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These are the magical beings/pieces on the game board which the Game Master can use in order to obscure the truth of the game board or guide the meta characters to reaching it. Since Battler's goal is to disprove magic, most of these characters are his enemies.
Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita[]

"Pu ku ku!" |
One of Beatrice's 72 demon servants, ranked 27, and the head of Beatrice's set of furniture. He usually attends Beatrice directly, and so his combat abilities aren't explored until Episode 4. Ronove enjoys teasing others but has a cordial relationship with most of the players, and has a connection with Genji.
- Ambiguously Gay: For crying loud out, his nosebleed turns into rose petals!
- One of the Golden Fantasia endings throws in some fodder for the Yaoi Fangirls regarding this.
- The continuation of said ending adds even more fuel to the fire.
- there is also this
- Ars Goetia
- Barrier Warrior
- Battle Butler
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's pretty much okay with all the murdering and stuff, he seemed somewhat sickened by Eva Beatrice killing Rosa over and over again. Also, after what Beatrice pulls in Episode 3, he's quite clearly angry with her. but this may have been acting.
- The Gadfly: Quite snarky towards Beatrice. At the start of episode four, he also plays a trick on her to embarrass her in front of Battler. Did he do this because he genuinely didn't like what she did or because it amused him? Both, most likely.
- Flower Motifs: Roses. Elegant, yet hides thorns. Several of his attacks in Ougon Musoukyoku involve roses in some way.
- High-Class Glass
- Mercy Kill: To Genji for the first twilight in Episode 3.
- Noble Demon
- No Sense of Personal Space: At least not when it comes to Battler
- One Steve Limit: "Ronove" and "Ronoue" are more-or-less the same word (ロノウェ versus ロノウエ).
- One-Winged Angel: Although not seen in the sound novels, in Golden Fantasia, his meta-world finishing move turns him temporarily into one. In spite of his charm, he is supposed to be a demon, after all.
- Servile Snarker
- Supreme Chef: Apparently his cookies and tea are absolutely amazing.
Voiced by: Yuki Kaida[]

"But only if he's hot!" |
Another one of Beatrice's demon servants, ranked 33. Cheerful and rather arrogant, she is quite good friends with Beatrice and apparently a bit of a fashionista. Loves to tease Virgilia, and tends to shorten her friends' names, only using the last syllable or two.
Her specialty is creating "gaps" in space, allowing her to instantaneously move herself and other objects anywhere she wants, which she uses to pull pranks. She is the original Beatrice, or rather the Beatrice who appears at night to torment servants of the Ushiromiya family who don't respect her, and was succeeded by Yasu, who she befriended.
- Animal Motifs: Often compared to a hornet because of those stiletto-heeled kicks.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of lost items. This is a plot point, as Yasu's clumsiness causes her to lose things often. Her highly overactive imagination gave rise to Gaap!Beatrice as an imaginary friend.
- Ars Goetia
- Catch Phrase: "But only if he's hot!"
- Chekhov's Gunman: She's mentioned a few times very early, but doesn't appear until the middle of the story.
- Combat Stilettos
- Cool Big Sis: She plays this role to Beatrice.
- Evil Redhead / Blondes Are Evil: Due to Hair Color Dissonance
- Going Commando: Her dress wouldn't work otherwise...
- Kick Chick
- The Nicknamer: Riiche! Lia!
- Phantom Thief: Ronove says that Gaap likes to steal small things just to play pranks on people. In EP7 this becomes a plot point.
- Quirky Curls
- Sideboob
- Stripperiffic: "A Wardrobe Malfunction waiting to happen."
- Vapor Wear
- Villain Teleportation
Zepar and Furfur[]
Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga (Zepar), Eri Sendai (Furfur)[]

Left: Furfur. Right: Zepar.
"People live for the sake of love! Yes, this world is love itself!!" |
These two are also demons from the Ars Goetia, ranked 16 and 34, respectively. They are of different genders. Zepar is the "hunter" of love who bestows an ultimate defensive barrier of immortality upon the contractor, while Furfur is the "trainer" of love who bestows an endless, inexhaustible offensive power upon the contractor. They primarily serve as a Greek Chorus for EP6 and EP7.
