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Main Character Index | Ultras (Ultraman Trigger) | Giants of Darkness (Carmeara) | GUTS-Select | Kaiju and Aliens | Other Characters |

- Voiced by: Raiga Terasaka, Hideyoshi Iwata (suit), Shinnosuke Ishikawa (suit; Ultraman Decker)
The eponymous giant of light revived after a millennia. Ultraman Trigger fought untold forces of darkness 30 million years ago, banishing them into deep space. He then went to sleep on planet Mars, and was forgotten to time. Eventually, the "darkness" that Trigger once sealed away returned in the modern era. Kengo Manaka, a botanist on Mars and a member of the elite team GUTS-Select, became one with Trigger to protect humanity.
Like Ultraman Tiga, Trigger can change into other two forms from his basic Multi Type to the strength-oriented Power Type and/or the agile Sky Type. His signature weapon is the Circle Arms.
In general[]
- Alternate Self: Of Ultraman Tiga, being a giant of light that saved the world 30 million years ago from a darkness and reawakens in the modern day. To further this, he also has an enmity with a group of Dark Giants that he's heavily implied and later revealed to have once been a part of before redeeming himself and embracing the light.
- Empty Shell: Trigger's statue in Mars was not alive and merely had Trigger's power and body ready to be taken by its next host after the original left it behind not unlike Tiga.
- Expy: Trigger being called the "New Generation Tiga" brings to mind Ultraman Jack. Right down to sharing the same attributes — finishing moves, height and weight with their counterpart predecessors. They both even utilize armaments that their predecessors lack. Doesn't hurt that Trigger coincides with the 25th anniversary of Ultraman Tiga and the 50th anniversary of Return of Ultraman.
- Heel Face Turn: Twice, for both Trigger and Trigger Dark
- Like Tiga, Trigger used to be one of the Giants of Darkness, until he betrayed his comrades by becoming a being of light. It was later revealed Kengo himself is Trigger's inner light reincarnated as a human.
- After merging with Ignis, Trigger Dark finally undergoes one as of episode 22 during the final battle against Hudram.
Tropes applying to Ultraman Trigger[]
- BFS: Circle Arm's Multi Sword qualifies as one.
- By the Power of Grayskull: Kengo's transformation calls for Trigger's Type Changes all have an In the Name of the Moon-like phrase, even more so in other multi-lingual subtitles (i.e., Multi Type's transformation call in Filipino being "Sa ngalan ng hinaharap[1], ilaw ng pag-asa!")
- Multi Type: "Build the future, the light of hope!"
- Power Type: "Seize the victory, the light of power!"
- Sky Type: "Dominate the skies, the light of speed!"
- Finishing Move:
- Has the same move set as Ultraman Tiga:
- Multi Type: Zeperion Beam
- Power Type: Deracium Beam Torrent
- Sky Type: Runboldt Beam Shell
- In addition to sharing the above mentioned finishers as Tiga, Trigger has his own finishers with the Circle Arms:
- Multi Sword:
- Zeperion Sword Finish: Has two variations:
- Trigger swings the Multi Sword to release a giant energy wave.
- A giant blade of light emerges from the Multi Sword, which Trigger swings downward, bisecting the enemy.
- Zeperion Sword Finish: Has two variations:
- Power Claw:
- Deracium Claw Impact: Trigger impales the Power Claw into the ground, causing a line of shockwaves to erupt towards the opponent. Alternatively, he slams the weapon onto the opponent and destroys them directly.
- Zeperion Claw Impact: Trigger charges the weapon and delivers a horizontal bisection to his opponent in mid-air.
- Sky Arrow:
- Runboldt Arrow Strike: rigger fires a more powerful arrow of light from the Sky Arrow. In addition, this attack can be charged up by absorbing energy from an opponent's beam while using the Circle Arms as a shield.
- Multi Sword:
- Has the same move set as Ultraman Tiga:
- Mythology Gag: In the series' first trailer showcasing Trigger's forms, the backgrounds for each represents different environments in which Tiga fought against the three Dark Giants in Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey. The same can be said with the Giants' paralleling relationship with the titular Ultra
- Multi Type is shown in a deserted ruins, based on the same ruins during the final showdown between Tiga and Camearra. Like Carmeara, she used to be Trigger's lover like Tiga and Camearra.
- Power Type is underwater, where Tiga and Darramb fought. Tiga and Darramb were close friends, whereas Trigger and Darrgon are friendly rivals.
