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 This is why we got into advertising in the first place, remember? Some kids wanted to be firemen, some kids wanted to be astronauts, some kids wanted to be doctors; we always wanted to be hung-over from expensive booze that someone else paid for while everyone back in Chicago thinks we're working. That was our dream. We dare to dream.



A TNT dramedy which premiered in January of 2009, Trust Me stars Ed and Will as two advertising gurus in Chicago. Alright, it insists on calling them Connor and Mason. The show focuses on their relationship with each other and their team once Mason is promoted while Connor is not. Side plots also revolve around the balance of work and family for Mason, and the newcomer to the team, Sarah Krajicek-Hunter and all of her neuroses. It proposes to be a character-driven drama and is in no way similar to another show on AMC.

As the show progressed, it started dealing with Mason's balancing act between work and family. His ambition is tempered by his agency's lack of new clients and loss of current clients, the latter of which may be partially his fault. Connor meanwhile struggles with his love life. Sarah also, but from a much different perspective as she deals with a divorce and reentering the dating scene.

Tropes used in Trust Me include:


 Sarah: I am a total guy's guy.

Mason: No one would ever doubt that.
