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  • Why Mazinger-Z or Great Mazinger never were used against the Vegans? They showed up in the Go Nagai manga and in two Crossover movies, but never in the anime series. The remainder time Kouji limited himself to pilot a tiny flying saucer or a Mid-Season Upgrade instead of actively helping Duke by using his Humongous Mecha to battle. And Tetsuya only showed up in one story of the manga. I get Duke and Grendizer were the stars of the show and the anime-makers surely thought they would become less prominent if the former pilots and mechas returning. Yet, why ignoring so blatantly and completely the past series?
  • Where was Shiro as Kouji remained in the Space Science Laboratory? This is another trouble born of the anime-makers disregarding nearly all ties with the former series of the trilogy: Shiro never showed up and Kouji never mentioned him, so we do not know why Kouji was not taking care of his thirteen-years-old little brother like he did in the original series, we do not know WHO was taking care of him (likely candidates are Tetsuya and Jun, or Prof. Yumi), and it did Kouji seemed a jerk.