- Sky Type, is well, a sky, where Tiga and Hudra fought. Hudra's animosity toward Tiga has one major difference with Hudram towards Trigger in that Hudram likes to pretend to be nice in spite of Trigger's betrayal, but nevertheless remains as psychopathic as ever.
- Of note, both Tiga and Trigger were former Dark Giants themselves, only to turn against them when he embraced the light.
- Non Standard Character Design: Of three of his Type Changes, Power Type's head crest bears a striking resemblance to Ultraseven's Eye Slugger.
- Power Incontinence: Glitter Eternity initially was too powerful for Kengo's body to handle and it proved to be powerful in its own right, moping the floor with the Dark Giants and Trigger Dark effortlessly. It only took a training and guidance from Ultraman Ribut for Kengo to master it.
- Sealed Good in a Can: He has sealed himself in the depths of Mars before his statue would be discovered 30 million years later.
- The Straight and Arrow Path: The Circle Arms turns into the Sky Arrow when Trigger changes into Sky Type.
Tropes applying to him as Trigger Dark[]

The Dark Champion
"It wasn't just three Giants of Darkness who fought Yuzare?! That giant's name is... Trigger!"
—Akito Hijiri
- Voiced by: Kei Hosogai, Shinnosuke Ishikawa (suit)
A mysterious Dark Giant whose true identity was initially unknown, it appeared first in Kengo's visions and was heavily implied to be closely related to Trigger's past and the other Dark Giants in some way. Eventually it was revealed that this Dark Giant is none other than Trigger Dark, Ultraman Trigger's original evil form and former member of the Dark Giants.
When Kengo was sent into the Ultra-Ancient era and confronted Trigger Dark, the young man's influence on Trigger Dark's past self allowed him to embrace the light. However, the Trigger Dark in the present becomes a separate entity from the original and after his defeat at the hands of Glitter Trigger Eternity, he survives to fight another day and possessed the Lishurian treasure hunter Ignis.
For tropes relating to his current host, Ignis, go here.
- By the Power of Grayskull: "Stain the future, the deep darkness! Trigger Dark!"
- Collapsible Helmet: Whenever Ignis activates a Hyper Key while as Trigger Dark, they gain a face mask while channeling its power.
- Composite Character:
- Cast in the same mold as Tiga Dark and Evil Tiga. The former being a former Giant of Darkness that turned against his comrades and turned to the side of good, and the latter being an evil Ultra being revived under different circumstances — Keigo Masaki forcefully reviving Evil Tiga through artificial means while Carmeara corrupts Trigger with her magic, in the process restoring him into his original form. At the same time, Trigger Dark possessing Ignis because of his desire to get revenge on Hudram is a reference to how Evil Tiga was corrupted due to his host's greed and God complex.
- Trigger Dark's role in the show leans closer to Agul and Hikari/Hunter Knight Tsurugi; the former whose host starting out as a Wild Card Anti-Hero before joining forces with the eponymous Ultra, whereas the latter sought out a vendetta quest against one of the main villains.
- Dark Is Evil: It goes without saying that's Trigger Dark's overall appearance is self-explanatory as a whole.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Given that his current host seeks out Hudram.
- Demonic Possession: His essence takes over Ignis' body at the end of episode 12.
- Enemy Without: Thanks to Kengo's influence 30 million years in the past, Trigger Dark becomes a separate entity of his own in the present.
- Give Me a Sword:
- Manages to catch the Circle Arms after Carmeara flings it out from Trigger's hand in episode 17. Ignis would then empower the sword with Zaigorg's Key to wound Carmeara.
- He uses Mecha Musashin's katana after it was tossed by Kengo during his final battle against Hudram.
- In Spite of a Nail: Kengo's influence on Trigger Dark in the Ultra-Ancient era causes the Trigger Dark in the present to be a separate being from Ultraman Trigger, and eventually finds a host in Ignis.
- Not Quite Dead: Trigger Dark survives Glitter Trigger Eternity's Eternity Zerades, then possesses an alien treasure hunter witnessing the whole ordeal.
- Power Tattoo: Ignis's tribal markings would manifest on the Ultra's face when he's enraged enough.
- Shout-Out: Trigger Dark's mouth opening after empowering himself with Kaiju Keys is brings to mind Exceed Gills.
- Silent Antagonist: He never says a single word in his screentime, let alone grunts and screams.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Uses the Glitter Eternity Key to empower his Dark Zeperion Beam to finish off Hudram.
- ↑ translated as "In the name of the future"