- Affably Evil
- Ambiguous Gender: Their TIPS say that they are opposite gendered, but it's never explicitly stated which is which. Zepar is more likely to be male since he/she uses masculine pronouns and has a considerably deeper voice, but the fact that said voice is provided by a woman means that it does little to resolve the ambiguity. Especially since said woman is known for voicing young men and tomboyish women.
- Ars Goetia
- Brother-Sister Team: One doesn't appear without the other.
- Camp Gay: One of them, anyway. According to the TIPS, they are of opposite sex.
- Curtains Match the Window: Zepar
- Creepy Twins
- The Dividual: Twindividual type.
- Evil Redhead: Furfur.
- Foreshadowing: Wright states that they foreshadowed Lion's Ambiguous Gender.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences
- Greek Chorus: In Episode 7.
- Half-Identical Twins: Apart from the different colour schemes.
- Hellish Pupils: Seems to be their default eye appearance.
- Humanity on Trial: EP6 Zepar and Furfur put the two lover pairs (Jessica/Kanon and George/Shannon) on a test to see which one of their loves with be eternal and which one is doomed to fail. It involves killing people.
- Large Ham: Both of the demons' actions are done in an overly theatrical manner.
- Leitmotif: The Fragrance of Quinoa.
- Love Freak
- Medium Awareness: "Our image song is going to be coming out on CD shortly~!"
- Non-Action Guy: Lampshaded in EP8, when they do nothing but cheer-lead during the final battle.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: To these two, everything appears to be LOVE! FUN! RAINBOWS! AND LOTS OF HAM!!. Needless to say, they're smarter and more subtle than they look.
- The Power of Love: The two seem to be ambassadors of love and talk about the power of love a lot.
- Showgirl Skirt
- Single-Minded Twins: They often finish each others sentences or speak in unison.
- Slasher Smile: They aren't all that villainous, but they do have several expressions like this.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Played straight. These two aren't fighters, preferring to stay on the sidelines and provide commentary. Doesn't stop us loving them to bits, though.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Zepar
The Stakes of Purgatory[]
Voiced by: Yuka Saito (Lucifer), Madoka Yonezawa (Leviathan), Yoko Hikasa (Satan), Seiko Yoshida (Belphegor), Ayano Niina (Mammon), Yuri Yamaoka (Beelzebub), Aki Toyosaki (Asmodeus)[]

Clockwise, starting from the upper left: Belphegor, Beezlebub, Asmodeus, Mammon, Leviathan, Lucifer, Satan
Seven sisters and articles of furniture who serve Beatrice. Each arises to kill those who are guilty of the sin she represents. They are actually based on servants of the Ushiromiya family, who would often bully and belittle their fellow servant Yasu.
Their names are, in order from oldest to youngest:
- Lucifer of Pride/Runon
- Leviathan of Envy/Renon
- Satan of Wrath/Sanon
- Belphegor of Sloth/Benon
- Mammon of Greed/Manon
- Beelzebub of Gluttony/Berune
- Asmodeus of Lust/Asune
- Assist Character: Besides Lucifer, who is a playable character, the stakes can be summoned by 3 characters on Ougon Musoukyoku, Beatrice using them has a projectile, Ange basing her entire moveset in summoning them and Lucifer herself, who can call her sisters in her Meta-Super.
- Bodyguard Babes
- Cute and Psycho: All of them, to some degree.
- Dodge the Bullet
- Extreme Omnivore: Beelzebub is prone to even using her own flesh if she thinks it will be yummy.
- Foe Yay: In Stakes Valentine you see Belphegor, Leviathan and Satan giving chocolate to the three humans they fought in the canon games (Rudolf, Kyrie and Kanon respectively), for Valentines Day. Lucifer also gives chocolate to Battler, who is considered her rival, and Beelzebub gives her chocolate to Gohda, who she killed in EP2.
- Girlish Pigtails: Asmodeus and Beelzebub, the two youngest.
- Hidden Depths: How the Stakes represent their Vice is not simply Card Carrying Villainy. For example, Belphegor of Sloth is a very hard worker, but if she did all the work, no one else would...and so she lazes around.
- I'm Taking Her Home with Me: Towards Sakutarou. All seven of them. At the same time.
