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UltraQ Title 8090

~~DramaticHalfHour HorrorSeries, MysteryFiction~~

Ultra Q (ウルトラQ Urutora Kyū?) is a Tokusatsu SF/kaiju series made in the tradition of Toho's many tokusatsu sci-fi/horror films.

Produced in black and white by Tokyo Broadcasting System/Tsuburaya Productions, Ultra Q is actually the first of the long-running Ultra Series, and was broadcast on Tokyo Broadcasting System from January 2 to July 3, 1966 (the final episode was preempted until December 14, 1967), with a total of 28 episodes. This series was followed a week later by the more popular Ultraman (Urutoraman, 1966), the second Ultra Series.

Ultra Q provides examples of[]