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Koinzell's Companions[]

Koinzell / Ascherit[]

UB Koinzel 6555

The protagonist of the series, Koinzell is a mysterious half-breed swordsman from the Empire's distant frontier. He quickly makes it clear that his main goal is to kill the Seven Heroes of the Empire as revenge for their craven and cowardly killing of him and the three other Lances twenty years ago.

  • Anti-Hero: Played with. Koinzell himself fully admits that killing the Seven Heroes would bring chaos and confusion to the Empire, but presses on with it anyway in order to avenge his friend’s murders at their hands. On the other hand, Koinzell always stops to help those in need, even when it interferes with his quest for revenge.
  • Back From the Dead: Koinzell is actually Ascherit, who survived his fatal wounds by devouring a fairy at the bottom of the ravine Glenn pushed him into.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: He invokes and lampshades this trope with Ato.
  • Badass
  • Berserk Button: Harming innocent people in front of him is a bad idea. So is mentioning how great the Seven Heroes are, or slandering the Lances of Betrayal.
  • Blessed with Suck: Koinzell's elven body has many advantages: The Black Sword, his one winged angel form, and the fact that it makes him almost unkillable (If he is hurt badly, he is almost always completely healed the next time he is seen). However, at times, it seems like the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. First, his body weakens without a source of moonlight, and he cannot even use the Black Sword without one. Second, he is not able to use his signature technique Black Wing with his new body without severely weakening himself. Third, his enemies have been able to incapacitate him with magic on occasion by taking advantage of the elfish nature of his body.
  • The Chosen One: The Imperial astrologers predicted that a hero would arise in the frontiers and save the Empire from a dark catastrophe. Koinzell doesn't believe it, and claims that he's more likely to be the catastrophe itself.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: For all his protests and claims that he's a bad person, Koinzell sure does help a lot of people.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: He appears this way, despite actually being in his late thirties due to becoming a hybrid as a result of eating a fairy after being pushed into a ravine and left for dead.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Black Wing, a devastating sword strike that uses killing intent to strike a fatal blow. Using it takes a toll on Koinzell's body, however. Also a subversion that as a human he had no problems using it, and that it's his current fairy body that's too fragile to handle it.
  • Determinator
  • The Dreaded: Koinzell eventually acquires the title of 'Hero-Killing Rebel' or simply 'Hero Killer'.
  • Emergency Transformation: Covering another person's wounds with his own blood can revive them, turning them into a hybrid in the process. Also happened to Koinzell in the past, who ate a fairy after being left for dead by the Seven after their betrayal.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Eye Scream: Has a large scar over one of his eyes, though he still has both of them. It's from when Glenn gouged out his eye when he was Ascherit.
  • Healing Factor: Is shown to posess a very strong one late in the series, capable of regrowing lost limbs.
  • Heroic BSOD: Koinzell completely breaks down after his first attempt to kill the Seven ends in failure, especially when he realises how well-loved and protected by the people they are.
  • Hero-Killer: From the perspective of the Seven Heroes and the general population of the empire. 'Hero Killer' is what people eventually come to call him.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Played straight at first, but increasingly averted as the series continues as people slowly realise that the Seven Heroes aren't actually all that heroic.
  • Lightning Bruiser
  • Master Swordsman: Both before and after his transformation.
  • Mercy Kill: Sadly ends up doing this a lot.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Killing Glenn before Lebellond was a bad move on Koinzell's part, since it allowed the far more belligerent Lebellond to essentially usurp control of the Empire.
    • Doubly invoked by the fact that Koinzell actually had a choice of whether to kill Glenn or Lebellond, as both of them were literally in front of him and easily killable, and at that time, he consciously chose to kill Glenn first. It wasn't simply a situational matter of "Glenn was there, Lebellond wasn't".
  • One-Man Army: Poor mooks should learn to just stay away.
  • One-Winged Angel: When things become dire and there is no option left, Koinzell can assume the form of a gigantic fairy with bladed wings. In this form he is essentially unstoppable, but using it takes an even bigger toll on his body than the Black Wing.
  • Rapunzel Hair: His long hair is tied into two braids. With daggers hanging from them.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Red Right Hand: Under the light of the two moons, Koinzell can summon four massive prehensile black swords from his right arm.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Surprisingly averted. Although revenge is a big motivator for Koinzell, he never fails to help anyone who needs it and is perfectly fine from running from a battle with the Seven if things aren't going his way.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The entire series is Koinzell's.
  • Stealth Mentor: To Ikfes.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Worthy Opponent: Again, to Ikfes.


