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- Ange in particular has a few:
- Her Big Damn Heroes entrance at the end of Episode 3.
- "Leave the jokes to your hairstyle."
- "There are no toilets here so I guess you had to elegantly drop a load behind a tree."
- "Have a nice dream. See you in hell."
- Her Heroic Sacrifice at the end of Episode 4, which also manages to be something of a Tear Jerker.
- Rosa's final actions at the end of Ep2: she faces down an entire army of demon goats with only a Winchester 45, a pen, and a gold ingot. It was awesome enough to inspire her own video game.
- Pretty much the whole ending of Ep2, with the hunt, Rosa protecting Maria, then finally they put up a last stand together ending in a Rosa firing some shots with pictures flashing by ending with the Umineko logo and then the When the Seagulls cry message and all of this accompanied with probably the most badass of the music in the VN (which with how good the soundtrack is quite amazing) World End Dominator. Seriously just watch it
- And in Ougon Musou Kyoku, Rosa Musou, Goat Killer gets her key moments there made into her Super Move, Rondo Super and Meta Super.
- Golden Dream: with a giant ingot, but still:
- Goat Hunting: The Goat Killer combo, just as described in the Visual Novel.
- And lastly, her Meta Super:
Rosa: Maria! |
- Cue Rosa Dual-Wielding
- Beatrice's first entrance in the anime. If there were any scenes in the anime that did the Visual Novel justice... Basically, Battler announces that if the others want to prove Beatrice's existence, they'll just have to bring her here. Guess who appears right behind Battler only seconds after his announcement?
- Episode 3...pretty much all of it, actually. But to list just a few:
- The entire Myth Battle between Beatrice and Virgilia. Even if it technically didn't happen, it is still awesome for both witches involved.
- Kyrie and Rudolf facing off against two of the Seven Stakes, and Kyrie defeating her opponent by basically out-envying her.
- Speaking of Rudolf, let's not forget this little exchange:
Belphegor: Resistance is futile. You don't need to think about anything. Just close your eyes. I'll finish everything gently. |
- And of course, who could ever forget Beatrice's elaborate ruse where she convinces Battler she has turned over a new leaf, right up until he's about to sign a contract that admits his defeat?
- Don't forget what lead up to that - the incredible battle in the hall where Beato was shot through so many times that nothing but a HEART remained, and she still managed to hold off Evatrice...and the meta battle between Battler and Evatrice.
- As bad as this may sound, Battler standing up to Beatrice by slapping her and generally telling her he's not going to take her crap anymore. Considering everything the guy's been through up to this point thanks to her and some of her actions, that was intensely satisfying.
- The two battles between Gaap and George and Jessica and Ronove wherein they are forced to make a Sadistic Choice, but instead go for a third option--fighting their opponent.
- And even when it looked like George was about to make one of the three choices on which life to sacrifice--his own, his lover's, or everyone else's--instead of going for the obvious and making the Heroic Sacrifice choice Jessica made, he simply chooses for everyone else to die. To this troper, watching George beat down the barrier for the choices a hero usually makes in favour of a choice that wouldn't be traditionally heroic was just...amazing. Of course, it also makes the following moment even more awesome:
George: I'll start with you. Any questions? |
- In episode 4, after seeing Kinzo spend the first few games screaming Beatrice's name at the sky and begging for her to return, he finally takes a level in badass: He not only summons the Siestas, he also summons two of Beatrice's most powerful furniture, and her mentor. At the same time. There's a reason he gained something of a fanbase in America after the anime aired that particular episode.
- Maria getting Rescued from the Scrappy Heap in Episode 4 goes Beyond the Impossible: The scene where she calls her mother out on her mistreatment of her and then repeatedly kills her in true When They Cry fashion manages to be this, horrifying, and a Tear Jerker at the same time. That alone makes it awesome.
- The ending of Episode 4 where Battler denies Beatrice with the blue truth qualifies...but when read in the proper context, it becomes a Tear Jerker.
- In Episode 5, Erika is about to trap Kinzo in a closed room in his study on the third floor. Battler smashes that closed room by proposing that Kinzo could've escaped by diving out the window... and then proves it by doing so himself. Crazy Awesome: it's In the Blood.
- The hidden tea pary of Episode 5. Battler faces off against Erika, the Eiserne Jungfrauen, and Bernkastel at the same time, gets back-up from Ronove, Virgilia, Gaap, and the Seven Stakes...and discovers the Gold Truth that only the Game Master can use.
