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  • Banned in China: Episode 12, "From Another Planet with Love", is not included in the DVDs or officially released on video anywhere. See Does This Remind You of Anything? below.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • Lots of Ultraman cast members appear from time to time:
      • What's Arashi doing in this team? Really, did he have a twin?
      • Fuji plays Sanae, a friend of Anne's, in the controversial Episode 12.
      • In "Who are You?", Captain Muramatsu goes home from work, only to find nobody recognizes him, not even his wife...
      • Ide rides in a submarine in "Envoy from Nonmalto".
    • Also, is the scientist in "The Lonely Earthling" played by the same actor who also plays the Robot Commander android in "Nightmare on the Fourth Planet", and Alien Knackle's human form in The Return of Ultraman?
    • As far as suit actors go, Bin Furuya as Amagi.
    • Kohji Uenishi is Ultra Seven. Eiichi Kikuchi donned the suit in "The Ultra Garrison Goes West" two-parter.