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In general[]

  • The Devil's Splinter, as it turned out to be essences of Ultraman Belial, Ultraman Zero's archnemesis. These splinters came to be after sustaining wounds during a fight with Ultraman Taro. On top of that, monsters lose their minds once coming contact with these artifacts. The real kicker, they exist across the multiverse, and it's only a matter of time when will Belial be making another comeback.

Episode 1: I Ask You That You Chant My Name![]

  • Our introduction to our titular hero with Ultraman Zero is not a good one at all. Even Z's own recklessness got Zero sucked into a wormhole that had him Trapped in Another World for the remainder of the series.
    • The real kicker: How in Zoffy's name did Genegarg swallowed Bullton?!
  • The alien lifeform Celebro possessing a human named Shinya Kaburagi at the end of the episode. Matters don't even help that he even had an Ultra Z Riser in his person, along with another yet-to-be named Artifact of Doom.

Episode 2: A Warrior's Principle[]

  • The last time we saw Neronga appeared, it seems that this kaiju in the episode is much more competent and a formidable threat and it's just the tip of the iceberg. The fact it's electric attacks managed to make short work of Sevenger doesn't help matters either.

Episode 4: The Second Robot Activation Plan[]

  • Celebro creating the Jirahs medal. Once Erimaki Telesdon is defeated, Z starts having a hunch that someone (that someone in question being Celebro himself) is creating Kaiju Medals to wreak havoc across the universe.
  • Hebikura at the end of the episode where he watches Z's fight against Telesdon earlier, and his hairstyle once again turns that familiarly messy one, followed by him saying "I need a new toy to play with.", and a Slasher Smile. This is a foreshadowing to Jugglus Juggler's return in the next episode...

Episode 5: First Juggling[]

  • Juggler is back. The question is, just on what side is he on this time? The fact that he ambushes Haruki is that he hasn't learned from the last time he clashed with Gai.

Episode 6: That Man Returns![]

  • Juggler's reaction at the sight of the revived Gillvalis, considering that he once encountered this mechanical monstrosity three years ago and seeing it appear during a battle simulation between Sevenger and Windom, he yells at the crew to get the hell out of there. To add insult to injury, it's been revived by the Devil Splinter and made short work of Ultraman Geed, to the point it damaged Riku's Geed Riser, forcing him to use a Z Riser. Considering Gillvalis's malevolent nature, nobody wants to see another Venjix/Evox and/or Ark in a Tsuburuya series, ever.

Episode 7: His Majesty's Medal[]

  • This episode hints, that even though it's not Celebro's intentions, mixing the Devil Splinters with Riku's Belial factor might be enough to bring Belial back once more. Imagine how angered he may be if he returns this time..