Complete Monster: More or less lampshaded by Strannix when Krill decides to drown most of the ship's crew in order to bain Ryback into killing himself trying to save them.
Crosses the Line Twice: Krill's acts of hostility towards Ryback, beginning with spitting in the chef's soup.
Crowning Moment of Awesome: Many of Casey Ryback's improvised actions count as these, including but not limited to blowing up a Chinook using paint thinner and shooting down the submarine with a little help from his friends. Also Ryback kissing Jordan when he's asked to "show us some moves" by his crew.
Crowning Moment of Funny: Krill in a dress and makeup, asking Strannix if he needs psychological help, to which Strannix shakes his head.
And in the second film, Travis Dane using the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower for his threat video.
Everybody Remembers the Stripper: Quite literally in this case. The scene where Erika Eleniak pops out of a giant cake while topless is one of the most-remembered scenes from this film.
God Mode Sue: At no point does it ever look like Ryback is in trouble.
And yet it's still remarkably subdued compared to Seagal's usual characters - Ryback is far less respected than the standard Seagal protagonist, for starters.
Large Ham: Tommy Lee Jones (Strannix) and Gary Busey (Krill) look like they're having an absolute blast in the first movie. Jones in particular is complete over the top villainous awesome.
Eric Bosgorian does what he can as well, chewing a Colorado forest's worth of scenery.
The Scrappy: That one annoying balding guy in the glasses working for the Pentagon in the sequel. When he makes a lame quip about space being called space because there's so much of it, an admiral tells him never to speak again.
Tear Jerker: Ryback draping the dead Captain's uniform over his body, after Ryback finds the captain killed in cold blood.