Characters present in the song Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon with the music video animation that accompanies it. As the trope namer of Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, it should go without saying that the characters are taken from other series.
Referred to in the Song[]
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever
- Bus Crash: Was probably defeated off screen.
- Extreme Omnivore: When he ate Optimus Prime's head.
- Kaiju
- Car Fu: How he took care of Shaq and Aaron Carter, though it didn't keep the former down.
- Clark Kenting: He changed back to Bruce Wayne in the middle of the fight, but Chuck Norris easily saw through his disguise.
- Combat Pragmatist: He snuck up on Godzilla and threw a grenade at his foot, ran over Shaq and Aaron Carter, and he stole Indy's gun to use it himself.
Shaquille O'Neal (Shaq)[]
- Diving Save/Dynamic Entry: Makes his entrance by doing this to Godzilla.
- I Know Madden Kombat: How he was fought Godzilla.
- Made of Iron: Survived being ran over by the Batmobile.
Aaron Carter[]
- Bishounen
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: That's how he beat Shaq.
Abraham Lincoln[]
- Back From the Dead
- Historical Badass Upgrade: Here, he's a gun-toting, machete-wielding zombie.
- Knife Nut: He came back with a machete to try and stab Batman.
- Magic Hat: Where he got his AK-47 from.
- Our Zombies Are Different
Optimus Prime[]
- Giant Robot
- Honor Before Reason: He is more concerned with saving other people than protecting himself, which lead to his defeat.
- Transforming Mecha
Jackie Chan[]
- Awesome but Impractical: Deflecting bullets with his fist and doing random somersaults is impressive, but it doesn't get him very far.
- Bullet Deflection
- Colossus Climb: He climbed up Shaq's back.
- Invulnerable Knuckles: He managed to deflect a bullet with his fist.
- Unnecessary Combat Roll: When jumped up in the air.
Indiana Jones[]
- Big Damn Heroes: He and his whip show up just in time to save Batman from Abe Lincoln.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Whip It Good
Care Bear[]
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: The Care Bear Stare, which took out both Jackie Chan and Abe Lincoln.
Chuck Norris[]
- Badass Beard
- Cherubic Choir: His entrance.
- Groin Attack: Delivers one to Indiana Jones.
- Murderous Thighs: Does this to Batman.
- Not So Invincible After All: Gets defeated when multiple combatants gang up on him.
Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight and Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie. Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader. Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger. Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan.[]
- Badass Crew: Just look at them.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Chuck Norris never stood a chance.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: They managed to defeatChuck Norris.
- Enemy Mine: Any number of them would be unlikely to work together, but then they decide that Chuck Norris is going down.
- Too Many Cooks Spoil the Soup: Averted. Their combined strength was enough to take down Chuck Norris.
Mr. Rogers[]
- Beware the Nice Ones: Out of all the combatants, the winner of the battle is a polite and soft-spoken kids show host.
- Driven to Suicide: In the music video, presumably over the guilt of being the last one alive.
- Survivors Guilt
Only in the Video[]
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Against Sonic.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Against Mario.
Samuel L. Jackson[]
- Snakes Are Evil: Was tackled by a bunch of snakes.
Santa Claus[]
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Used pieces of C3PO to beat up R2D2
Blue Man Tobias[]
- One-Hit Kill: On Ebaum.