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  • Cross Dressing Voice: Tut was voiced by Donna Cherry and eventually, Jeannie Elias.
  • The Character Died with Him: Averted. During early production, they were going for Roddy McDowall to voice Luxor the Cat, but due to his 1998 death, David Lodge was chosen, since he can do a good McDowall impression.
  • Hey, It's That Voice! Jiraiya became a long suffering butler, who adores his undead master and tries to keep him from getting killed.
    • Because Drimogemon now owns a museum, he's quite proud of it and the Egyptian display, this boosts his ego.
    • Libby's now best friends with a mummy and has to fight Set.
    • Margie McGee guards the Scepter of Was to prevent it from getting into Set's hands.
  • The Wiki Rule: The Tutenstein Wiki