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Main Character Index | Ultras (Ultraman Trigger) | Giants of Darkness (Carmeara) | GUTS-Select | Kaiju and Aliens | Other Characters |
A trio of evil ancient Ultras that resemble the original giants from Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey. Ultraman Trigger once sealed away the giants far away in space before he went to sleep on Mars for 30 million years. However, following the prophecy on an ancient stone tablet, they were destined to return. The Dark Giants were revived, and immediately resumed their conflict with Trigger and their quest to seek out the Eternity Core on Earth.
Tropes applying to them in general[]
- Aliens Speaking English: Averted. The Ultra-Ancient Giants have their own language that no ordinary human could decipher, except for Kengo ever since having merged with Trigger. Hudram, on the other hand has been able to learn human language (specifically, Japanese and English) after having awakened for 100 years.
- Evil Counterpart: To the Tri-Squad. The Tri-Squad (consisting of Ultraman Taiga, Ultraman Titas, and Ultraman Fuma) are Ultras of individual origins (Nebula M78, U40, and O-50, respectively). The Giants of Darkness are trio of Ancient Evil consisting of Carmeara, Darrgon, and Hudram had once fought Ultraman Trigger 30 million years before the series where they were defeated and sealed by Trigger. Of note, two of its members have a power (Darrgon and Titas) and speed (Hudram and Fuma) dynamic aside from their coloration.
- Knight of Cerebus: Whenever one of the three (or both) Giants of Darkness appear, it's a sign that all hell is going to break loose.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Trigger had sealed them by turning into statues 30 million years before the series' events. Carmeara was the first to break free, and more recently, Darrgon would follow suit. However, Hudram was the first to awaken 100 years later, thus making the other two the second and third, respectively.
Individual Members[]
- See her page for more details.

Herculean Fighter
- Voiced by: Shunichi Maki, Yoshiki Kuwahara (suit)
The Brute of the Dark Giants, Darrgon values his brute strength above all else as his sole means of fighting with a great deal of pride, and enjoys fighting for his amusement. Despite his incredible strength, he has a sense of honor about him, as he adheres to fair play during combat and detests cowardly tactics.
- Affably Evil: Of the three Giants of Darkness, Darrgon is outwardly polite to his enemies, even being willing to end fights if his foes manage to impress him without necessarily having to defeat or overcome him.
- Alternate Self: Of Darramb.
- Anti-Villain: Type A. Darrgon is the only Giant of Darkness who shows least interest with the Eternity Core, preferring to seek out Worthy Opponents.
- Badass Baritone: His husky and deep baritone is enough to back his bulky appearance and sheer raw power.
- The Brute: Prides himself as one, while his pathological need for fighting is limited by his code of honor.
- Blood Knight: Violence is his forte, and prefers a fair and clean fight.
- Brains and Brawn: The Brawn to Hudram's Brains.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: He's able to lift the 20,000-ton Zaragas with just his finger in his human size alone, just by the look at his absurd grip strength.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers one to Trigger after the latter has just beaten Gymaira in his debut episode, only for Trigger to return the favor on their second encounter.
- Evil Virtues: Honor. Darrgon wants a fair fight, but doesn't like underhanded methods and anyone weaseling out of a fight.
- Fair Play Villain: Darrgon enjoys a fair fight, regardless if he wins or loses. But, weasel out of the fight or play dirty means asking for an immediate death sentence.
- Foil:
- To Hudram. Darrgon takes pride in his raw strength but is also bound to his moral code of fighting fair. While Hudram, is crafty and his speed being his signature ability and doesn't bother fighting dirty while under duress.
- To Absolute Diavolo. Both are the respective powerhouses of their kin. Darrgon is an ancient Giant of Darkness who remained dormant as a stone statue for 30 million years before his awakening in the present day. Absolute Diavolo comes from a race of self-proclaimed Ultimate Lifeforms, the Absolutians, who jump between dimensions seeking a new planet as their homeworld.
- The Juggernaut: Darrgon is all about brute strength and sheer durability. No other normal human being can lay a scratch on him, let alone shots fired from Kaiju Keys. Ultraman Trigger in Power Type can fight the Herculean Fighter at an equal footing. In episode 14, he is outclassed by Absolute Diavolo in terms of raw power.
