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- Alas, Poor Villain: Hun. Hopefully, he will get better.
- Alternate Character Interpretation:
- The inclusion of the 1987 universe. Was it there to make the special a love letter to Turtles fandom in general by showing multiple generations working together, or a ploy by the producers of the 2003 Turtles to make their own show look good by showing how much sillier everything was in the 1987 universe by comparison? (That is, everything except 1987 Splinter...)
- Similar to the above: Was the Mirage Turtles' Curb Stomp Battle of the other teams included as a commentary on how superior the original Turtles were compared to subsequent adaptations?
- And the Fandom Rejoiced:
- Fans were pleased to hear that the 1987 Turtles are making a return. And then there's all the squeeing over the originals...
- Even though they only appeared for 5 seconds in the movie, when Tokka and Rahzar's designs were seen, they also got some fans hopes up. Sadly...
- There's an audio recording of the film's world premiere at ComicCon floating around the Net. Many, many times, the delighted, surprised screams of the audience drowns out the movie. One of the rare cases when you can literally hear the fandom rejoicing.
- Big Lipped Alligator Moment: When the 1987 and 2003 Turtles visit the 1987 universe for the first time, they witness the 1987 Turtles getting into a battle with a giant mutant banana, pizza monsters, evil leprechauns, and monstrous bowling balls, saving 1987 April in the process. After this scene, the Turtles leave, and 1987 April is abducted by a mutant banana, never to be seen or referenced in the movie again.
- Broken Base: Apparently, the movie's treatment of the 1987-verse divided some of the older show's fanbase. For instance, Doug Walker liked the movie enough that he threw out the Caustic Critic Critic persona and praised it out-of-character; by contrast, Walker's fellow reviewer Phelous was one of the few internet critics to give it an overwhelmingly negative review.
- Complete Monster: Whilst not a trait unique to this movie; 2003 Shredder really crosses the line here when he decides to kill everyone in the known universe, including himself, and doesn't have any intention of stopping even when Karai, his own daughter, begs him to. It's little wonder all love and loyalty Karai has for him ends at this point.
- Creator's Pet: Some fans accuse the '03 Turtles of being this, seeing how the '87 Turtles were pretty much Straw Losers to them.
- Crowning Moment of Funny:
- Hun freaking out over 1987 Raphael breaking the fourth wall.
- For this troper, 2K3 Mike's reaction to the Turtle Blimp.
- The Getting Crap Past the Radar below, especially Splinter's reaction to it.
- '03 Don to '87 April: "Uhh... What's with the yellow jumpsuit? Do you work at a car wash in this dimension?"
- Mirage Shredder being defeated by the 87 and 03 Turtles via garbage throwing at him, sending him to his death from the roof.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: the Leitmotif at the title card. Now if we could only hear the whole piece...
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: "Another fine mess you've gotten us into." Krang, you don't know how accurate you are.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Mirage Leo's narration works even better as a parody of Frank Miller's work now than it in the late 80's.
- Ho Yay: 1987 Shredder when describing Ch'rell, and later Krang's little comment when they located him... it's in the tone of their voices.
- Moral Event Horizon: 2003 Shredder does it again, as he callously attempts to murder the Turtles by using them to pinpoint Turtle Prime. Granted, he's tried to kill them hundreds of times before... but not while Splinter was watching them die, yes, the other Shredders have attempted this, but there was no real sign of a Deus Ex Machina, Chekhov's Gun, or really anything this time that could save them except somebody from the outside, this is what gets Karai to finally switch sides for good.
- Motive Decay: Ch'rell/2003 Shredder. In most of his appearances in the 2003 series after The Reveal, including all of season 3, his goals are to get back to space to rebuild his empire and get revenge on the Utroms who imprisoned him. He considered the turtles little more than an inconvenience and was willing to leave Earth in his space ship without even finishing them off. In this movie he wants nothing more than to kill all Ninja Turtles, even at the cost of his own existence.
- Nightmare Fuel: 2003 Shredder's plan. Destroy the entire universe? Watch as the entire world erases itself, everyone in it and any loved ones you may have before being erased yourself? Pretty frightening.
- There were a few other examples, such as Hun's quote in one scene.
Hun: Yes... Mutation, it's a real horror show. |
- In story example: the Mirage Turtles were this to the 1987 Turtles, who were so afraid of their "willing to kill, dismember your body parts and do it with a smile" counterparts that they dropped their weapons and fled. Hell, even Ch'rell was afraid of them when they got up-close and personal.
- Tear Jerker:
- 2003 Raphael and Leonardo's conversation with the 1987 Splinter.
- Especially in the Uncut version, because that scene references a (deleted from the original) scene where the 2004 Splinter voiced similar sentiments. It seems that no matter where in the Multiverse you go, Splinter is always a rock of stability and calm for the turtles.
- Villain Decay: This Trope was inverted for threats from the 2003 such as Hun, who mutated into a Turtle monster, while this condition isn't exactly liked, he actually becomes much more powerful, so powerful, in fact, that none of the Turtles can defeat him.
- Played very straight with Shredder and Krang, who went from goofy but somewhat menacing in the '87 show to entirely useless here.