- Laser Blade
- Lyrical Dissonance: Played for Laughs with their Image Song, which is a Tastes Like Diabetes technopop number about how badly they want to kill you.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: During the game, they're ruthless and very much capable of killing in cold blood. Behind the scenes, they're not so bad--we see Beelzebub and Battler playfully fighting over Ronove's baking early in EP4, and let's not get into Sakutaro.
- Mega Twintails: Beelzebub
- Meido: Their identities in a non-fantasy setting, revealed during Episode 7.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Their servant names come up in the first few games.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Pinball Projectile
- Princess Curls: Leviathan
- Punch Clock Villain: As shown with their interaction with Ange and Maria, when not brutally torturing and killing people, the Stakes are rather sweet and personable.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Showgirl Skirt
- Shown Their Work: The names of the stakes actually correspond to a 16th century classification of demons which linked those seven demons to the Seven Deadly Sins. More details on this topic are on the Trivia Page.
- Stocking Filler
- Taking the Bullet: In the third arc, Belphegor does this for Eva-Beatrice
- Theme Naming
- Tsundere: Satan is described as "Tsundere without the dere".
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Satan.
- Worthy Opponent: See Foe Yay. Leads to one attempting a Big Damn Heroes during EP6. Sadly, Leviathan fails to pull it off.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Leviathan has green hair.
Chiester Sisters Imperial Guard Corps[]
Voiced by: Shion Hirota (Chiester 00), Mariko Mizuno (Chiester 45), Eri Kitamura (Chiester 410)[]

Left to right: 45, 00, 410
Servants of Beatrice and Eva-Beatrice who look like bunny girls. It's heavily implied that they were originally Maria's furniture. They wear UK flags and apparently serve a "Lord Pendragon". More powerful Chiesters were "manufactured" for Erika and Battler's wedding, though they have never been shown.
- Chiester 00 is the leader of her squadron, who specializes in reconnaissance and advance guard.
- Chiester 45 specializes in scouting, deciding orders, and providing support for her sisters.
- Chiester 410 specializes in firing control, and is the squadron's primary sniper.
- Chiester 556, who was killed in battle against a certain black witch (i.e., Rosa), specialized in providing squad fire support to protect her allies.
- Apologises a Lot: Chiester 45 seems to be continuously on the verge of a breakdown, thinking that she'll get punished for something. Often, it leads to this behavior.
- Beam Spam: Chiester 410 in the fighting game can get quite annoying once she starts spamming her arrows.
- Bilingual Bonus: Their firing sequence for those who know Greek and Japanese. Full translation on the Trivia Page.
- Bodyguard Babes
- Chekhov's Skill: 410 was stated to be a good close-quarters fighter on her TIPS, a skill which really never showed on the VN. Cue to Ougon Musoukyouku where she was chosen to represent the Chiesters.
- Expy: Clearly based off Reisen Udongein Inaba. 410 Seems to also resemble a rather insane-looking Rei Ayanami
- Eyepatch of Power: Chiester 00.
- Fragile Flower: Poor Chiester 45, who always seems as though she'll break down crying any minute.
- Girlish Pigtails: Chiester 45.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: To a crazy extent. Try being able to fire through a keyhole and kill someone. Justified, given that the arrows are magic laser arrows.
- Killer Rabbit: Killer bunny girls are much more dangerous than they look.
- Leitmotif: Dance of the Moon Rabbit.
- The Leader: Chiester 00.
- Living Toys: Possibly. They may have originally been the ceramic rabbit figurines that belonged to Maria.
- Meaningful Name: Their name is a corruption of the word "Winchester", the type of rifle used by the adults in the series. Indeed, according to Word of God, they represent the Winchester rifles being used to murder the people on the island.
- Playboy Bunny
- Posthumous Character: Chiester 556, who is implied to be the ceramic doll that Rosa broke.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Rei Ayanami Expy: As stated above, 410 is a crazy-fied version.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: Despite their magical origins, their needs to reboot, load, link, etc. if nothing else are definitely derived from this trope.
- Showgirl Skirt
- Spell My Name with an "S": Their name was initially romanized by fan translation groups as "Siesta," but Word of God claims that the correct romanization is "Chiester," first shown in the spinoff fighting game.
- Sibling Team: Each of them is always seen working together with at least one of their sisters, since it's explicity stated that they work better when they are linked together.
- The Stoic: Chiester 00.
