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Planet Survival, known in Japan as Uninhabited Planet Survive (無人惑星サヴァイヴ Mujin Wakusei Savaivu), is set in a distant future where Earth has become uninhabitable, and therefore people live in colonies on the surrounding planets.
On a school field trip, a mistake causes the protagonist, a young New Transfer Student named Luna, her pet robot, and six of her classmates to be thrown through a gravity storm and crash land on a seemingly uninhabited planet. There, with Luna as their leader, the robot cat Chako, the Troubled but Cute lone wolf Kaoru, the spoiled rich boy Howard, the shy Meganekko Sharla, the obedient Gentle Giant Bell, the prideful musician Ojou Menori and the young boy genius Shingo must fight for their survival, meeting a little alien child nicknamed Adam along the way.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Survive.
- All Planets Are Earthlike: Of course
- Butt Monkey: Howard
- Cyborg: Bob.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Brindo.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Menori.
- Disappeared Dad: Luna's deceased father
- Expy: Quite a few.
- Face Palm: Kaoru uses this after Tako stupidly crashes a transport ship.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Shingo.
- Gentle Giant: Bell. Yes, being taller than everyone else counts.
- Humanoid Aliens: Adam and his parents
- Mega Corp: Howard's father is the owner of the space colony the heroes live in, and own mining corporations in Pluto.
- Meganekko: Sharla. Shingo is a male one.
- The Messiah: Luna
- Missing Mom: Menori's mother is dead, and Howard does NOT get along with his mom
- Non-Human Sidekick: Chako, Tako for sometime, and to a lesser extent, Adam.
- The Ojou: Menori
- Overly Long Name: Adam (Alduram Gyet) and Tako (Tswarkum). Both not really that long, but still hard to spell.
- Parental Abandonment: Oh, booooy...
- Orphan's Ordeal: Luna (both parents) and Menori (mother). Both of them get Flashbacks scenes showing how distressed they were after the loss of their mothers.
- Well Done Daughter Girl: Menori.
- Psychic Powers: Luna is an empath, which allows her to connect better with Adam.
- Recycled in Space: This is, at least until the end of the three prisoners' arc, Jules Verne 's Two Years' Vacation IN THE 22ND CENTURY... AND IN SPACE!
- Red Headed Heroine: Luna
- Rich Bitch: Howard is a male example of this trope. He gets better.
- Robinsonade
- Scholarship Student: Luna
- Shrinking Violet: Sharla
- Shorttank: Luna, again.
- Survivor Guilt: Kaoru, after what happened to his rival Louis.
- Team Mom: Menori, again.
- The Power of Friendship: This anime lives and breathes this trope.
- Thrown Out the Airlock: Kaoru's rival Louis.
- Troubled but Cute: Kaoru
- True Companions
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future — The story is settled in 22th century.
- Whip It Good: Zilba. Combined with Shock and Awe and Psycho Electro, as her whip is electrical and she enjoys torturing people with it.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Sharla, particulary at the beginning.