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200px-UncleCrocsBlock intertitle

"Who's our Star Time guest for today, Uncle Croc?"


Charles Nelson Reilly, already a fixture on the CBS version of Match Game, was the crocodile-suited star of this three-month Filmation series on ABC, a parody of the Animated Anthology programs with live presenters that were in nearly every major TV market in the 1950s and 1960s. Reilly's co-stars were Alfie Wise as Uncle Croc's sidekick, Rabbit Ears, and Jonathan Harris as the director, Basil Bitterbottom.

The three animated segments were:

  • "Fraidy Cat", about a nervous alley cat visited by the ghosts of his eight previous lives;
  • "M-U-S-H", a canine parody of M*A*S*H whose title expands to "Mangy, Unwanted, Shabby Heroes", and
  • "Wacky and Packy", in which a caveman and his pet mammoth are transported to 20th-century New York.

Live-action segments included "The $6.95 Man".

Tropes used in Uncle Croc's Block include:
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