- The last chapter of EP6 has one for almost every fantasy character.
- Beatrice solving the closed room problem no one else could, then fearlessly crashing an armed wedding and calmly demanding a duel from Erika, even though she could be killed at any moment.
- After spending two whole games absent from the real Beato's face, her troll sneer finally makes its triumphant return here.
- Virgilia, Ronove, and Gaap taking out the Siestas.
- The Stakes of Purgatory showing how deep their loyalty for Beatrice and Battler goes when they defy Erika and take down Gertrude's barrier.
- Lambdadelta deflecting a sword with popcorn.
- Erika standing up one last time to boldly face Beatrice and Battler while she's dying.
- Beatrice solving the closed room problem no one else could, then fearlessly crashing an armed wedding and calmly demanding a duel from Erika, even though she could be killed at any moment.
- Battler: "Maria, it's ten years early for you to tell someone to eat you. Make sure to tell me that in ten years, alright?"
- From the second tea party as well: "Looks delicious. Slice up your cowtits and make me a sandwich." Especially in context: After her sound victory, Beatrice is torturing Rosa by making her eat remains of her siblings and more or less crossing the Moral Event Horizon by presenting Maria's head, who suddenly starts to beg. The game is already over, nobody is coming to save her, Beatrice laughing hysterically towards a perfectly plausible Downer Ending scenario... then that one line comes up, effectively and utterly destroying the hopeless mood. Cue Battler's Big Damn Heroes entrance.
- Made several times more awesome by him smashing Beato's face into the table immediately after saying this. Too bad the anime didn't show it.
- From the second tea party as well: "Looks delicious. Slice up your cowtits and make me a sandwich." Especially in context: After her sound victory, Beatrice is torturing Rosa by making her eat remains of her siblings and more or less crossing the Moral Event Horizon by presenting Maria's head, who suddenly starts to beg. The game is already over, nobody is coming to save her, Beatrice laughing hysterically towards a perfectly plausible Downer Ending scenario... then that one line comes up, effectively and utterly destroying the hopeless mood. Cue Battler's Big Damn Heroes entrance.
- Dunno if many people caught this, but the fact that Siesta 410 has faith in Battler in EP5. At one point during the main story, Battler is trying to argue a way to help the witch Beatrice and the phantom of Kinzo out of the closed room Erika has constructed, with the help of the Siesta Sisters and the Eiserne Jungfrau. After he's told that escape is impossible, 410 simply comments, "But he'll do it anyway." And then, during the hidden tea party, Battler is revived from death, ready to fight again. Bernkastel orders the Siestas to fire and destroy him; while readying to fire, 410 has a sad, apologetic look on her face. Right after it's revealed that they can't fire on him, her face has become a triumphant grin. When asked why they didn't fire, and it's revealed that Battler is the new territory lord of the fragment, 410 comments, "Nihi, I told you he'd do it."
- EP6. Kanon rescuing Battler and staying in the closed room. It is even accompanied by one of the best songs in the soundtrack!
- Also in EP6, Beato's Trollface making it's triumphant return. Don't even PRETEND you weren't cheering at that point.
- She and Battler get another, amazingly epic one at the very end of the episode, with just one line: "Sorry, but-" "Even if we include you-" ""There are seventeen people.""
- Not to mention it's a bit of a Mind Screw, because Erika's just declared in Red that she's the 18th person on Rokkenjima. Then Battler and Beato reply with the above in Red.
- Not quite. She said she was the 18th human on Rokkenjima. Big difference. A human corpse is still human. Dead, but human. However, you can't call a human corpse a person. Kinzo's already proven that.
- "human" and "people/person" mean different things in Umineko canon.
- Not quite. She said she was the 18th human on Rokkenjima. Big difference. A human corpse is still human. Dead, but human. However, you can't call a human corpse a person. Kinzo's already proven that.
- Not to mention it's a bit of a Mind Screw, because Erika's just declared in Red that she's the 18th person on Rokkenjima. Then Battler and Beato reply with the above in Red.
- She and Battler get another, amazingly epic one at the very end of the episode, with just one line: "Sorry, but-" "Even if we include you-" ""There are seventeen people.""
