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Starting from the end of the third arc, Umineko introduces characters from the year 1998 which are observing the game board of Rokkenjima, 1986. These characters cannot interfere directly with the game board, but help put into perspective the effects of the events on the island on the future. Naturally, major spoilers for the third arc onward.

Ange Ushiromiya[]

Ange Ushiromiya/Ange-Beatrice (Gretel)[]

The final Endless Witch, Witch of Resurrection[]

Voiced by: Rina Sato[]

Ange ps3 7352

"Leave the jokes to your hairstyle."


Battler's half-sister. She was only six in 1986, and didn't go to Rokkenjima with the rest of her family due to flu. The one we see has grown up in the world that stems from the third arc. She started to learn some magic from Maria. After the third arc, she becomes Ange-Beatrice and in a deal with Bernkastel, agrees to travel back to 1986 Rokkenjima in order to change the events to make it so that everyone does make it back. She later on serves as Featherine's miko, which for the most part consists of reading Featherine the stories of Rokkenjima.


Bernkastel: Go back to being scrap meat.


Juza Amakusa[]

Voiced by Koji Yusa[]

Juza 4169

Ange's bodyguard in 1998. He was assigned to guard Ange by Eva, but was later fired because he was flirting with her. He is apparently blacklisted in France.

In Episode 6, he apparently betrays Ange. It seems that Ange was a "liability" and he doesn't really care about what happens to her. The only order given to him was to dispose of Kasumi.

Kasumi Sumadera[]

Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (anime), Sumi Shimamoto (Play Station 3)[]

Kasumi ps3 7857

Kyrie's younger sister. She was forced to marry Kyrie's previous fiancee when Kyrie ran away and married Rudolf, so Kasumi has never forgiven Kyrie for it. After Kyrie dies, Kasumi takes out her frustrations on Ange, since she's Kyrie's daughter.

Tetsuro Okonogi[]

Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (anime), Ken Narita (Play Station 3)[]

Okonogi ps3 3433

An old business partner of Hideyoshi's. After the Rokkenjima incident, he was one of the few people Eva still trusted (although the term "trust" is being generous). After she died, he was put in charge of her company until Ange could take the reigns on her own. Ange approaches him in order to learn more about Eva, whom he says he does not think is the Rokkenjima murderer. He hired Amakusa, who was indebted to him for undisclosed reasons, to serve as Ange's bodyguard and protect her from the Sumadera family.

  • Expy: Of the other Okonogi from Higurashi.
  • The Other Darrin: Odd considering his first voice actor from the anime voiced Okonogi from Higurashi
    • That's because in the PlayStation 2 version of Higurashi (which came out before Higurashi Kai's anime version), Okonogi was voiced by Ken Narita, but the anime used Jurota Kosugi. As a result, a strange situation occured where Kosugi voiced Okonogi in animated productions, while Narita voiced Okonogi in all game productions.
  • Pointy Ears: For some reason.
  • You Owe Me: Okonogi is evidently pretty good at this. It's part of the reason Amakusa is rehired to help Ange, and Amakusa speculates that the reason for his being hired for this was in order for Okonogi to later be able to get some favors from Ange.
    • Also supports the idea that he is the same Okonogi from the Hinamizawa incident and Amakusa was one of the men that worked for him.

Professor Otsuki[]

Voiced by: Takayuki Kondo[]

Otsuki ps3 5766

A college professor who is a member of the Rokkenjima Witch Hunt, a group of occult enthusiasts who attempt to look at the Rokkenjima murders from an occult perspective. Ange interviews him in order to learn more about the Rokkenjima incident.

Masayuki Nanjo[]

Voiced by: Akihiko Ishizumi[]

Masayuki ps3 94

Doctor Nanjo's son. A rather reclusive person who has tried to move on with his life after the Rokkenjima incident, but who has had trouble doing that thanks to a badgering news media that he believes has dragged his father's reputation through the dirt. He had a daughter, but she was terminally ill and died at a young age. It's from him that Ange learns about the mysterious letters that were sent to surviving relatives of the Rokkenjima victims.

Sabakichi Kumasawa[]

Voiced by: Hideyuki Umezu[]

Sabakichi ps3 7427

Chiyo Kumasawa's son. He is a fisherman who fishes off the coast of Niijima. He is another one of the people Ange talks to in order to try to understand what happened on Rokkenjima.

Captain Kawabata[]

Voiced by: Daisuke Matsuoka[]

Kawabata ps3 3570

The captain of the speedboat that went to and from Rokkenjima. He is the one who takes Ange to Rokkenjima.

  • Ascended Extra: Kawabata actually appears since EP1, has the captain of the boat that takes the family to Rokkenjima, but it was not until EP4 that he got an actual portrait and a name. Subsequent appearances of him use his actual portrait.
  • The Mole: Ange accuses of him being this in the Trick Ending. Then she shoots him.
  • Punny Name: His name contains the kanji for "river".
  • Redemption Quest: Seems to consider taking Ange to and from Rokkenjima as a type of this as atonement for what had happened there 12 years prior.
    • Unless you go with the trick ending, that is.

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