UB Ato 1546

The princess of a frontier barbarian tribe who initially pursued Koinzell out of revenge for him killing her brother. Eventually she learns the truth about why he did so and since then has become one of his most important allies.


UB Peepi 6067

A small child who tried to smuggle herself into the central Empire to escape the wartorn frontier. The attempt fails but she is rescued by Koinzell and spends most of the series following after him.

  • The Load: Sadly she's just a normal child caught up in a war-torn world.
    • Not anymore after Barestar’s invasion of Jullas-Abllas when she begins to learn some summoning magic.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: 'Peepi' isn't her real name, but one Koinzell made up on the spot so that he could pose as her brother and save her from some corrupt guards. The name sticks and she is often heard complaining about it.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Peepi's made it into the Empire, met people of her own race, is preparing to be relocated to a new settlement with a surrogate family and is just about to part ways with Koinzell peacefully. Then Pago murders her adoptive parents out of pure spite and everything goes to hell again. Luckily Koinzell was there to save her.
  • Plucky Girl: Surprisingly, despite all the death and suffering she's seen.
  • Pointy Ears: As a member of the Miruel Mirael race, this is expected.
  • Stripperiffic: Peepi often ends up in revealing outfits, much to her chagrin.
  • Tagalong Kid
  • Token Mini-Moe


UB Vid 4215

A man from the border town of Rielde-Venem, Vid is heavily involved in the smuggling trade. As such, he knows how to cross the border into the Empire and ends up aiding both Peepi and Koinzell in doing so. However, his motives for helping go much deeper than they first appear...

  • Badass: Was able to hold his own against a subterranean giant that even Koinzell had trouble with.
  • The Bodyguard: Is one to Ato's sister, Princess Sharon. Her kidnapping at the hands of Pago led him to cross the border in an attempt to rescue her.
  • Eyepatch of Power
  • Improbable Weapon User: Vid uses wire chakrams anchored to his bracers.
  • Put on a Bus: He leaves the group after rescuing Sharon, but promises to return at some point in the future.


UB Altea 4441

The head of the smuggling operation in Rielde-Venem, who arranges for people to cross the border for a price. At first she is reluctant to help Koinzell and his group, but a crackdown on smugglers endangers her position and forces her hand.

  • Action Girl: Not on Ato's level, but as the siege of the city of Jullas-Abllas showed Altea can more than just handle herself in a fight.
  • Boobs of Steel: Altea is really well-stacked.
  • In Its Hour of Need: Rallies the people of Jullas-Abllas when it comes under seige from Barestar. Particularly moving since many of the people there were those she smuggled over the border and owed her their gratitude.
  • Purple Eyes
  • Put on a Bus: Stays behind in Jullas-Abllas, and becomes the leader of the civilian militia there.
  • Scarpia Ultimatum: Altea offers to help Koinzell across the border if he agrees to pay the fee with his body. Amusingly it turns out that Altea is actually a virgin and it's the first time she's asked it of anyone.
  • Shotacon: See above.
  • Team Mom: Particularly to Peepi.


UB Geranpen 815

A former bandit who was recruited by Pago many years ago to serve as his lieutenant. Witnessing his superior's atrocities firsthand forces him to re-evaluate his loyalties, however.

The Seven Heroes[]

During the war with Wischtech twenty years ago, fourteen heroes were sent to the Forest of Death to seal the route used by the invading armies. Three died along the way, becoming known as the 'Precious Departed.' Four betrayed the group and were killed, earning the title of 'Lances of Betrayal'. The remaining seven completed their mission and returned home, where they were hailed as heroes and given everything they could possibly desire by the grateful empire. Or so the story goes.

In reality, things were more complicated. The truth is that those known as the Seven Heroes were dirty cowards who never ventured into the Forest of Death. The other four who would become known as the 'Lances of Betrayal' pressed on and completed their mission, but were ambushed by the seven on their way back. The four were killed and the seven returned home, claiming that they were the true heroes.

Lord Glenn[]

The son of the current Emperor, Glenn studied swordsmanship at the same school as Ascherit, though he was never any better than average at swordplay. Twenty years ago he was selected as one of the fourteen heroes. The plan to ambush and kill the four real heroes was mainly his idea.

He is the third Hero to be killed by Koinzell.

