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- During Donkey Kong Country Returns:
Pat: Doin' it! Making it! *singing* We're gonna make it after all! |
- Pat wonders if Cranky Kong's pissed off at Jumpman again.
- During Earth Defense Force 2017:
- Also:
Matt: It's dangerous to go alone! |
- During Dead Rising 2:
- Matt dresses up Chuck similar to the way this VG Cats comic does, save for a different colored hat and Groucho Marx glasses.
- Matt is definitely not stylin' and profilin'.
- Pat wants Katie to shut her mouth and make him some porkchop sandwiches.
- During Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:
- Matt refers to the plague mask doctor as a Death Note.
- During Disaster: Day of Crisis:
Pat: Is that the DARPA chief? |
- During Ken's Rage:
- During Marvel vs Capcom:
- Matt insists that Dormammu's other name is Ghost Rider.
- During Baby Maker Extreme (Xbox Live Indie game):
- During Red Dead Redemption:
(shooting at the whore of steel) |
- During Mortal Kombat 9:
Matt: Oh, by the way, here's Subzero. For no raisin. |
- During Portal 2:
Pat: That's a, uhh, Material Emancipation Grid. |
- Also:
Matt: To infinity! |
- During L.A. Noire:
- Time cards and sound effects from Law & Order.
- "Where's Scarecrow?!"
- During Super Nintendo...well actually all of it since they're playing licensed games.
- During Super Punch-Out!!:
Matt: He's temporarily incarcerated for pushing his mother down the stairs. |
- During Heavy Rain:
- During Duke Nukem Forever:
- During Shadows of the Damned:
- Pat hopes that wasn't Chris's blood.
- Someone's a paranoid bitch. That someone is Matt- er, Boo Boo. He needs to get more gems from those pic-a-nic baskets!
- I'm a wizard and that shit is fucked up!
- During F3EAR:
- Towards the end of the video, they begin saying "The Fear!" like the Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater villain, followed by "I'm Covered in Bees!", "I'm really sad!" and "I'm on fire and I'm a spaceman!"
- During Man vs. Wild:
- When Bear Grylls notes that winter is coming and starts building a shelter, Pat wishes that they had the help of a smart-assed midget, and Matt wants some direwolves.
- One of the factoid cards on Bear Grylls says that he learned how to channel electricity from electric eels when he was a kid.
- During Amnesia the Dark Descent:
- Pat tells Matt this game isn't like his Pokemans. Matt agrees, and says it's more like Medabots. Then his starts singing about Medabots.
- As a Call Back to the last video, Matt mutters "Fucking Lannisters." when he gets scared by the castle sound effects.
- When Matt finally quits the game and goes back to Pat's desktop, he sees that Pat has My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic as his desktop wallpaper.
- During Captain America: Super Soldier:
- Matt makes a bad Saving Private Ryan joke during the intro.
- Matt compares the first level to Sucker Punch, which Pat does not think bodes well for the game.
- Matt claims Bucky is named after Bucky O'Hare.
- Pat asks Matt if he ate paint chips as a kid, to which Matt replies "You mean wall candy"?
- Pat makes a "The Fear" reference when they see some fire, and later Matt says the HYDRA agents are trying to steal the Philosopher's Legacy.
- Pat and Matt refer to a painting of the Red Skull (prior to his disfigurement) as Elrond, Agent Smith, Megatron, and V.
- Pat tells Matt to be careful when Captain America is swinging on some poles, because he might fall down like Bran.
- When fighting Madame Viper:
Matt: If I could put a price tag on what this fucking bitch is worth it would be negative seventy-billion dollers. |
- Pat was doing all the quarter circles for Final Justice
- During Deus Ex Human Revolution:
- When Matt is complaining that Adam Jensen doesn't have his robot arms yet:
Pat: How about I cut off all your arms and legs and give you robot shit? Turn you into a retarded Jax. |
- Pat really enjoys the way the plot has similarities to RoboCop.
- Matt thinks the company Adam works for makes Soliton Radars.
- When Josie Thorpe asks what happened to her husband (he died because Matt spent too much time making Jensen dick around Sarif Industries thus resulting in all the hostages being killed) Pat says "It's a Mystery".
- After Matt makes Jensen act pretty cold to the grieving Cassandra Reed, he says "Deal With It" and points out that Jensen now has sunglasses on all the time.
- During Street Fighter III:
- Matt wants to know if Ibuki will join his Bible Black club.
- When Pat is getting his ass kicked in the parry challenge, Matt gives a half-hearted "Believe in me who believes in you" speech. Which he screws up.
