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Dr. Eggman: So let me get this straight... We team up to wreak havoc on our respective enemies. —Two Evil Scientist Villains Victorious, Pt 1
Two Evil Scientists is a long-running sprite comic that has been updated since 2004 and has enjoyed a somewhat more than modest fanfare. Initially starting out on keenspace (now comicgenesis) the comic was moved to smackjeeves where it became one of the longest running comics on the site. The comic takes a somewhat lighthearted idea and makes it work; pitting together the characters from both the Mega Man series and the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Rather than solely focusing on the exploits of the heroes of these series however, the comic, as its title implies, has a heavier focus on the two main villains (Dr. Albert Wily and Dr. Ivo Robotnik) from these series. The author makes use of the many similarities between these series to make for an interesting comic.
The series is currently on an extended hiatus.
Includes examples of:[]
- Achievements in Ignorance: Ashura is able to run on the air simply by not looking down!
- A Day in the Limelight: Most Characters have at least two storylines devoted to them
- Affably Evil: Both of the conquerors from the future. Which one is more affable depends on who you ask.
- A God Am I: I'm pretty sure many of the villains felt this way. Particularly the commander on the ark, Doppelganger, and Gemerl after being exposed to the super emeralds.
- Alternate Timeline: With a twist. Two super villains from alternate timelines are competing to make their timelines a reality.
- Also Quint and the Time Skimmer.
- Art Evolution: A minor example with this comic, which starts the use of new, more smooth speech bubbles.
- Ascended Glitch: Ashura, who is based off a glitch in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that turned Sonic green and black.
- He also wants to replace Sonic in the beginning.
- A Wizard Did It: Seen here.
- Badass: Bass and Shadow's fused form, appropriately named Badass.
- Back From the Dead: Mega Man And Sonic... twice.
- Bait and Switch Boss: Omachao replacing King.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Buzz's girlfriend Beedra. Most characters react accordingly when they see her.
- Big Little Brother: Bass to Cream.
- Brain Bleach: Dr. Light in the shower.
- Or the fact that he built a fully functioning artificial penis for Mega Man X before he even finished the designs for his other systems. Did I mention that he keeps it in his pocket? Yeah, there's a reason he's a mad scientist.
- Break the Cutie: Bass does this to Cream when she finds out he is, in fact, evil.
- Brick Joke: The Big/Auto fusion.
- B Side Comics: The author, MC Ryan's Mega Girl (on hiatus, or dead) and Chrono Crossover (now ended) feature characters that have at one point appeared in the main comic but use storylines far different from the main comic.
- Came Back Wrong: Bass, likely as a Type 2. It later turns out that this was part of Robot Wily and Egg Robo's Gambit Roulette
- Cast Calculus: Characters that tend to fit the same roles in both series are always paired together: Mega Man/Sonic, Shadow/Bass, Amy/Roll...
- Of course, sometimes it's rather hard to pull this off. The closest thing to Rouge is Treble.
- Cerebus Syndrome
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Nack the Weasel, who continues this behavior in a side story Spin-Off, Chrono Crossover, which has ended.
- Conqueror From the Future: There's two of them, and they are competing against each other from separate timelines.
- Continuity Nod: Many.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: You could count the number of characters that have been Killed Off for Real on one hand. More often than not, the characters that die are robots, so they'll just be rebuilt if they get killed.
- Death Is Cheap: If you call $20 cheap.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Ryan frequently invokes and lampshades this when commenting on the comics.
- Double Entendre: Amy is prepping Roll for her first time in battle, and it sounds like she's talking about the first time she got laid. Just for an added joke, Roll's first opponent? Plant Man (vines and all.)
- Even Evil Has Standards: The titular scientists once used their robots to save orphans form a burning building. Why? Because they're evil, not heartless!
- Evil Duo: The Two Evil Scientists themselves... obviously.
- More recently, Wily with Eggman Nega and Eggman with Weil. And then there's Metal Sonic and Yellow Devil, Metal Sonic and The Copy Robot, and likely Robot Wily and Egg Robo
- Explosive Leash: Eggman has a tendency to install bombs in the heads of his robots to make sure that they don't rebel.
- Filler Strips: Never in the main comic, but it has entire other comics devoted to doing that.
- Before the Out of Continuity comic, a few of the filler series, namely the two Christmas ones, were in the main comic and were later moved there.
- Fun with Acronyms: After a long hiatus, this.
- Furry Comic: Technically, since it's a half Sonic comic, so this is a given.