  • Anticlimax Boss: See Disc One Final Boss below.
  • The Atoner: Does his best to hold the realm together to atone for his past crimes.
  • Dirty Coward: In the past. Nowadays, not so much.
  • Disc One Final Boss: As the man who masterminded the plot to kill Ascherit, you'd expect him to be among the final villains, but his death occurs less than halfway through the story.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Is fully aware of this and hasn't bought into his own propaganda like some of the other heroes have. Despite his constant sword practice he's still only above average.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Towards Ascherit, due to him being so much better at swordfighting despite Glenn training for longer than him.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Presumably had a moment like this off-screen. He sincerely regrets murdering Ascherit and the others and fully admits it was the result of his own selfish envy, to the extent that he built four monuments to them as atonement.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Most likely Envy. However, the fact that he is pretty much the most powerful man in the series bar the emperor himself politically means that his envy just may not have had much of a setting in which to express itself in the present. In the past though, it was a completely different matter.
  • Tragic Villain

Regional Count Schtemwolech[]

A former thief who was pardoned by the Emperor in exchange for becoming one of the fourteen heroes. After returning to the Empire Schtemwolech became obsessed with obtaining eternal life, conducting numerous horrific experiments as a result.

He is the first Hero to be killed by Koinzell.

  • Amazon Brigade: His personal guard, which consists of several Mind Raped elven girls who are trapped in a state of constant agony.
  • Bishonen: He used to be one twenty years ago during the war with Wisstech.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Unlike Glenn, he did buy into his own hype and believed he could act however he liked.
  • Fatal Flaw: His desire for eternal life ends up doing him in. Trying to use Koinzell as a blood sacrifice rather than just killing him wasn't such a great idea.
  • Genre Savvy: Had the good sense to have his subordinates summon his Amazon Brigade just in case his fight with Koinzell ended poorly.
  • Immortality Immorality: See above.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: His method of immortality, which requires regularly injecting himself with the blood of elven maidens.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, specifically his all-consuming lust for eternal life.

Fort Chief Barestar[]

The son of a merchant who joined the fourteen heroes partially out of a desire to help his father's business. As such he's not really much of a fighter. The appearance of Koinzell and the realisation that his life is in danger severely unnerves him, eventually affecting his sanity.

He s the second Hero to be killed by Koinzell.

Marquis Lebellond[]

The son of a noble who joined the fourteen heroes at the Emperor's request. Along with Glenn, Lebellond was the other mastermind behind the murder of the four real heroes. Over the last twenty years Lebellont has become increasingly prideful and warlike, though Glenn's influence with the Emperor managed to keep his ambitions in check.

Lebellond is Koinzell's current target.

  • Ambition Is Evil
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Like Schtemwolech, the fact that he cowered in fear at the thought of entering the Forest of Death seems to have slipped his mind to the extent that he now wants to invade Wischtech itself to gain more personal glory.
  • Foil: To Glenn.
  • Glory Hound
  • Green-Eyed Monster: To Glenn, to the point of attempting to take everything he held after death.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Whilst he currently has great support, Lebellond has also made a lot of enemies since Glenn's death. It remains to be seen how this will come back to bite him.
  • Oh Crap: Has a truly epic moment when he recieves word that Koinzell is still alive.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Pride. Everything Lebellond does is to satisfy his own ego.
  • Too Dumb to Live: After taking control he decides to invade Wischtech. You know, the same country that royally kicked the Empire's collective ass twenty years ago and would probably have won if not for Ascherit's group.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: After Glenn's death, the checks on Lebellond's power are removed and he assumes control of the Empire's entire military forces.
  • Villainous Valor: Despite his many, many flaws, intentionally using himself as bait so his massive army could smash Koinzell was pretty ballsy.

Dragon Chief Ischudien[]

The Lord who rules over the Dragon Earldom and a strong supporter of Lord Glenn. Ischudien appears to be a level-headed planner with similar views on the Empire as Glenn. He deeply disapproves of Lebellond's current warmongering attitude.

The Lances of Betrayal[]

The four real heroes who pushed on through the Forest of Death and succeeded in stopping Wischtech's invasion. Their names were later blackened and used as scapegoats so the seven deserters could paint themselves as the real heroes. Keeping with the symbolism of the Seven Deadly Sins with the Seven Heroes, each one of them represents one of the Four Cardinal Virtues


UB Scheritt 6927

The young master swordsman who earned the title of Blatt Maester at an unprecedented young age. Ascherit was a true prodigy and turned the tide of many battles. See Koinzell above.


The son of the Noble House of Jebnares, Kfer was Ascherit's closest friend, always capable of reeling him in whenever he tried to do something foolish.


The only female in the group, and also one of the oldest by a fair margin. Not much is known about her other than Kfer's claim that she had more experience of war than anyone else.


A young boy who appears to be even younger than Ascherit. As with Gustav, not much is known about him apart from Kfer's statement that he had supreme knowledge of magic.