Matt: I believe in you, so believe in yourself |
- During Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon:
- Matt tells a robot to tell its grandma to bring the car around.
- During Catherine:
- Matt calls Katherine Queen of the Harpies.
- "Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom."
- The two briefly wonder if they saw Professor Layton in the Golden Channel's intro.
- Matt and Pat calling Midnight Venus Afro Samurai and Black Dynamite.
- "Get youah ahss to Mahs!"
- Matt and Pat repeatedly say I never/didn't asked for this.
- Matt at one point says that eating a bunch of sheep eyes was the third level of Dantes Inferno.
- Pat thinks the "space confessionals" are the secret of Assassin's Creed.
- Matt wonders why Catherine's always gotta be predatorin' on dudes.
- Pat shouts out "in the face!" in a fashion similar to that of Stuttering Craig.
- Matt calls Katherine Queen of the Harpies.
- During Gears of War 3:
- Matt and Pat starting calling Marcus Jake, and wonder where Finn is, and think Dom should be replaced with Finn.
- "Oh my God, I saved the village."
- "Hey horse, get out of here. I wanna sleep and you're creeping me the math out."
- When Cole Train is not onscreen, all other characters should be asking: "Where's Cole Train?"
- Cole Train should be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
- One of them says that Dom should make a Wicker Man wife out of the shrub he's growing. Then they start screaming about bees.
- While playing as the aliens: "Hey, let's go see what the Cogs are doing!"
- Matt and Pat starting calling Marcus Jake, and wonder where Finn is, and think Dom should be replaced with Finn.
- During Rise of Nightmares:
- When a Russian ballerina starts speaking to them in Russian, they start muttering about the Philosopher's Legacy and Colonel Volgin.
- When they see an NPC investigating a bloodstain on the floor, Pat hopes it isn't Chris's blood.
- During Dark Souls:
- Matt names the PC "Chesty LaRue"
- Comparisons to situations and characters from The Lord of the Rings are frequent throughout.
- "Snake Eater" plays over a clip of the player character climbing a long ladder.
- Matt proclaims that "THE BIG BRAIN AM WINNING AGAIN"
- During Dead Rising 2: Off the Record:
- The two compare the picture taking to Pokémon Snap.
- Pat wants Frank to get some pictures of Spider-Man.
- A scene of Frank West dressed in women's clothing is set to One Winged Angel.
- When they cause a female NPC to "defect" by repeatedly attacking her, they mention that she'll suffer the same fate as the Boss, while complementing her CQC skills.
- Then when they start wailing on her with a crowbar, Pat remarks that this is why Gordon Freeman is a real scientist.
- A scene of Frank West punching zombies with a defibrillator is set to the Punch Out theme.
- During Batman: Arkham City:
- Obligatory references to various Batman media.
- Danny DeVito is pretty good in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
- What's in the case man? What's in the case what's in the case?!
- Flying through rings brings to mind another game with such bullshit.
- During Persona 4:
- The protagonist is named Kenpachi RAMASAMA.
- After naming him that we get this exchange:
Mat: Hello, my dear. My name is Kenpachi Ramasama. |
- "This card carries a terrible curse. That's bad." "But it's half off! That's good!" "The limo is also cursed." "That's bad." "But it comes with free drinks!" "That's good!"
- The top of Morooka's shit list includes such troublemakers as Motoko Kusanagi and Simon the Driller.
- During Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai:
- James Logan took that doctor and threw her on the ground.
- Matt explains that the old guy has all of those guns to keep the king of England out of their faces.
- Matt calls Togo a direwolf.
- How'd it get burned? How'd it get burned?!
- Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!
- Matt gets raped to sleep by the dickwolves.
- Pat thinks James Logan's watched too much Star Wars when he guts open a moose like a tauntaun.
- When fighting the bear boss, Pat exclaims its similarity to Deep Blue Sea.
- "Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R."
- During Skyrim:
- During Assassin's Creed Revelations:
- "I'm not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens!"
- During Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- Matt really wants to know whats in the box
- Matt loudly wonders what he is fighting for whilst Pat calls out for Iris
- "It's fine, It's fine, it's fine, it's fine"
- According to Matt the incident on the bridge is "Just like that thing in Ninja Scroll"
- in "Saints Row the Third"
- "it's a bank robbery within a bank robbery, within a movie of the bank robbery?"
- The opening sequence reminds Pat of Eraser
- When getting on a motorcycle causes the word "Kaneda" to appear onscreen, this exchange happens.
- During Deadly Premonition
- "Do you feel it? Do you feel the cosmos?"
- During Metal Wolf Chaos
- During Mass Effect 3