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Witty and sophisticated pre-code comedy from director Ernst Lubitsch about a couple of crooks planning to steal from a rich entrepreneur.
- Batman Gambit: Gaston does this anytime he believes someone might recognize him.
- Book Ends: The movie starts and finishes with Gaston and Lily showing the other what they have stolen from each other and then kissing.
- Conspicuous Consumption
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: The movie is completely shameless about it.
Gaston: Good night, Madame. And let me tell you again, you dance like a dream. |
- Gentleman Thief
- Give Me Back My Wallet
- Gratuitous German
- Gratuitous Italian
- Gratuitous Russian
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Have We Met?: Hilariously played with; Francois is quite insistent that he's never met Gaston before. Then he remembers where he *does* know him from.
Francois: Tonsils! I distinctly remember tonsils! |
- Ho Yay: Between The Major and François.
- Love Triangle
- Running Gag: "I have a confession to make"
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Called out by Gaston. Although, you have to remember he is the thief.
Gaston: I see. You have to be in the Social Register to keep out of jail. But when a man starts at the bottom and works his way up, a self-made crook, then you say, "Call the police! Put him behind bars! Lock him up!" |
From Geneva comes the news that the famous international crook, Gaston Monescu, robbed the peace conference yesterday. He took practically everything except the peace. |
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Lily usually hides the things she steals there. Not always with success, though.