- Mighty Glacier: His main attribute. Darrgon fights on raw power, and Trigger can only fight him on par using Power Type.
- Noble Demon: Darrgon enjoys violence and a fair battle befitting a warrior, and despises underhanded tricks.
- Not So Above It All: For all his pride of strength and honor, Darrgon has one weakness: is his understanding of love. Getting slapped by Yuna in episode 5 leaves him moping around until episode 10. He finally gets over it in that same episode upon understanding the capacity of human hearts.
- No Social Skills: For all his expertise in battle and destruction, Darrgon sucks at everything social-related, he is utterly oblivious to how his aggressive flirting fails to woo Yuna even with her blatantly making her uncomfortability with him clear.
- Only Sane Man: Played with. Of the three Giants of Darkness, Darrgon is apparently the only one to show any semblance of reason and sanity. Whereas Carmeara and Hudram are already off their rocker to begin with, while the latter is able to hide his own insanity much like how textbook psychopaths would do. However, episode 10 shows that he's a rather socially-awkward individual and has a difficulty making meaningful connections to people.
- Red Baron: Herculean Fighter.
- The Spock: While Darrgon is supposedly proud of his raw power and seeks out to fight Trigger as his Worthy Opponent, he is the only Giant of Darkness to show any semblance of reason and/or sanity and it's justified in that Carmeara and Hudram are already at their peak of their insanity while the latter is at least good at hiding it. This even applies to him in episode 10 when he is hardly able to process human emotions such as love.
- Token Good Teammate: Part of his Character Development shows that Darrgon is the only and the most moral of the Dark Giants in contrast to Carmeara and Hudram and also acts as the peacekeeper when the other two fight against each other.
- Worthy Opponent: He genuinely holds Trigger in this regard.

Agile Tactician
- Voiced by: Ryosuke Takahashi, Yuma Eichi (suit)
The agile tactician of the Dark Giants. Hudram relies on his wits during combat, such as his preference to use various forms of tricks. He also has a hidden brutal side. He is comparatively weak, but what he lacks in strength, he makes up for with his nimble maneuvering and brutal cunning on the battlefield. His specialty is psychological warfare, provoking his opponent's emotions and using their own mind against them.
- Aliens Speaking English: After having awakened a hundred years later allowed him to understand human speech and languages of human civilization.
- Alternate Self: Of Hudra.
- Arch Enemy: Ignis has a personal beef with him for destroying his planet along with the rest of his kind 100 years prior.
- Asshole Victim: If getting beaten and humiliated by Ignis on their last encounter wasn't enough, then getting eaten by Carmeara of all people is not only played for catharsis, he absolutely deserved everything what's coming to him.
- Big Bad Wannabe: Hudram attempts to outstage Carmeara in order to get the Eternity Core for himself as her mental state deteriorates, and when his plans are finally foiled by Ignis, Carmeara pays him back by devouring him and his essence in the process.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: His Dagger Hudram which is foldable from his right hand.
- Blow You Away: His Finishing Move, the Hudrast.
- Book Ends: He is the first Dark Giant to awaken 100 years prior to the series' start and destroyed a planet along with its inhabitants and he is also the first of the Giants to be Killed Off for Real after he is defeated by the survivor of the planet he obliterated.
- Brains and Brawn: The Brains to Darrgon's Brawn.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: The mere sight of Ignis in episode 3 has him shrug off their ensuing confrontation:
Ignis: We meet again, Hudram. Do you remember me? |
- Catchphrase: "Excellent!"
- Combat Pragmatist: Hudram doesn't hesitate at playing dirty when the fight doesn't go the way he wanted.
- Cruel Mercy: He spared a young Ignis after decimating Planet Lishuria 100 years ago. Simply because he didn't care enough to finish him off and instead was content with just leaving him wallowing in misery.
- Evil Is Petty:
- Hudram can't resist doing unnecessary cruel or petty things either because he can or even a minor slight.
- He has no problem Gaslighting Carmeara by outright calling her out of her obsession over Trigger for holding back on their goal in seeking out the Eternity Core. He gets his ass kicked by her as a result.
