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The Series in general[]

  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
  • Complete Monster: Commander Barados, King Vega
  • Ear Worm: The Italian theme song. GOOOLLLDRAAAKKE!!!
  • Gateway Series: In France. Arrived in the late 70s on a public channel and created a public outcry. The reason was the french opening song, that some found kinda xenophobic, extending this to the show itself. Was a HUGE success anyway, and it's basically thanks to this show that the anime fanbase exists in France, since it created the first french generation of anime-fans.
    • By extension, also in Quebec, where the series was a Saturday-morning staple for years on the TVA network (sort of the Francophone CTV).
    • Many Middle Eastern anime fans name this as their very first anime.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff (Grendizer has a huge following in the Arab world, as well as in Europe, mostly in the French-speaking parts of both; also in Quebec province.)
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Naming the enemies "Vegans". So living on an herbivorous diet ruins planets and turns you into destroyer of worlds? They might be trying to imply that the enemies are from the star Vega, but still...
    • To double the hilarity, Scott Pilgrim features people who gain super-powers by becoming vegans. Countdown to Scott Pilgrim/Grendizer fanfic begins now...
  • Ho Yay: Shockingly, a section of the fandom sees the relationship between Kouji and Duke like this. Despite having not evidence for it.
    • Shockingly? Puh-lease. We have two handsome men who are good friends and rivals — it'd be odder if some parts of the fandom did not latch onto this.
  • Marty Stu (Duke Fleed, unfortunately, is perceived by quite a few to be a good example of this.)
  • Nightmare Fuel: Commander Barados' method of dealing with hostages.

 Duke: "And it was then... That cruel rain began to fall! A deluge from children began to rain upon Fleed. From three-thousand meters in the sky... The children..."

  • The Woobie: Honestly, Rubina could not catch a break.

The Grendizer U anime[]

  • Poison Oak Epileptic Trees: While many look forward to a new Grendizer-related show for a long time, at least some fans feared that the anime will suffer from potential mishandling to its direction, given that it was helmed by Mitsuo Fukuda (who is known for Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, but notorious/infamous for its direction) of all people.