- Fusion Dance: Merged forms, consisting of a Sonic character and their closest counterpart from the Mega Man series. The list is as follows:
- Mega Hedgehog (Sonic and Mega Man)
- Proto Echidna (Knuckles and Proto Man)
- Turbo (Tails and Rush)
- Badass (Shadow and Bass)
- Trouble (Rouge and Treble)
- Metal Devil (Metal Sonic and Yellow Devil)
- Glitch (Ashura and Quint)
- Rosy (Amy and Roll)
- Rabbot (Cream and Tango)
- Doppelganger (Metal Sonic and The Copy Robot)
- Cadillac (Big and Auto)
- Hip Hop (Froggy and Eddie)
- Gambit Pileup: A result of having Loads and Loads of Characters. Usually, either one of the scientists will turn on the other, or
oneseveral of The Dragons will turn on them. - Good Angel, Bad Angel: Emerl and Maria Robotnik for Gemerl while inside his Mental World.
- Intercontinuity Crossover
- Interspecies Romance: Dr Light (and later Dr Wily) with Vanilla.
- In the Blood: Seen Here with Cream and her father Dr Wily.
- I Think You Broke Her: When Knuckles steals all of Rouge's jewels.
- Kamehame Hadoken: While not used, it references one of the trope namers while using the other here.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Bass has made it quite clear that if anyone wrongs his sister, they will suffer... slowly.
- Lampshade Hanging: Knuckles and Proto Man sum it up pretty nicely after they find the Chaos Emerald Shadow was looking for:
Proto Man: "And we just happened to find [a Chaos Emerald] on your little treasure hunt?" |
- Les Yay: Invoked here.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: From both the Mega Man and Sonic Series.
- LOLcats: Tango falls in love with Blaze. He wants to be able to communicate with her, so he has Auto reprogram him, leading to this.
- Love Triangle: For a while, there was one with Amy, Mega Man, and Sonic. Quint's first role in the story was an attempt to remove Sonic from the equation, leaving nothing in between Amy and Mega Man.
- Mad Scientist: In the current time alone, there's 5: Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, Dr. Eggman, Dr. Cossack, and Tails. Out of all of them, Dr. Light is the most disturbing.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Mostly done for kicks, but several of the comics imply that not only have Sonic and Mega Man been inhabiting the same world/universe, but Pokémon, Samus, and even other heroes inhabit the same world... the main focus, though, is always on the Sonic and Mega Man characters. Yeah...
- Meanwhile in the Future: While Sonic and Mega Man are trapped in the future and past respectively, it keeps jumping back between them.
- Mundane Utility: The titular scientists used two of their shapeshifting robots to pose as Amy and Roll and babysit for Wily's daughter Cream. This bites them in the ass later on when the two robots decide to betray them partly because of being used mundanely.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Well, send the hypotenuse to the future. Same thing, really.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Mega Hedgehog destroys the Master Emerald, the only thing powering Doppelganger's massive army. Too bad it was also the only thing preventing the Death Egg from crashing into the populated city below it.
- The Not-Secret: It's difficult for Mega Man to hide his identity from the rest of the cast.
- Oh Crap: Robot Dr. Wily gets a fantastic one right after he brings Bass back to life.
- One-Man Army: Doppelganger is a rather literal example, if he has enough power.
- Plot Coupon: The Chaos Emeralds, and recently the Sol Emeralds.
- Plot Hole: Used as a Plot Device here.
- The character Ashura is a living one.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: X was made to be able to duplicate all human functions. All of them.
- Reliable Traitor: Nack the Weasel.
- Right Behind Me: Played with many times.
- Robosexual: Kalinka and Beedra, who love Gemerl and Buzz respectively.
- Running Gag: Mega Man's ego (or lack thereof).
- Schedule Slip: An entirely new comic was devoted towards this called Waiting for Ryan.
- Self-Made Orphan: Bass discusses it.
- Shoot the Hostage: Quint scores a double hit.
- Sprite Comic
- Super Mode: With the Chaos Emeralds.
- Tempting Fate: Done on a regular basis.
- The Slow Path: How Mega Man got to the future.
- Unrequited Love Switcheroo: Amy and Mega Man.
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Lampshaded and Justified in this strip. (Warning: Spoilers!)
- Villains Out Shopping: Eggman has his own restaurant for a while.
- Villain Protagonist: Eggman and Wily, the titular "Two Evil Scientists."
- Webcomic Time: Played with occasionally.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Dr. Weil sees himself as this. This is inaccurate.
- Won't Take Yes for An Answer: Wily, when he proposes to Vanilla.
- Would Hit a Girl: Ashura.
- You and What Army? Lampshaded by Joe.
- You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious: Dr Wily knows that Bass wants something because Bass called him dad.