- Faux Affably Evil: Unsurprisingly enough, Hudram may look charming and sophisticated, only if his plan goes accordingly. That superficial charm slips if his plan doesn't go the way he wanted and will throw a temper tantrum at the drop of a hat.
- Foil: To Darrgon. Hudram is the Dark Giants' tactician and speedster, making use of his Super Speed and his Combat Pragmatism to pit his opponents in near-impossible situations. Darrgon is the trio's muscle, only caring about a fair battle.
- For the Evulz: What is one thing he did in the 100 years that he spent awake? Commit genocide on the Lishurians and destroy planets purely out of sadistic amusement, as well as sparing the one Lishurian that survived (Ignis) simply because he grew bored of the destruction and wanted to save a little for latter.
- Forgotten First Meeting: Had a previous encounter with Ignis before the series, of which he replies of not remembering of it.
- Fragile Speedster: Speed is Hudram's bread and butter. From what he lacks in raw power like Darrgon, he makes up with underhanded tricks when pushed into a corner.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: No pun intended, but this is how he reacts to the slightest wrench being thrown at his plans.
- Hate Sink: Of the three Dark Giants, Hudram stands out as the most shameless and unrepentant psychopath of them all with nothing likable and redeeming to his evil. He is the only one of the trio to commit genocide at a planetary scale, leaving the survivor of the planet he obliterated to go on a vendetta quest against him. He is incapable of empathy in any form, from dismissing his boss' obsession with Trigger as a weakness to manipulating Barriguiler into kidnapping Yuna and (attempts) to throw him under the bus when all is said and done.
- Irony: In episode 3, Carmeara had to keep his impulses under control moments after GUTS-Select assisting Trigger before retreating. Hudram returns the favor in episode 12 when he and his fellow Dark Giants are forced to retreat and at the same time terrified of Carmeara's Sanity Slippage.
- Karmic Death: Betrayed Carmeara and Darrgon at the beginning of Episode 22, only for Carmeara to kill him and devour his essence by the end of the episode.
- Lean and Mean: He's the sleekest of the Dark Giants, the fastest, and the most impulsive and unhinged (albeit not to the same extent as Carmeara) of the three.
- Non Standard Character Design: Unlike his fellow Dark Giants, his Color Timer is position on his left pectoral.
- The McCoy: Hudram is basically the most vicious of the Giants of Darkness and he himself is also very impulsive, making him prone to throwing a temper tantrum at a mere slight, but nevertheless makes use of superficial charm to hide it.
- Pet the Dog: Subverted. He orders Barriguiler to kidnap Yuna with a promise of rewarding him with Comet Buns. Once succeeded, Hudram straight up lies to him but not before Yuna giving Barriguiler a heads up about Hudram's true intentions.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Not to the same extent as Carmeara in this regard as far if his ego is concerned. Hudram will instantly throw a hissy fit at a mere slight or if his plans fail and if left unchecked, he could blow up the entire planet out of spite.
- Pragmatic Villainy: As Carmeara's sanity deteriorates, Hudram shows his dismay over her obsession with Trigger. But, this is most likely an excuse for him to work behind her back and seek out the Eternity Core on his own.
- Red Baron: Agile Tactician.
- Smug Snake: Hudram is always confident in that he makes use of psychological warfare to weaken his opponent and he's already a competent fighter in his own right, but his own arrogance is his greatest weakness, leading him to lash out in a hissy fit when things don't go the way he desired. He doesn't even realize that Trigger has humans as his allies backing him up.
- The Spock: Zig-zagged. Hudram is the Dark Giant's tactician, and is the most intelligent of them. However, it is overshadowed whenever he throws a fit when in a mere slight.
- The Sociopath: A textbook example, but Hudram shows a few noticeable signs since his debut, nonetheless. On the surface, he acts cordial and sophisticated towards his enemies while also highlighting his brutal and psychotic nature, feels no shame nor remorse whatsoever at the suffering he inflicts upon others, has poor impulse control making him prone to a temper tantrum at a mere slight done to him to the point Carmeara and Darrgon had to keep him under control.
- Super Speed: His primary attribute.
- What You Are in the Dark: Episode 18 shows that he's planning to usurp Carmeara as leader of the Dark Giants when he's becoming fed up with her obsession with Trigger.
Trigger Dark[]
- See Ultraman Trigger's page for more details.