the CIA
- I hear one of them is "12345".
- List of Administrative Passwords for the CIA
- Incredibly Great Pun
- January December Romance
- Please Don't Spoil The Endings Of Works Where Detective Is The Bad Guy
- Network Executives Are Experienced Professionals And The Shows They Kill Were Usually Flopping Anyway
- Blasphemy!
- Crowning Moment of Stop Making Tropes Named After Xanatos Already
- Shortened from ...It Was A Terrible Name That Everyone Constantly Misuses Which Only Caught On By A Fluke And Is Still Always Misused To Mean Crowning Moment of Planning Even Though That's Not What It Is, Because Most People Have No Idea Who Xanatos Is Aside From The Trope Itself And Therefore Haven't The Foggiest Idea What Sort Of Plans He Made Beyond The Implict Assumption Of 'Clever' Which Is All Anyone Ever Ever Ever Takes The Trope To Mean Outside TV Tropes, And Slapping Xanatos On Every Trope About Clever Planning Only Makes It Worse And Also Also While I'm On The Subject--
- Rape Is Funny When It's Happening To People Who Think Rape Is Funny
- Rape Is Funny When It's Male On Mermaid
- That one could be slightly true, actually. Mainly the part where the male's trying to figure out how.
- Rape is Funny When It's Male On Clown
- Rape Is Okay When It's Male On Female
- Rape Is Funny When It Is The Scrappy On Ensemble Darkhorse
- Rape Is Okay When It's Ensemble Darkhorse On The Scrappy.
- Rape Is Funny When It's Eldritch Abomination on Male.
- Rape Is Funny When It's Male on Male on Male on Female on Horse on Author Avatar on Female on IED on Eldritch Abomination on pre-op transvestite on aubergine on nuke on Male on housefly. The Aristocrats.
- Rape is Okay When It's Fanfic Author on Canon.
- Rape Is Funny When It's Enormous Aquatic Cephalopod on Animate Building
- Rape Is Funny When It's Male On Mermaid
- We Hate Bush
- We Hate Bush Unless It's Rule 34
- Contrast Plant Person and Les Yay.
- Bald of Awesome?
- Genocide Is Funny When It's Jew On German
- Dude, Not Funny: They actually plotted to do this as a revenge attack, it was on (where else?) The Nazi[5] Channel or Yesterday (formerly UKTV History).
- Title Bin Laden
- I searched for this page, but I couldn't find it.
- That page was killed by Troper Team Six.
- Fortunate Implications - where tropers watch racist propaganda and deliberately misinterpret it as being totally innocuous.
- That Troper is Mistaken/Wrong/Stupid Because...
- Encyclopaedia Dramatica Enhanced My Life
- Het Is Ew When It's Female On Male
- Ewe Is Het (So that sheep doesn't want you. Let it go, mate. Also, you need help.)
- Circlejerk With A Heart Of Gold
- Err...HoYay?
- Some Babies Need To Be Eaten
- Some Ethnicities Need To Be Cleansed
- Complaining About Ethnicities You Don't Like
- Some Nukes Need To Be Dropped
- Nukes That Needed To Be Dropped
- Rape Is Okay When It's This Troper On Female
- Everything's Better With The Words "Everything's Better" Jammed In Front Of It
- Slash shippers are horrible people.
- Real Life / War Has Never Been So Much Fun
- Homophobia Is Okay When It's Gay on Straight
- Sounds like an odd combination of You Are What You Hate and Double Standard...
- Useful Notes / Murder Suicide
- Shows That Prove The Superiority Of Specific Real-World Political Ideologies
- Shows That Most People On TV Tropes Seem To Like Which Actually Suck
- The FastEddie
- The Fast Eddie Furious
- Fast Eddie Is Furious
- Fast Eddie Will Shut That Shit Down
- The Fast Eddie Furious
- The Chikan Dance
- Vandalism of Win
- Viewers Really Are Morons, Especially You, The Troper Who Is Reading This Page. Yes, You.
- Can't Argue With Jews
- All Guys Want Shotacons
- Necrophilia Needs More Love
- Fast Eddie Was Wrong
- Some Dogs Need To Be Kicked
- Well, there's Kick the Son of a Bitch...
- The Network Executives Were Right
- Most Writers Are White
- Most Tropers Are Autistic
- Asperger's Syndrome, maybe.
- Molestation is Okay When It's Child on Child
- Animal Abuse is Okay When it's Animal on Animal
- Animal Abuse is Okay When it's Animal Rights Activist on Animal
- User Was Banned For This Post
- All Women Are Feminists
Attracts the "Context" tag[]
Because somebody is going to disagree.
- And How
- Explanation is in my head
- No Explanation Needed
- No Points For Guessing
- Nuff Said
- That's What Nuff Said
- That Is All
- Except that it is a Blue Link, a works page for That Is All, the last instalment of Complete World Knowledge. When it becomes sinkholed, we will seek vengeance upon John Hodgman and the author of the page. Damn you, Hodgman!
- I Would Rather Not Discuss It
- And That's All You Need to Know
- Do I Need To Say It?
Attracts Pot Holes[]
- I Wish I Was Making This Up
- I Am Totally Making This Up
- Oh, and ...
- Quipping - Because You Fight Like a Cow really shouldn't be the trope's name.