- Not So Stoic: Not even she can help but burst into tears after Kinzo insults her. According to her profile, she isn't actually as calm and composed as she appears.
- Super Strength: 00 is able to stop Krauss from tackling Kinzo and lifting him in the air using one hand.
- Trademark Favorite Food: For 410, at least, it's carrots. She's a bunny girl, after all. It's almost exclusively used in the fighting game, though.
- Theme Naming: Each is named after types of bullets.
- Unusual Ears
- Verbal Tic: Chiester 410's "nyeh."
- Witch Hunt: How 00 lost her eye.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: One Chiester has pink hair, and another has blue. Another one only in the backstory has purple hair.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Chiester 45
Voiced by: Minori Chihara[]

"From now on, I'll always be with you. Together for eternity. ...So don't let go of me, okay?" |
A toy that Maria received as a present from Rosa. She eventually puts a soul into it and he takes the form of a young boy with lion ears wearing a shirt that is way too big for him. Rosa tore him apart during a fight with Maria right in front of her eyes. Since this happened before the Rokkenjima murders, he never appears during them except for the sixth game.
- Alter Ego: Possibly one of Maria, specifically her happy side that looks everything in a good light. After he is torn, Maria starts to see the world in a much darker way.
- Anti-Magic: Is able to negate any type of offensive magic directed at him or whoever he's protecting.
- Assist Character: Ange can summon Sakutaro to aid her on Ougon Musoukyouku.
- Break the Cutie: The extra TIPS "Sakutaro, To Purgatory Mountain".
- Cat Boy: Well, more like Lion Boy, but still.
- Cowardly Lion: Nervous by nature, to the point of being afraid to go outside unless he's quickly able to retreat into Maria's pocket, but when things get serious, he won't back down from protecting her.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: All together now - "SQUEE!!"
- Dead Little Sister: Dead Little Plushie? Same difference...
- Morality Chain: The entries in Maria's diary become much darker after he gets torn apart.
- Diplomatic Impunity
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Maria loves him, of course, and the Stakes of Purgatory will always glomp him on sight while proclaiming how cute he is.
- Hair of Gold
- Leitmotif: Sakutarou's adventure
- Living Toys
- Marshmallow Hell: Happens to him when Maria decides to summon the Sisters of Purgatory for Ange.
- Moe: To the point that the 7 Stakes go completely crazy whenever he shows up, wanting to cuddle him.
- Morality Pet: To Maria. When Sakutaro dies, Maria loses it.
- Petting Zoo People
- There Is Another: Almost completely obfuscated by roundabout writing and presentation as magic, but nonetheless played with.
- Deus Ex Machina: Who's betting Bern had something to do with that? Seriously, what would the realistic odds even be?
- Replacement Goldfish: And because Ange plays it as a magical resurrection instead of giving Maria an identical plushie, she'll never even know.
- All but outright confirmed in the TIP "Sakutarou, to Purgatory Mountain", in which we see Sakutarou revived in a cloth shop with Ange, presumably looking for cloth to buy.
- Took a Level in Badass: Sixth game.
- Unusual Ears
- Verbal Tic: Uryuu!
Eiserne Jungfrau[]

Left to right: Gertrude, Dlanor, Cornelia
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (Dlanor), Shizuka Ito (Gertrude), Risa Asaki (Cornelia)[]
These three are members of Eiserne Jungfrau, the 7th District Repentance Agency of the Great Court of Heaven. They use Knox's Decalogue in order to bring "heretics" to justice. They serve as furniture under Erika.
- Dlanor A. Knox is the Head Inquisitor, known as "Dlanor of the Ten Wedges" or "Death Sentence Dlanor". She possesses two swords, the Red Key and the Blue Key, whose functions are essentially the same as the Red and Blue Truths.
- Gertrude is an Assistant Inquisitor and first-class minister, tasked with aiding during interrogations and hearings. She is assigned to use barriers to prevent the target's escape. She is Cornelia's senior.
- Cornelia is an Assistant Inquisitor and third-class minister.
- Anti-Villain
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Fair Play Whodunnits.
- Ax Crazy: Dlanor, at least during the duels.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Dlanor with Will against the army of goats in EP8.
- Barrier Warrior: Cornelia and Gertrude
- Cat Smile: Dlanor has a few of these expressions
- Cute and Psycho: Dlanor, so much.