- Dawn again: The Stakes' subverting Erika and Dlanor to help Beato and Battler out when Beato makes her return. Gertrude is holding up a barrier that Beato won't be able to get through, and the Siestas are quickly rebooting, almost able to take Beato out. The Stakes want to help the two out, but are unsure of how to proceed, because technically, Erika is currently commanding them. (Battler was comatose, and Erika married him; as his wife, she had the right to speak on his behalf and command what belonged to him.) Dlanor specifically tells Lucifer, "You are not allowed to move except by the orders of your MASTER." Then, this conversation occurs:
Leviathan: Who's our master?! |
- Belz shoots forward and stakes Gertrude, but the barrier doesn't break. Gertrude just looks at Lucifer, and asks, "By whose orders? Know that Lady Erika has made no such order." "We do have orders. Th..the orders of our master!" "How can a master who cannot speak give orders?" "E..even though he can't talk, understanding a master's will is furniture's job!" With that, the six other Sisters all stake Gertrude, whose barrier shatters.
- Episode 7. Eva in the Tea Party surviving Kyrie's massacre and finally managing to take she and Rudolf down, then swearing to take care of Ange and ensure that she never learns the truth about her parents. Also counts as a Tear Jerker when you know how she and Ange's future turns out...
- Episode 7 again: Will crashing the Tea Party to protect Lion from Bernkastel. Starting from when he freezes time and slices the screen apart to stop his murder, and then angrily refusing to allow Lion to even consider giving up. Getting thrashed by Bernkastel and losing his limbs does nothing to shake his absolute determination to save Lion and Beatrice, even at the cost of his own life.
- Lion also gets to contribute by refusing to obey Bernkastel when Bernkastel orders him to beg Will to drop him and save himself. Instead, together with Will, he declares that they will escape and keep fighting for their miracle. Right to the face of the Witch of Miracles herself.
- Both made it more awesome by the fact that episode 8 reveals that they SURVIVE. SOMEHOW.
- Well, thanks, Lambda. Everything she does is awesome.
- Both made it more awesome by the fact that episode 8 reveals that they SURVIVE. SOMEHOW.
- Lion also gets to contribute by refusing to obey Bernkastel when Bernkastel orders him to beg Will to drop him and save himself. Instead, together with Will, he declares that they will escape and keep fighting for their miracle. Right to the face of the Witch of Miracles herself.
- A bit of a meta one: Witch Hunt, the group responsible for producing the unofficial English translation for the games, received a letter from Ryukushi07, the writer/creator of Umineko. Instead of responding with a Cease and Desist, like most would, R7 instead expressed admiration for their spirit and praised them for translating his game. He went on to name a group in the fourth episode of the novels after said translation group.
- Battler disproving Erika's closed room theory in EP5-- by jumping out of a third story window.
Cornelia: Let me speak, let me speak! Be that as it may, this is the third floor...! How could a wingless human escape from the window...?! Know that you won't get through, you won't! |
- Episode 8, but it still contains a lot of awesome battles. Especially the EVERYONE vs goats and Lambda vs Bern/Featherine.
- Six words: Battler. Punches. Bern. In. THE. FACE.
- Also, specifically during the goat fight: Will HEADBUTTING A GOAT TO DEATH after it insults the mystery genre. The looks on everyone's faces as he does it are simply priceless.
- Even before Lambda vs. Bern itself, Lambda sacrificing her own livelihood to bring Battler and Ange to Featherine's party and then later losing the game of rock-paper-scissors on purpose so that she would be chosen as the sacrifice should definitely count.
- A Fridge Brilliance CMOA for Battler, if you subscribe to a certain theory about EP 6: if you believe he planned the entire thing, he managed to fool both Erika and Bernkastel into thinking he was a completely incompetent mess, while in reality he knew exactly what he was doing and was betting everything to save Beatrice. Just the fact that he was willing to spend years inside that horrifying closed room in order to revive her makes the episode that much more amazing.
- Let's put this in perspective. Not only did he fool Erika and Bernkastel, he fooled the readers, most of whom thought he was being an idiot. How's that for a Meta-twist?
- The entire Last Stand scene in EP8. To wit:
- Will and Dlanor's Back-to-Back Badasses
- The fantasy characters shooting down goats like there's no tomorrow
- Battler's The Coats Are Off moment against Erika
- And of course, the aforementioned Will headbutting a goat to death.
