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  • SSP's antics. A recurring gag of the series involving them running into dangers and often got more than what they bargained for in process.

Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga[]

Ultraman Orb Chronicle Chapter 6 (Ultraman Orb TV Series)[]

  • Episode 1:
    • While bordered to Awesome, Gai's attempt to warn SSP about Maga-Basser for a second time while on top of their car before disappearing can be funny.
    • Naomi's reaction over the poor result of their attempt to record Ultraman Orb and Maga-Basser's first off-screen fight.
    • Gai passes Naomi to her uncle Shibukawa as he left for a quite place to transform. Bonus point for the latter complaining about her weight much to his niece's chagrin.
  • Episode 4:
    • Gai takes his time in choosing ice cream... only for the one he chose evaporated into nothingness in courtesy of Maga-Pandon save for its stick. While he predictably goes his way to transform, Gai realized that he still holding the ice cream stick on his hands before quickly toss it onto nearby trash bin and transformed for real.
    • After SSP evacuated him, we are presented to the sight of a deep, humanoid-shaped giant hole on the ground in courtesy of Gai's crashed Ultraman form.
    • The episode ends SSP returned to their base only to learn that Gai has eaten EVERY single one of their ice cream supply, much to their chargin.

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