- So There You Go
- The - with specific instructions to link to The page every time you use The word "The" on The wiki.
- Full Stop
- Well Then
- I Love You
- This Is Awesome
- Overstatement
- I Know Already!
- What a Shame
- The Best
- The Worst
- But Why?
- Think again!
- Brutal Subversion
- Seen It Exactly Zero Times
- Subversions of this trope abound, however. Played with in Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure and Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch.
- Did The Research At The Last Minute
- Forced Someone To Do The Research For Him
- Will Never Be Remade
- Secretly Nonfictional
- Index Of All Indices That Do Not Contain Themselves (think about it)
- That's not Unknowable so much as Impossible.
- Well, it's possible to make, just not to be complete. But how many pages on a wiki can be said to be complete?
- That's not Unknowable so much as Impossible.
- Tropes That Pass In The Night
- Tropes in Ultraviolet
Articles That Will Never Self-Demonstrate[]
- Epic Fail
- Shock Site
- If it were possible, this would perhaps be more comforting.
- Bladder of Steel
- Unwinnable
- How do you win TV Tropes, anyway?
- The same way you win The Game.
- How do you win TV Tropes, anyway?
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Brown Note
- Eldritch Abomination
- TV Tropes isn't one?
- Ret-Gone
- Nope, I looked in the histories. Didn't happen.
- Older Than Television (We do have this one, but you have to send a postal address to get it.)
- The End of the World as We Know It
- Secret Test of Character
- Brother-Sister Incest
- Powered by a Forsaken Child (The dark secret behind the entire wiki!)
- The Unintelligible
- Hmrufshblemanoto. Bufr, mulnunm flrg.
- Better Than Sex
- Fan Dumb and Hate Dumb
- Locked Pages
- White Void Room
- The closest thing we have to that is Empty Room Psych.
- Lolicon / Shotacon
- Zapped (wiki)
- Speaking Simlish
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You (at least one HOPES this page will never self-demonstrate)
- This Troper
- Fan Myopia
- Self-Demonstrating Article
- Isn't it impossible for that to not self-demonstrate? I mean, it exists, and it's about self-demonstrating pages, so that makes it a self-demonstrating page in itself...doesn't it?
- It logically can either self-demonstrate or not self-demonstrate, but distinguishing between the two is impossible because either can only be proven by tautology.[6]
- Rule 34
- Narm
- Jump Scare
- Wall Banger
- Your Mileage May Vary
- In Name Only (If so, it would be about stuff that is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.)
- Iris Out
- Ruined FOREVER
- So Bad Its Horrible
- Expansion Pack
- Unless replies count as expansions, or the original poster edits something to add more...
- Revenue Enhancing Devices
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm
- Time Master
- Copycat Cover
- Bloodless Carnage (would only be possible if text had blood)
- Knife Nut
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- Right Place, Right Time, Wrong Reason
- Go Mad from the Revelation
- Killed Off for Real
- Internet Counterattack
- Role-Ending Misdemeanor
- Scenery Gorn
- Self-Destruct Mechanism
- Says you. I clicked on it and my hard drive started smoking!
- Fountain of Memes
- C'mon! The XKCD meme density record can't be unbeatable!
- Giftedly Bad
- I also wrote the self-demonstrating versions of Epic Fail and So Bad It's Horrible
- The Internet Is for Porn
- Ben Drowned
- Public Medium Ignorance
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them…unless Fast Eddie decides to.
- Fan Hater
- Fandom Heresy
- Banned in China
- Year Inside, Hour Outside - if only Tropedia (wiki) was like this.
- Deader Than Dead
- Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress
- Painted Tunnel, Real Train
- Really 700 Years Old
- Humanoid Aliens
- Xanatos Roulette
- Batman
- Cats Are Mean
- Squick
- Distaff Counterpart
- Yiff
- Talking Animal
- Your Mom
- National Stereotypes
- Image Boards
- Something Awful
- Creepypasta
Tropes That Will Never Be On Echo Chamber[]
- Alien Invasion
- Baleful Polymorph
- Batman [7]
- Brown Note
- Casual Interstellar Travel
- Echo Chamber (The meta, it hurts.)
- Eldritch Abomination
- The End of the World as We Know It
- Franchise Killer
- Humongous Mecha
- Jump Scare
- Kill'Em All
- Oh Crap, There Are Fanfics of Us (Due to a lack of material...yet.)
- Rickroll (due perhaps to Screwed by the Lawyers)
- Rule 34
- Scenery Gorn
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex
- Anal Probing
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"
- ↑ particles that is, as most other stuff is made of multiple particles.
- ↑ Actually, there are steps in between. You click "start", and then "shut down" - you click "start" to do a lot of things. You can also use ALT+F4, the shutdown command, etc.
- ↑ No it doesn't.
- ↑ Also known as: Needs More Hate
- ↑ I meant History
- ↑ Let's assume that any article about self-demonstrating articles does self-demonstrate. Therefore Self-Demonstrating Article is a self-demonstrating article, proving the assumption true. Now, let's assume that any such article doesn't self demonstrate. Therefore Self-Demonstrating Article is not self-demonstrating, and the assumption is again true.
- ↑ Boxer shorts notwithstanding