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Somewhere in another universe, Ultraman Belial has set himself up as Galatic Emperor Kaiser Belial, despotic ruler of the galaxy. He has set his sights on the planet Esmeralda, wanting its emeralds for their great power. The planet itself is decimated, with its champion Mirror Knight infected by Belial's evil. All seems lost for this universe...
...Meanwhile, in the M78 Galaxy, Darklopses are invading. Their all easily dispatched thanks to Ultaman Zero and his father Ultra Seven. Upon inspecting a Darklops core, The Ultras see that the energy is coming from another universe. Zero is sent, with "Zero Braclet" for Backup power, to investigate who and why the M78 Galaxy is being attacked. Taking the form of Run, a young man from the planet Anu, he goes with Run's brother Nao, Princess of Esmeralda Emerana and her ship Jean Bird, they travel the galaxy making allies with the Pirates of Flame and Glen Fire, cleanse mirror Knight and the hunt for the fabled "Shield of Baradhi" to stop Belial's evil once and for all...
Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial is a 2010 film made by Tsuburaya Productions and directed by Yuichi Abe for the Ultraman Franchise. It serves as a sequel to the Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy movie and focuses on Ultraman Zero as its main hero. The movie itself is notable for several expys of other Tsuburaya characters joining Zero, such as GlenFire, Mirror Knight and Jean Bot.
- An Axe to Grind: Jean Bot has a axe installed in him.
- Another Dimension: Most of the film takes place in one
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Ultra Seven and Ultraman Zero, also Ultraman Zero and Glen Fire.
- Badass: Zero, Glen Fire, Jean Bot and Mirror Knight get their moments of badassery
- Badass Crew: Ultimate Force Zero by the end of the film
- Beyond the Impossible: Glen Fire and the Pirates of Flame having fire IN SPACE!
- Big Bad: Ultraman Belial
- Big Damn Heroes: Glen Fire returns during the Final Battle to save Ultraman Zero from Arch Belial. he's not alone either.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Jean Bot has one of these
- Boisterous Bruiser: Glen Fire
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Belial has Zero stuck in human form, captured and defenseless. So naturally, he takes this time to show him the entire revenge plan.
- The Cavalry: Glen Fire shows up with three entire space fleets at the Darkest Hour to help turn the tide of the Final Battle.
- Cool Starship: All over the place
- Critical Annoyance
- Dark Is Evil: Belial fit this to a T.
- Defeat Equals Friendship: Between Glen Fire and Ultraman Zero
- Disney Death: Happens with Emerana
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Expy: Glen Fire, Mirror Knight and Jean Bot.
- Belial has a monster form looks like SpaceGodzilla from Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Ultimate Force Zero
- Sanguine-Ultraman Zero
- Choleric-Glen Fire
- Melancholic-Jean Bot
- Phlegmatic-Mirror Knight
- Healing Hands: Well, it's healing light, but Zero does this for Mirror Knight.
- Henshin Hero: Zero himself.
- The Hero: Ultraman Zero
- Heroic Sacrifice: Glen Fire does this to save his new friends from Belial's Empire.
- Hot-Blooded: Glen Fire. Being a GIANT HUMANOID MADE OF FIRE and voiced by Tomokazu Seki, this is to be expected
- Humongous Mecha: Jean Bot
- The Empire
- Evil Laugh: Belial if fond of this
- Evil Overlord: Belial
- Evil Plan: 1.Make Darklopses. 2.power them with emeralds. 3. Send armies of them to destroy the Land of Light.
- Kaiju
- Kid Hero: Nao
- Kid With the Remote Control: Nao becomes this when he fights with Jean Bot against an evil robot.
- Light Is Good: Zero. He is an Ultraman, after all.
- Magnetic Hero: Zero.
- McGuffin: The Shield of Baradhi
- Mooks: Legionoids and Darklopses
- Multiversal Conqueror: Belial, by this film.
- The Multiverse: Zero(and the audience) get a small peek of it as Zero investigates the strange energy.
- Not Quite Dead: Ultraman Belial. And Glen Fire later on
- One-Winged Angel: Kaiser Belial absorbs all the emeralds and transforms into the gigantic Arch Belial for the final battle.
- Playing with Fire: Glen Fire, of course
- The Quest
- Revenge: Belial's main motivation. Given that it's the subtitle is THE REVENGE OF BELIAL, that's to be expected.
- Scenery Porn: Land of Light, Esmeralda, various space shots, starship interiors, ect.
- Shout-Out: The music cues for Glen Fire, Mirror Knight and Jean Bot sound similar to their inspirations(Fireman,Mirrorman and Jumborg Ace respectively).
- Ultraman Noa of Ultraman Nexus shows up to revive Zero and give him his Super Mode
- Slasher Smile: Ultraman Belial constantly has this
- Symbiotic Possession: Between Run and Zero
- Space Opera
- Space Pirates: The Pirates of Flame
- Spin Offspring: Zero is the son of Ultra Seven
- Super Mode: Belial and Zero both get these
- Tagalong Kid: Nao, Run's little brother
- Theme Song: Ultraman Zero gets one.
- Toku
- Transforming Mecha: Jean Bird to Jean Bot.
- Transformation Sequence: Ultraman Zero and Jean Bot get these.
- Transformation Trinket: Zero's Ultra Zero Eye
- Traveling At the Speed of Plot
- The Virus: What's inside Mirror Knight after he was attacked by Ultraman Belial.$
- Unexplained Recovery: Both Glen Fire and Ultraman Zero do this