Alternative Character Interpretation: Macgregor: Would you really want the CEO of the company you have stock in financing a illegal and potentially suicide mission into a foreign nation?
Mac-Gregor's actions may be based on those of H. Ross Perot, who financed the rescue of two EDS employees before the Iranian Revolution. More info here:
Wilkes' "get to the tower exercise". It shows by just how much he outclasses the rest of the team.
Sailor winning the tree-chopping competition, then when Kevin stops, running over and finishing chopping Kevin's tree."You don't EVER quit, boy! Not when it's for real!"
Scott charging a gunboat by himself to save Charts from a burning helicopter.
Cream's Sunshine of Your Love. A shower. Sailor dancing.
"Agent Orange! All Agent Orange!"
"Seein' the sights."
"I'm just tryin' to keep warm. I swear to God."
"He was a collaborator."
For people in the Houston-Galveston area: at the training area, the subtitle says it's near Galveston, with mountains (desert mountains at that) in the background. Coastal Texas is flat, and in the eastern portion, swampy.
Nightmare Fuel: What happened to Wilkes. As Blaster tells it: "Wilkesy's claustrophobic as shit. He was the tunnel rat in our unit. Goes down a tunnel to check for weapon storage. Turns out there's somebody down there. He knifes them both in the dark. Then the shells hit. He's stuck until we dig him out. Wilkes lights a match to move the bodies off of him. He'd knifed some woman and her kid. Killed them deader than shit... Wilkes starts freaking. We can hear him screaming, but he has to stay all night with those corpses until we dig him out."