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Due to the Loads and Loads of Characters of the entire series, we're just going to name the main characters, or at least those which have some kind of Character Development, such as being the main guys of a game or having appeared across more than one game.


U3-malcolm 6108
"I've ran Thunder Cash in the wackiest conditions the Liandri could dream up: magma-filled volcanoes, zero gravity, fucked-up aliens, you name it. This shit here's a cakewalk."
Unreal Tournament III, to Reaper in the Act II intro.


  Voiced by: Patrick Amos (Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict) Greg Eagles (Unreal Tournament III)



  As FenTech's finest creation, Malcolm is an artificially boosted Tournament warrior. He was the winner of nine Liandri Grand Tournaments from 2293 to 2301. In the tournament of the year 2302, (Unreal Tournament 2003) he joined forces with his former enemies Brock and Lauren, of the Iron Guard team. The team managed to go to the finals, where they meet the Juggernaut team, led by Gorge. Gorge's team won the Tournament, with Gorge breaking both Malcolm's winning spree and his spine.



  After these Tournaments, he broke up with Brock and Lauren, who returned to lead the Iron Guard team. Malcolm went back to the Thunder Crash team as well. Both teams participated in the 2303 tournament (Unreal Tournament 2004) but it's unknown which team won that Tournament.



  In the off-season, (Unreal Tournament III) he's hired by the Izanagi Corporation as the commander of their security forces. He's in charge of the Ronin team, and gives advices and stuff for them.



  In the 2304 Tournament, (Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict) he was featured as a Combat Commentator, alongside Liandri's robot commentator, for the Ascension Rites, due to a spine injury caused by Gorge at the end of the 2302 Tournament.


Tropes related to him:

  • Ascended Extra: Though there were some hints in Unreal Tournament, such as Thunder Crash being the default team, and him being the default face, for the ladder, there he was just a selectable skin. Then came Unreal Tournament 2003 and it was revealed that he was the 9 time champion of the Tournament. He went on to be the franchise's main face.

 Malcolm: Sounds like you know my rep.

Reaper: Yeah, who doesn't? Most grand tournament trophies, ever. Leader of Thunder Crash, AKA Thunder Cash...

Malcolm: Aight. I get it.

Reaper: ...all of which makes you a highly decorated... civilian.



Brock 9778

A ladies' gentleman.


  Malcolm's most trusted ally, he led the Iron Guard team alongside his girlfriend Lauren. He's defined as both a ladies man and a hothead with shades of Badass Bookworm. It's rumoured that he killed his mentor, but that his father bribed the authorities.



  He was hired, alongside the original Iron Guard team, by the illegal weapons seller Jihan Nyhn, as their bodyguards. Nyhn had plenty of arenas which the team used for their personal training. After Nyhn's death, the team found a way to vent their bloodlust in the Tournament.



  Brock and Lauren joined forces with then-champion Malcolm for the 2302 tournament (Unreal Tournament 2003) but lost the final match against Gorge and his band of Juggernauts. Infighting and recrimination made the team to split-up, with Brock and Lauren returning to lead a reformed Iron Guard. It is unknown if the team succeeded in that Tournament.



  In the off-season, (Unreal Tournament III[1]) he tried to ambush Gorge because of Malcolm's dethroning. Gorge easily killed him, and Lauren committed suicide shortly after. Both were brought back by both Liandri and Phayder corporations via the expensive Necrification process. Brock lost all of his memories, thus making him a remorseless killing machine.


Tropes related to him:


File:Lauren 2462.jpg

Just so you know, she had a ponytail.


 Brock: How do I look?

Lauren: Not as good as me, baby.

-- UT2003 intro movie



  Voiced by: Tanika Cato (Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict) Sirena Irwin (Unreal Tournament III)



  Another of Malcolm's most trusted allies, and a former Tournament champion, she leads the Iron Guard team alongside her boyfriend Brock. In her beginnings, she was the daughter of a family of poor asteroid miners. She became famous when she murdered their parents' competition, which made her the ideal candidate for the Tournament.



  She was hired, alongside the original Iron Guard team, by the illegal weapons seller Jihan Nyhn, as their bodyguards. (Her Unreal Tournament backstory says that she was rumoured to be Nyhn's lover) Nyhn had plenty of arenas which the team used for their personal training. After Nyhn's death, the team found in the Tournaments their way of venting their bloodlust.



  Brock and Lauren (now an Official Couple) joined forces with Malcolm for the 2302 tournament (Unreal Tournament 2003) but lost the final match against Gorge and his band of Juggernauts. Infighting and recrimination made the team to split-up, with Brock and Lauren returning to lead a reformed Iron Guard. (Unreal Tournament 2004) It is unknown if the team succeeded in that Tournament.



  In the off-season, (Unreal Tournament III) she's seen leading the Axon security forces in Taryd. After the Ronin team defeats them, Lauren joins the Ronin team for the remaining events.



  Before the 2304 Tournament, (Unreal Championship 2) her boyfriend Brock was killed by Gorge, driving her to suicide. Both of them were brought back by both Liandri and Phayder corporations via the expensive Necrification process. Although Lauren recovered some of her memories, she's now only marginally sane.


Tropes related to her:

  • Action Girl: She was part of the team led by Malcolm in 2003 and is the leader of Iron Guard, being also a Tournament champion.
  • Alien Blood: As a Necris, she has nanoblood.
  • Ascended Extra: Same deal as with Malcolm. However, she was part of his team.
  • Badass
  • Driven to Suicide: In Unreal Championship 2, after losing her boyfriend, but...
  • Official Couple: With Brock.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Her "Wraith" adrenaline combo in Unreal Championship 2 turns her into a ghost with X-Ray Vision which allows her to see enemies through the walls.
  • Retcon: In her bio in the first game, she was said to be the lover of the infamous weapon seller Jihan Nyhn. A tournament game later, those were turned into rumours, and her relationship was instead with her "school sweetheart" Brock.
  • Secret Character: In 2003.
  • Sixth Ranger: In Unreal Tournament III.
  • Slipknot Ponytail: Cut after Unreal Tournament 2004.
  • Vampiric Draining: Her "Siphon" adrenaline combo in Unreal Championship 2 summons a cloud which drains other players' health. Her "Vampire" adrenaline combo also regenerates her health by damaging her enemies.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Her "Ethereal" adrenaline combo in Unreal Championship 2 makes her to be seen slightly out of position.

Xan Kriegor[]

Xanzr7 1538

Witness his perfection!



  A former rebelling Killer Robot, Xan was created in the LBX-7683 asteroid, and was put in stasis lock after leading the robot uprising in said asteroid. Xan was also a 9-time Tournament champion. The first 7 tournaments weren't officially counted, as the event was still underground at the time. However, he won an eighth time in the first official Tournament in 2291. (Unreal Tournament) Malcolm dethroned him in the 2293 tournament.



  He was rebuilt twice, first as Xan MKII (for one of the bonus packs and the console versions of the first Tournament) and then as MKIII. He was seen leading his own team, "The Corrupt", in this suit in Unreal Tournament 2004. The status of him and his team after that Tournament are unknown.



  Xan is also the owner of several stages such as the Tempest High Tower and the Rook Castle.


Tropes related to him:


  "Run, human."

  1. although this was never referred to as in any section of this game, but it was mentioned in Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict