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Main Character Index | Ultras (Ultraman Trigger) | Giants of Darkness (Carmeara) | GUTS-Select | Kaiju and Aliens | Other Characters

TV Series[]

Mitsukuni Shizuma[]

UTNGT - Mitsukuni Shizuma
Portrayed by: Shin Takuma

The founder of the Shizuma Foundation and one of the key founders of TPU and Yuna's father. In the Foundation's pursuit of space exploration and ancient alien research, he uncovers a looming, interstellar threat to mankind. In order to confront this menace, he united the governments of the world and established the TPU and the Expert Team GUTS-Select. But deep within his past hides an important secret...

  • Ace Pilot: Considering he's from the Neo Frontier universe and piloted a GUTS-Wing, he's even modified it to serve as th template for the GUTS-Falcon.
  • Adult Fear: He's cautiously protective of Yuna and is aware that the Giants of Darkness and other aliens such as Ignis are after her due to her connection to Yuzare.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Apparently, he has knowledge of Ultraman Tiga, as well as the two monsters that the giant first fought, Golza and Melba, even noting how Golba being a fusion of the two. It's still a mystery if he acknowledges the existence of the Ultraman multiverses. Episode 9 confirms that he is indeed from the Neo Frontier universe and was thrown into Trigger's world 30 years prior.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the chairman of a conglomerate that helped funded the TPU and GUTS-Select, and he's an experienced pilot having the balls to take down monsters by just remotely controlling his GUTS-Wing.
  • Badass Baritone: Has a deep voice, befitting his position in authority in his conglomerate and as the TPU's high-profile authority figure.
  • Expy: Mitsukuni is basically General Soichiro Sawai if he were a CEO of a company rather than a high-ranking military commander. It doesn't hurt that he used to work under the TPC in the Neo Frontier Universe.
  • Parental Substitute: Serves one for Akito.
  • Properly Paranoid: Mitsukuni has been extremely cautious of the fact that Yuzare's spirit is bound to his daughter Yuna, and the Dark Giants are coming after her to know the whereabouts of the Eternity Core. He gets over the paranoia when he decides to reveal everything to the crew and to his daughter.
  • Put on a Bus: After dealing the threat of Gazort and Hudram in episode 3, he leaves the GUTS-Select crew to their own devices, but not before imparting a promise to Kengo and Akito to keep Yuna from learning of her connection to Yuzare. He then returns on episode 9 to finally spill everything about his past and Yuna's connection to Yuzare.
  • Secret Keeper: Since he bears witness to Kengo transforming into Trigger, he also asks Akito to keep Trigger's identity a secret. And in turn, Mitsukuni then asks both young men to keep the secret about Yuzare. Until episode 9 where he decides to come clean.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Mitsukuni fears that he might be unable to return to his home dimension ever since being stranded in Trigger's dimension. But there's still hope for him to find a way to return home, though.


UTNGT - Yuzare
Portrayed by: Runa Toyoda

You are the light and...


A mysterious white-haired Miko who was the leader of the Terran Defense Team 30 million years ago who guided Ultraman Trigger's battle against the Dark Giants thwarting in their quest to seek out the Eternity Core. In the present day, she appears before Kengo Manaka's dreams, leading him to be intertwined with the ancient giant.

  • Alternate Self: To the original Yuzare from Ultraman Tiga, as they were both leading a defense force in ancient times and happens to be a reincarnation of one of the main characters (Tiga's Yuzare is the descendant of Captain Megumi Iruma, while Trigger's resembles Yuna Shizuma).
  • Mysterious Waif: She is a white-haired priestess whose character remains shrouded in mystery.
  • Vagueness Is Coming: "You are light and..."
  • Walking Spoiler: It's impossible to discuss Yuzare's intentions and connections to Trigger and/or Yuna without spoiling the plot.


UTNGT - Ignis
Portrayed by: Kei Hosogai

An alien treasure hunter from the planet Lishuria. At first sight, Lishurians are indistinguishable from humans on Planet Earth, but when they get excited or emotional, the difference becomes clear. As he’s always fond of saying, he quests only for the “top-class” treasures, and his galactic travels bring him to Earth, where he somehow meets up with and becomes closely tied to GUTS-Select. What on Earth could he possibly be seeking…

For tropes pertaining to Trigger Dark, see Ultraman Trigger's page.

  • Arch Enemy: Apparently Ignis has no love lost for Hudram, considering he destroyed his home planet 100 years ago.
  • Badass Baritone: Kei Hosogai sports a deep and imposing baritone, especially for those who have seen his role of Basco, but adds more rasp considering whenever Ignis gets angry.
  • Badass Longcoat: Sports a khaki longcoat.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He desires Trigger's power to get revenge on Hudram. He got his wish on episode 12 thanks to Trigger Dark possessing him.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Calling him a thief can easily tick him off, especially if you happen to be a Space Pirate.
    • On a more personal note, don't be Hudram, considering he destroyed his planet. Also, trying to endanger another planet on his watch can make him become unglued.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: An alien treasure hunter who possesses vast knowledge of Ultra Series alien lore in a similar caliber with Marluru, but he's also somewhat of an oddball.
  • Butt Monkey: His exquisite treasure hunts tends to end with him getting the short-end of the stick; such as being sent flying by Oka-Gubila or even getting his ass kicked by Alien Barossa's Pirate Parrot.
  • By the Power of Grayskull: "Stain the future, the deep darkness! Trigger Dark!"
  • Bystander Syndrome: In episode 12 he bears witness to Trigger's fight against Trigger Dark. At the end of the episode he ends up possessed by the leftover essence of Trigger Dark for his troubles.
  • Casting Gag: Kei Hosogai is also famous for his role of Basco ta Jolokia, who is likewise a treasure hunter in his own right. Bonus points that Hosogai is still fresh from reprising his old role from the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger movie.
  • Composite Character:
    • Cast in the same mold as Keigo Masaki as a neutral character in that he serves as a human host for a Dark Ultra corrupted by negative emotions, thrown in Hunter Knight Tsurugi into the mix for his personal vendetta against a major villain.
    • Given the Gokaiger reference on his character, Ignis is basically Basco with specifically character elements of the main Gokaigers, namely Marvelous, Don, Luka, and Ahim. Ignis combines both Basco and Marvelous' personalities, Luka's greed, Don's comic relief tendencies, and Ahim's backstory of their home worlds destroyed by an alien invasion.
  • Crazy Prepared: Thanks to the treasures he has looted, he always comes prepared. One notable example has him set up a Mecha-Musashin booby trap to keep Kengo and Akito occupied, and even used the robot's katana in his final battle against Hudram.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Ignis rarely flinches and maintains his flippant and jovial behavior when put on a tight spot, being able to weasel out of dodge even when cornered by the entire GUTS-Select crew inside the Nursedessei by taking advantage of Oka-Gubila's rampage.
  • Expy: Ignis apparently takes inspiration from the same character that inspired Basco, Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider Diend, as they are both the Wild Card treasure hunters that have no connection with the main antagonists whatsoever.
  • Enemy Mine: Forms one with GUTS-Select in episode 6 to deal with Satandelos. He frequently gives the team some hand when dealing with serious threats when they need it the most.
  • Foil: To the Alien Barossas from the previous series, both Ignis and the Barossas, specifically the fourth one are infamous for their exploits at plundering treasures from other aliens for their own gain. Ignis is the last surviving Lishurian, whereas there are currently 9.996 Alien Barossas that are currently alive and active in their exploits. Ignis is a lone treasure hunter who seeks exquisite treasures while the Barossas are Space Pirates who loot artifacts from other aliens and use it part of their inventory.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Aside from his compulsive kleptomania (and when not seeking after exquisite treasures), Ignis takes pleasure at messing with other people for his own amusement (i.e., Darrgon's inability to process human emotions such as love, going so far as to give the Dark Giant poor courting advice). But, he is nevertheless helping the heroes dealing with the alien threats from time to time.
  • Hidden Depths: Even for an alien treasure hunter, Ignis refuses to stand idly when other aliens are trying to invade the Earth and is willing to take matters into his own hands.
  • Human Aliens: He is from the Planet Lishuria and is only human by appearance, that is until you get a glimpse of the tribal markings on his face.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: He attempts to kidnap Yuna in his first appearance but Kengo and Akito stopped him just in time, though he continues to target her later on.
  • It Must Be Mine: Anything he sees "exquisite" shall be his, be it treasure, Yuna, Trigger's power, or old shiny artifacts.
  • Large Ham: For all of his talk about exquisite treasures, Ignis also makes up for his own facial reactions and over-the-top moments.
  • Last of His Kind: He's the last surviving Lishurian with his planet and the rest of his kin being ransacked by Hudram.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is Latin for "fire", fitting that he is quick to any form emotional outburst.
  • Mistaken Identity: Mitsukuni initially assumed that he is Hudram's human form, that is until Yuna sees the two together and clears it up.
  • Paint It Black: How he converted the prototype GUTS-Sparklence he stole from Akito's lab into the Black Sparklence and create Trigger Dark's Hyper Key.
  • Pet the Dog: Gives Darrgon some lessons about love at first sight in episode 10. It didn't go well as planned.
  • Phantom Thief: Despite his Indiana Jones-like appearance, Ignis is a very elusive treasure hunter that would barge inside the heroes' base of operations uninvited and undetected, meaning he'll just appear out of nowhere, such as when he enters Yuna's house and enter the Nursedessei and attempted to steal the ancient Sparklence. Hence for all his talk about getting what he deems as "exquisite".
  • Power Tattoo: As part of his alien race's physiology, the tribal markings on his face will appear when he gets excited or emotional, sometimes paired with Red Eyes, Take Warning. He can manifest this on Trigger Dark's face.
  • Sad Clown: Underneath his jovial and unflappable behavior lies a man with a tragic past and is driven by his path of revenge.
  • Secret Keeper: He knows Kengo's identity as Ultraman Trigger, and like Chairman Shizuma and Akito, decided to keep it a secret for the time being.
  • Shadow Archetype: Episode 6 reveals that he's one to Akito. Both lost their loved ones to tragic circumstances (Akito lost his parents durign Deathdrago's rampage, and the Planet Lishuria and its inhabitants were destroyed by Hudram) and want to become a Giant of Light — Akito wanted to become Trigger to protect Yuna, but decides to help Kengo through Mitsukuni's request. Ignis deems the Giant of Light's power as an exquisite treasure, but plans to take it one day to take on Hudram personally. He's basically Akito would be like if he's more focused on a personal vendetta rather than protecting innocent people; that is, he eventually grows out of it thanks to befriending the heroes.
  • Smug Super: He is the only named character in the series being able to take on any member of GUTS-Select without breaking a sweat that is not a Giant of Darkness, all while looking cool at doing so.
  • Sticky Fingers: Befitting for an alien treasure hunter, Ignis is a compulsive kleptomaniac. He will do anything to expand his massive collection of exquisite treasures looted from other planets.
  • Troll: He gives GUTS-Select a hard time whenever he appears before them. And it's no surprise his actor is best known for portraying an alien pirate who is an outright troll himself.
  • What You Are in the Dark:
    • Episode 6 shows that he's determined to get Trigger's power for himself to get payback on Hudram. Trigger Dark apparently is making that wish come true...
    • In episode 13, he hacks into Akito's computer, snags the Zaigorg and Horoboros Kaiju keys and a prototype GUTS Sparklence shows that even Akito himself has every right to be suspicious of him.
  • Wild Card: He's neither siding with the Giants of Darkness, providing his interactions with Hudram taken into account in episode 3, but he seeks to find treasures he deems exquisite. The fact that he's portrayed by Kei Hosogai, there's no doubt that Ignis's character is a retread of Basco.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Apparently, Ignis does not mind killing other monsters to get any treasure; and by taking his squabble with Alien Barossa into account, makes him no better than the Space Pirate. Of note, his treasures includes:
    • A broom made from feathers of Guebasser, of which he uses to barge inside the Nursedessei undetected.
    • Alien Zarab's translator device he uses to hear inside pocket dimensions.
    • An Okorin Ball parasite.
    • A Bugdalas feather.
    • A Mecha-Musashin he uses to distract Kengo and Akito to keep them in line while opening the Eternity Core's gate.


Voiced by: Risae Matsuda

A friendly little alien who hosts his own talk show, Deban Channel, where he talks to the viewers about past teams and Ultras. See Ultraman Tiga/Characters

  • Break Out the Museum Piece: The first alien from Ultraman Tiga to return 25 years after his debut, with Gazort being the first kaiju to return.
  • The Bus Came Back: Trigger marks Deban's return to the franchise 25 years since its debut appearance in Tiga.
  • Foil: To Marluru. Marluru serves as the alien Mission Control for GUTS-Select whereas Deban is the navigator of a two-parter special episode talking about the attack teams and Ultras that fought invading monsters and aliens in the past.
  • Show Within a Show: Deban Channel, where he is the host of his in-universe talk show focusing on past defense teams and the Ultras they fought alongside with.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Marluru in Ultraman Chronicle D as he winds up living together in his house.



Ryuichi Tokioka/Zabil (Unmarked Spoilers!)[]

Portrayed by: Yuichi Nakamura
  • Alternate Self: Essentially the true equivalent of Keigo Masaki in Trigger's world, being a human who desired to become an Ultraman and has a connection to the Ancient Civilization then became Evil Trigger due to his negative emotions corrupting the power he took to become an Ultraman.
  • Decomposite Character: Unlike Keigo Masaki, Zabil has been active since ancient times.
  • Expy: Of Isaac. They are both introduced as a leader of a heroic organization with a sinister and ambitious god complex.
  • Evil All Along: Turns out that he's been kickstarting the plot of the movie with his cult by extracting Kengo out of the Eternity Core.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Following Evil Trigger's destruction, Zabil regained his humanity and remembered Yuzare's smile and the times he had with his comrades by watching GUTS-Select together. He faded into light, smiling as he died.