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  • Evil Is Cool: Tregear; from his devilish design to how he is capable of fighting a total of 7 New Generation Heroes, all 3 Tri-Squad members and Taro. Tsuburaya are making it clear that he's the new Belial.
  • Love to Hate: Kirisaki/Tregear. Not only he's the Spiritual Successor to Ultraman Belial in more ways than one, he's basically cast in the same mold with the likes of Enter and Evolt.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Tregear is the show's poster boy for this trope, seeing how he uses his manipulations and sees people suffering as his own way of amusement. His grand scheme of corrupting Taiga is treated with fair share of kudos and horror by fans, as its hard to argue when his plans did became successful for a short moment however.
  • Memetic Loser: Given Taro's general neglection to his son, it's no surprise if the fandom sees Taiga as his unfavorite, with him occasionally overshadowed by BOTH Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Ginga (with the former being viewed as a favorite for Taro, and the latter being similar, though it also leans for him being his "true son" as he helped him in that season).
  • Never Live It Down: Among the many problems in this show, the fandom could only remember that Taiga has been usually neglected by his father during the show's run until the finale and the film.
  • Seasonal Rot: Aside from a few merits, Taiga easily comes off as the most mediocre entry of the entire New Generation Ultra Series, owning to its forgettable characters and a somewhat less-than-impactful storyline,