The Precious Departed[]

The three Lances who died on the journey to Wisstech. Presumably, each of them represents one of the Three Theological Virtues.


Elgunaha was a close friend of Ascherit, and was the first of the fourteen Lances to be sacrificed. He cast a spell that creates a gigantic wall separating part of the world from the other. However, the spell's side effect turned him into stone. The wall, called the "Heaven's Lance" was eventually destroyed by Koinzell, after he made his final peace with Elgunaha.

Glenn's Subordinates[]


The leader of the 'Seven Lances', an elite force who serve directly under Glenn. At the beginning of the story Rozen is sent to the frontiers to retrieve the prophecised hero who was predicted to arise there.

Elsaria Rahnclave[]

UB Elsaria 5316

A member of the 'Seven Lances' who leads her own division of knights. Elsaria is also the daughter of an imperial elector and thus carries enormous political clout equalling that of the Seven Heroes.

  • Action Girl
  • Badass Princess: She is the daughter of an imperial elector, so it's essentially a straight example.
  • Black and White Morality: Believes that the Seven Heroes are absolutely good, and that Koinzell is absolutely evil for trying to kill them. Blows up rather brutally in her face when Barestar orders his army to raze Jullas-Abllas to the ground.
  • Heroic BSOD: After being forced to watch whilst Barestar's army pillaged Jullas-Abllas with impunity.
  • Knight in Shining Armor
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
  • The Rival: She ends up fighting Ato a lot.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • To Be Lawful or Good: She faces this dilemma during the attack on Jullas-Abllas
  • Tsundere: Towards Koinzell, particularly after she is forced to re-evaluate her ideals.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Played straight at first, but all her preconceptions are mercilessly destroyed in the face of Barestar's invasion. Her idealism was also the reason she was sent after Koinzell in the first place, since it made her less likely to listen to anything he said.


A slave knight who was originally in Glenn's service. Ikfes is the son of Kfer, one of the Lances of Betrayal, and seeks to throw off the stigma of his father and become the next Blatt Maester, Ascherit's former title.

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Starts off this way, but slowly grows out of it after his battles with Koinzell reveal how far he still has to go.
  • Character Development: At first Ikfes believes that he could easily defeat the 'Hero Killing Rebel'. Koinzell beating him in combat causes him to realise how inexperienced he truly is.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Played with. After Glenn's death, Ikfes jumps ship to Lebellond suspiciously quickly. He also claims not to care whether or not Koinzell kills all the heroes, as long as he can accomplish his own goals of restoring his family honour.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: His reaction to Koinzell sparing his life after their first battle.
  • Generation Xerox: To Ascherit more than to his own father. To list the ways: he wields Ascherit's old sword, he inherits the title of Blatt Meister, after 'killing' Koinzell, a title which Ascherit himself used to hold, and other than Ascherit/Koinzell himself, he is the only person who is capable of using 'Black Wing' in the entire world. Hell, Ikfes even LOOKS almost identical to how Ascherit did twenty years ago.
  • Infinity+1 Sword: The Fairy Stone Sword, which used to belong to Ascherit.
  • Master Swordsman: He has the skill, but not the experience.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Towards Lebellond's planned invasion of Wischtech.
  • Order Reborn: His main motivation is to restore the prestige of both his own family and that of the title of 'Blatt Maester', both of which are seen as tainted by the common people.
  • Worthy Opponent: Koinzell, to the extent that after he finally manages to perform the Black Wing he asks Koinzell to become his mentor.

Other Villains[]

The False Lances of Betrayal[]

The main villains from Volume 0. The false Lances are actually minor frontier nobles who fought on the side of Wischtech to protect their own lands during the great war, since the Empire could not spare the resources to aid them. After the war ended the frontiers were thrown into chaos and civil war, prompting the four to take up the names of the 'Lances of Betrayal' to rally their cause and unify the frontiers once again.

Chief Warrior Monk Lacheb[]

The head of the warrior-monks at the fortress monastery of Rielde-Venem. Both he and the monastery are corrupt and demand extortionate donations from anyone wishing to cross the 'Thousand Lances' mountains into the Empire proper. Lacheb's main task is the capture and execution of smugglers and their human cargo, a task he performs with relish.

Vice Admiral Pago[]

Pago is Schtemwolech's main vassal and chief supporter. Along with an unwitting Geranpen he was responsible for kidnapping multiple young girls for use in Schtemwolech's immortality experiments. He is also shown to be proficient in Wichtech magic.


One of Lebellond's sons who is in charge of the detatchment of airships sent to subjugate the castle of the Imperial Elector.