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  • Complete Monster: More or less lampshaded by Strannix when Krill decides to drown most of the ship's crew in order to bain Ryback into killing himself trying to save them.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Krill's acts of hostility towards Ryback, beginning with spitting in the chef's soup.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Many of Casey Ryback's improvised actions count as these, including but not limited to blowing up a Chinook using paint thinner and shooting down the submarine with a little help from his friends. Also Ryback kissing Jordan when he's asked to "show us some moves" by his crew.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Krill in a dress and makeup, asking Strannix if he needs psychological help, to which Strannix shakes his head.
    • And in the second film, Travis Dane using the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower for his threat video.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Ryback working with his mates, and their sadness over the deaths of some of their number.
  • Damsel Scrappy: In the first film, arguably.
  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: Quite literally in this case. The scene where Erika Eleniak pops out of a giant cake while topless is one of the most-remembered scenes from this film.
  • God Mode Sue: At no point does it ever look like Ryback is in trouble.
    • And yet it's still remarkably subdued compared to Seagal's usual characters - Ryback is far less respected than the standard Seagal protagonist, for starters.
  • Good Troi Episode: Among Seagal films.
  • Large Ham: Tommy Lee Jones (Strannix) and Gary Busey (Krill) look like they're having an absolute blast in the first movie. Jones in particular is complete over the top villainous awesome.
    • Eric Bosgorian does what he can as well, chewing a Colorado forest's worth of scenery.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Gary Busey. IN A DRESS.
  • Retroactive Recognition: A young Katherine Heigl as Ryback's niece (and the damsel) in the sequel.
  • Sequelitis
  • The Scrappy: That one annoying balding guy in the glasses working for the Pentagon in the sequel. When he makes a lame quip about space being called space because there's so much of it, an admiral tells him never to speak again.
  • Tear Jerker: Ryback draping the dead Captain's uniform over his body, after Ryback finds the captain killed in cold blood.