Ultimate Holograms is a Jem fan-fiction written by Dr Thinker. The plot is similar to that of the cartoon with a few new twists, but the source is the same: Jerrica Benton, on discovering the computer known as Synergy, becomes Jem of Jem and the Holograms.
You can find the story here.
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Tropes used in Ultimate Holograms include:
- Alternate Universe Fic: 2000s to the original's 1980s.
- Black Shirt: Inverted with Cassette, a fan of the Jem and the Holgrams.
- Just Eat Gilligan: Averted: Jerrica plans to file a lawsuit against Misfit Music in one of the chapters.
- Mad Scientist: Emmett Benton, Mouse and Techrat.
- Mauve Shirt: On the Misfits side: Clash, the original Black Shirt of the series, is promoted to manager of the Misfits. On the Holograms side: Rio, the original Chick of the series, is told by this Jessica that she is Jem and later uses Synergy to become Gram.
- Team Rocket: The Misfits
- Smug Snake: Eric Raymond
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