- Dual-Wielding: Dlanor
- Emotionless Girl: Gertrude
- Eyes of Gold: Dlanor
- Friendly Enemy: Not only they are only evil when they work for Erika, but also, on the ??? Tea Party of EP5, they help the recently revived Battler and give him one of the two clues he uses to solve the game.
- Good Is Not Nice: In contrast to most of the previous furniture, who are stated to be demons from Hell, the Eiserne Jungfrau are stated to be from Heaven.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: Dlanor takes tea with Virgilia and has a pleasant conversation with her.
- Hanging Judge: Dlanor, so much so that she's been nicknamed as "Death Sentence Dlanor," and doesn't even get dispatched unless a case has been investigated so thoroughly that it requires a death sentence.
- Self-Made Orphan: One example, provided in her TIPS and alluded to by Beatrice, is that she sentenced her own father to death when he violated the Decalogue. This incident apparently caused her to stop aging, though no one knows how or why.
- Heel Face Turn: After Erika is banished, the Eiserne Jungfrauen team up with Battler. Dlanor even clashes with Erika to protect the Golden Land.
- The Hunter: Because of their job of investigating crimes against the Decalogue, the Eiserne Jungefrauen are, for the most part, witch hunters.
- Little Miss Badass: Dlanor.
- Meaningful Name: Eiserne Jungfrau is German for "Iron Maidens".
- There's also Dlanor A. Knox, which is just a Sdrawkcab Name of Ronald A. Knox, who wrote this list of "commandments" for writing a mystery.
- New Meat: Cornelia. She was actually chosen by Gertrude for this case explicitly because she's a newbie, according to the TIPS.
- Nice Hat
- Power Fist: Dlanor, although she seems to prefer using Laser Blades.
- Princess Curls: Dlanor
- Punch Clock Villain: They are only evil when working for Erika.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Cornelia and Gertrude.
- Rivals Team Up: Dlanor with Will, who is part of a rival inquisition group, during EP8.
- Sweet Tooth: Dlanor, implied in the Extra TIPS (she says it's because she's a kid.)
- Stoic Spectacles: Dlanor, sometimes.
- The Stoic: Dlanor. Well, sort of.
- Verbal Tic: Allow me to speak. Gertrude and Cornelia usually start by saying that. They also sometimes start with "Let it be known that..."
- Dlanor, however, ends her sentences with a word that's EMPHASIZED. Represented by that word being written in UPPERCASE. This is the English equivalent chosen for her speaking style in Japanese, where she speaks with a cold, robotic voice and ends her sentences with copulas written in katakana.
- Worthy Opponent: All three of them, but Dlanor in particular has this relationship with Battler.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dlanor's hair is a lovely shade of lavender.
Clair vauxof Bernard[]
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara[]

An incarnation of Beatrice introduced in the seventh game. She serves under Bernkastel with the sole purpose of reading her latest game. Her appearance was a prototype of sorts for Beatrice when Yasu first became a witch, until she decided to take on the form of the woman in Beatrice's portrait.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Extreme Doormat: She has absolutely no will of her own, and only acts as a representation of Beatrice and the rules of the game.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Greek Chorus: With a little help from Zepar and Furfur.
- Leitmotif: Golden Nocturne, the instrumental version of Beatrice's Image Song.
- The Narrator
- Princess Curls
- Theme Naming: In keeping with the ever-popular Divine Comedy theme throughout the story, Clair is named after Bernard of Clairvaux, Dante's final guide in Heaven, namely Empyrean Heaven.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
The Goat Butlers[]
The Goat Butlers are Beatrice's lowest-ranked furniture. They are brutish and almost animal-like, but there have been some exceptions. An inexhaustible supply of them may be summoned at any time.
- Faceless Goons
- Gas Mask Mooks: A variation; it has been shown that some of the goat butlers are actually people wearing masks.
- Giant Mook
- Hero of Another Story: EP4's Goat-kun.
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Mooks
- Super Strength
- We Have Reserves
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Hilariously played with in the fourth Episode, where we are shown the thoughts of a single goat butler about to face Krauss in combat. Sadly (or hilariously), the mook kept on triggering death flags.
- Back to Umineko: When They Cry/Characters
- Back to Umineko: When They Cry