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Fridge Horror[]

  • Tutenstein: The show is kind of inherently Fridge Horrific, since the main character is a mummified Undead Child, but things really get bad after the episode "The Comeback Kid". To sum up, Tutenstein casts a spell that restores him into a living flesh-and-blood boy, but chaos ensues when he forgets to shut off the magic artifact, and he ends up having to undo the entire spell and turn back into a mummy. And, since it was a one-time-only spell, he is now condemned to be a living mummy forever. Think about the implications of that. His Secret Keeper Cleo is going to grow up and (presumably) move on in life, while Tut is stuck hiding in the museum, a ten-year-old child's mind in a mouldering corpse, with no hope of anything better. And, since Cleo is usually the only thing standing between Tut and disaster, it'd be only a matter of time before he either was discovered by the modern world, pissed off the Egyptian gods again so they carried out their frequent threats of eternal damnation, or lost the Scepter of Was to Set and doomed the rest of the world. Really, Undeath Always Ends is looking pretty good at this point.