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Trigger and GUTS-Select

United we stand.

In general[]

  • Compared to his New Generation Hero predecessors, the Transformation Trinkets used for Trigger's Type Changes is basically his own as opposed to those of the previous Ultras that make up the Fusion Dance forms like Orb and Geed to name a few. It's made even better that Trigger gets his own personal weapon that the Ultra he's based on lacked.


Episode 1: Connection of Light[]

Episode 2: Leap to the Future[]

  • Power Type's debut in general, with Trigger mopping the floor with Darrgon.

Episode 3: The Ultra-Ancient Light and Darkness[]

  • Sky Type's debut. Likewise, GUTS-Select being able to humiliate the crafty and sophisticated Hudram into throwing a temper tantrum.

Episode 5: Akito's Promise[]

  • Yuna slapping Darrgon, then followed by this sentence:


Episode 6: The One-Hour Demon[]

  • This is the first episode where Ignis does good things by giving GUTS-Select the much needed hint to disable Satandelos's shield generator, with the team going all-out to destroy the generator on the robot's chest, culminating with Ignis blowing it up by himself!

Episode 7: Inter Universe[]

  • Ultraman Z getting to show off fighting Alien Barossa alongside Trigger without the need of his Ultra Fusions, just his Original base form with Beliarok in hand.

Episode 8: The Propagating Invasion[]

  • Part two of the team-up with Ultraman Z, and seeing how the transformation with the GUTS-Sparklence works better than with the Z Riser.
  • Captain Tatsumi being calm and levelheaded in the middle of the Dada hijacking the Nursedessei, all while Ignis continues to give the team a hard time.

Episode 9: The Wings of that Day[]

  • The episode as a whole could count, as this fleshes out Chairman Shizuma's backstory of him being from the Neo Frontier universe, he also pulls out all the stops by helping Trigger take out Gargorgon.

Episode 14: The Golden Threat[]

  • Absolute Diavolo, full stop. Unlike the dimension-jumping Absolute Tartarus, Diavolo is raw power made flesh. He is able to swat Hudram and Darrgon, the latter being The Brute of the Dark Giants like flies, and defeating Ultraman Trigger with ease had not Ultraman Ribut showed up.

Episode 17: Raging Feast[]

  • Let's say that the episode as a whole is full of it: from Kengo piloting the GUTS-Falcon manually to Trigger Dark helping Trigger beat Carmeara and pictured above, the team banding together to give him a hand.