- Rosa almost-killing Erika four times at once (including shoving a gun straight down her throat and firing and punching a pen through her eye socket) after she yells to Maria that Rosa never loved her. Erika manages to survive, just, only for Dlanor to declare that her actions are unforgivable and issue a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown that forces her old friend to flee the battle.
- Earlier on, Erika's Villainous Rescue moment, saving Ange from a horde of goats.
- And let us not forget the group that made it possible for us to read this series, Witch Hunt. Their work has been nothing short of amazing and with no payment, hundreds of fans constantly wondering when the next translation will be up they have now finished the series. You guys are nothing short of amazing and well deserve the praise R7 gave you.
- Natsuhi's Mama Bear moment for Jessica by taking a stand against Beatrice in Episode 6. It fails miserably, resulting in her death, but given her Chew Toy status, you have to give her props for having the courage to do that for her daughter's sake.
- From Umineko no Naku Koro ni examples, pretty much EVERYTHING Battler does when Dread of the Grave starts playing.
- In Episode 2, Kanon's swordfight (even if he loses), and Rosa's final defense of Maria, in which she starts threatening demons.
Rosa: Just try laying one finger on Maria in front of me. I'll show you just how lukewarm the hell you came from is." |
- Episode 3. Where do I begin? The fight between Beato and Virgilia, Eva solving the epitaph (Even if we're never told the actual answer), the whole thing about Beato turning over a new leaf being an ingenious ruse - but still, the undeniable winner in terms of awesome has to be Kyrie and Rudolf each defeating one of the Seven Stakes of Purgatory singlehandedly, a feat even Kanon couldn't manage.
- To expand on that last point further, Kyrie is undoubtedly the most awesome, simply for some of the incredible lines she pulls during the fight.
Leviathan: C-can you pull it? That trigger!! |
- Not to mention her final putdown to Leviathan and her power of envy:
Kyrie: You say you were jealous of your sisters for seven days and seven nights? |
- This awesome scene only makes it more irritating that Rudolf and Kyrie are killed only minutes after by the Siesta Sisters, in a glaring example of The Worf Effect.
- Ange's Heroic Sacrifice also counts. Imagine trying not to cry and not to let your brother see you as you're being ripped apart, and at the same time, trying to give a Rousing Speech to get said brother up off the ground after he's been convinced that he's not who he thought he was.
Ange : ... I'll be letting go now... It's been painful, right... I've hugged you so tight... I'm sorry... I'm okay... Don't turn around... Just let me see... for the last time... your most dashing moment... Stand up... Point your finger at the witch in front of you... and declare the restart of the game... |
- Near the end of Episode 4, when Battler denies Beatrice using the blue truth. Made even more awesome with the shotgun like effects and dreamenddischarger playing in the background.
- When that scene is read in the proper context, it is a Tear Jerker
- In Episode 4, George's fight with Gaap. "You didn't seriously think you could take my parents, Natsuhi oba-san, Rudolf oji-san, Rosa oba-san, and Genji-san's lives and hope I'd overlook it, right?"
- Episode 5 goes Beyond the Impossible during the hidden tea party, where Battler squares off against Erika, the Eiserne Jungefrauen, Lambdadelta and Bernkastel at the same time. Then, just when things look hopeless for him, he is shielded by none other than Bronove, who steps in to lend his aid along with Virgillia, Gaap, and even the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. And when not even that's enough to stop them, Battler discovers the uncounterable gold truth only a Game Master can use.
- Actually, it should be pointed out that When Ronove, Virgilia, Gaap, and the Seven Sisters come to help him, he doesn't actually need their help. That's because by the time they appear, he's already reached the truth of the game so he would have pretty much won anyway.
- Episode 5 goes Beyond the Impossible during the hidden tea party, where Battler squares off against Erika, the Eiserne Jungefrauen, Lambdadelta and Bernkastel at the same time. Then, just when things look hopeless for him, he is shielded by none other than Bronove, who steps in to lend his aid along with Virgillia, Gaap, and even the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. And when not even that's enough to stop them, Battler discovers the uncounterable gold truth only a Game Master can use.
- "Sorry, but, even is you join us, there are 17 people."
- Near the end of Episode 4, when Battler denies Beatrice using the blue truth. Made even more awesome with the shotgun like effects and dreamenddischarger playing in the background.
- Back to Umineko: When They Cry