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  • Older Than They Think: This isn't the first time The Jungle Book has been reimagined into a war tale set in a jungle inhabited by various animal tribes, Zenoscope Entertainment did the same thing in their Grimm Fairy Tales comic miniseries.
  • Out of Focus:
    • Terk and Tantor get less screen time compared to fellow supporting characters Bagheera, Baloo, Timon, and Pumbaa.
    • Tarzan, Simba, and Baloo in the second half of the Tigers at the Gates mini-arc.
  • Shipping: Simba and Terk are just friends in this series, but that hasn't stopped the author from writing a non-canon one-shot where they fall for each other and eventually consummate.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Simba and Baloo don't contribute much in the second arc, even though the first chapter implied they would. Tarzan at least came up with the Chekhov's Gun.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Simba also doesn't really deal with much discrimination from the gorillas or the denizens of the Theluji, despite their lack of fondness for big cats.
  • What Could Have Been: Considering how much research was done in the making of this fic, it's no surprise that a lot of things didn't make the cut in the final product.
    • There was an idea of bringing Bambi characters into the mix (thus bringing the homages to Simba the King Lion full circle). Bambi and his father would live on Shere Khan's side of the jungle and the Great Prince would have been an old ally of the tiger, having helped him in vanquishing the humans from Bukuvu.
    • The author considered giving Simba another lion Arch Enemy, besides Scar, in the form of a Kimba-Expy who would have all of the latter's worst traits tuned Up To Eleven and the two of them would have a Circle of Life vs Colonialism conflict of shorts. Yes, that was after the author watched this video by
    • Following on the Tezuka vein, Princess Sapphire of Silverland would become Tarzan's love interest.
    • Baloo was going to join the escort team across the mountains and he was the one who was gonna come up with the plan to use the interlaced vines.
    • At the end of the third arc, Lucky was going to appear and the Vulture Quartet would introduce him to Simba and Tarzan from afar, inspiring him to sing Son of Man (an obvious reference to his voice actor Phil Collins).

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