The Ultimate Video Rumble (or UVR for short) is a Mega Crossover tournament-style fanfic, taking characters from fighting games such as Street Fighter, The King of Fighters, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat and pitting them against each other in a huge contest in a competition not unlike a Royal Rumble found in professional wrestling. Basically, each "Section" is made up of the twenty people currently in the ring, and the reading public votes on which ten people will stay in the arena to welcome to next wave of fighters so the public can vote again. This continues until there is only one left.
The first tournament was strictly a tournament, having no interaction between characters outside of the ring. This tournament also consisted of the smallest roster of the three (around 120 characters), and the eventual win went to Haohmaru of Samurai Shodown.
The second and third tournaments added a side story to the tournament, and how several of the games' villains were pooling their resources together to pull off some evil scheme that somehow involved some of the other characters in the tournament. The winner of the second tournament was Guy of Final Fight while the winner of the third was Geese Howard of Fatal Fury.
Responsibilities of the tournament traded hands several times over the course of the three fanfics and it appears that the third tournament has been the last. In addition, the site that originally contained the tournaments has since gone down, taking them with it (it can still be found on the Wayback Machine here, at the moment, but it died before the third tournament completed). UVR2 is still available in its complete form here for now, again alongside a partial UVR3. And the closest thing to a complete UVR3 can be found, again, on the Wayback Machine here (maddeningly, only the finale and epilogue are missing). There are also additional caches scattered around containing bits and pieces of all three tournaments.
The UVR has inspired several spinoffs, but only a select few have seen completion.
- Anyone Can Die: In the ring, anyone can literally get ripped to pieces...
- ... but then be magically restored to normal after their elimination, so this is technically subverted.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The third tournament briefly brings us Apocalypse, who is so big that he can't fit in the arena and it takes EVERYONE in the ring to get rid of him.
- Big Bad: Demitri in the second tournament; M. Bison in the third.
- Big Damn Heroes: The second and third tournaments each had a ragtag group of characters joining forces to take down the Big Bad just before the evil scheme is about to be complete.
- Berserk Button: Whatever you do, don't tell The Silver Samurai he sucks or even say the WORD around him. He WILL destroy you.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Morrigan uses her succubus powers to brainwash several hapless fighters into serving her and fighting the heroes in both the second and third tournaments.
- Butt Monkey: The majority of the cast of World Heroes.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Yoshimitsu. He has a tendency to constantly make random quotes from pop culture.
- Did Not Do the Research: Morrigan and Demitri work together in the second and third tournaments when they are actually enemies.
- Extreme Omnivore: Chang Koehan. The third tournament also includes Kirby.
- Motor Mouth: Haohmaru and Genjuro of Samurai Shodown LOVE to talk. Every time either of them talk, they get at least three full lines of text.
- Played for Laughs in the third tournament, where Rogue kisses Haohmaru, borrowing his samurai skills, but also his ability to talk loud and long. Hilarity Ensues.
- No Indoor Voice: Haohmaru again. All of his text is done in bolded letters.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Again, Haohmaru and Genjuro. They see each other in the ring and they drop whatever it is they're doing to fight.
- Running Gag: The second and third tournaments involve one character ingesting a large amount of medication, leading to comedic hallucinations. In the second tournament, it happens to Athena, but in the third, it happens to RYU.
- Took a Level In Badass: Chang Koehan in the third tournament. After spending the first two tournaments getting the lowest number of votes, his popularity skyrocketed in the third, which starts after a side battle concludes in him eating Shuma-Gorath (let me say that again: CHANG KOEHAN defeats, cooks and EATS SHUMA-GORATH). Afterward, he enters the ring, scores an elimination (against TRUE OGRE) and spends the rest of the tournament demolishing unusual opponents in different worlds. And he did it all in a comedic fashion.