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  • Americans Hate Tingle: in 2021, Shin Asuka's actor: Takeshi Tsuruno, is loathed by the PRC fanbase due to one rumor regarding his misbehavior that caused their sentiments towards him.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • In "Final Chapter II - Solar System Annihilation", Daigo Madoka told Asuka that "I was the same at you" has become much more unfortunate after the Tiga/Dyna-themed recaps from Ultraman Chronicle Z: Heroes’ Odyssey had both of their characters cut out/cropped, though Asuka's screentime has been restored since episode 16.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Outside of Ultraman Dyna, Takeshi Tsuruno is also notable for performing the opening theme of Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger. Take note that Tsuruno himself is also a musician.