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Like most of Konami 's franchises, Twinbee is rife with awesome soundtracks and songs.

  • The opening riff and melody of the first stage are considered classic - there's a reason that it was remixed for Beatmania III.
  • Let's not forget the awesome vocal songs. Mariko Kouda's album Twinbee Vocal Paradise deserves special mention, containing classic songs such as Twin Memories (opening of one of the animes), Bokura no Suteki (Twinbee Yahoo's opening), Kaze No Okurimono, Fantasian, Lights ~ Harukanaru Tabidachi, HOPE, Sanctuary, Harmony, and Magical Melody.
  • Why hasn't anyone mentioned Twin Flight yet? This troper thinks this theme describes the Twinbee-series at it's best: it has been used many times after its debut game in other Konami's games, like Parodius, Otomedius, and Konami Krazy Racers as well!