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Umineko Parody Fandub is an Abridged Series created by Zero Q Productions (formally Nyodude), and can be seen as a sort of sequel/spin-off to his past series, Higurashi Parody Fandub. It appears to have reached seven episodes before Zero Q stopped (or was forced to stop) making it.

It originally could be found here, but was taken down due to copyright violation. It has been reposted by others, though — episodes 1 through 5 can be found at this account, and episodes 6 and 7 can be found here.

Tropes used in Umineko Parody Fandub include:

Maria: If anybody needs me I'll be in the other room, choking on my rage.


'"If it weren't for the fact that he's the main character, we would have shipped him away by now."


Genji: I made it myself.

    • In episode 3, Maria is watching Whose Line Is It Anyway?.
    • In episode 4, the song playing as the group rushes to the den is the theme song for Bananas in Pajamas.
    • Episode 5 made quite a few shout-outs:
      • Shannon initially claims that she and Kanon were brought back to life by Morning Rescue before claiming it wasn't true.
      • Kanon: "Just like School Days."
      • Battler: You guys are Decepticons! By that I mean you are both being deceived and conned.
    • In episode 6, Jessica randomly blurts out "Ponies!" while holding Rainbow Dash on her palm, while Kanon repeatedly hallucinates Spike. Probably explained by the fact that crazyboutcena54, who normally voices Shannon and Natsuhi and substitutes as Jessica for this episode, is a brony.
      • The "song about flat-chested girls" works as a shout out to both Touhou and the original Umineko sound novels, where Jessica actually did sing "Tsurupettan" in her concert performance.