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  • Development Hell: Jason Reitman was set to make this just shortly after the novel's publication, but other projects got in the way. Jason Reitman says the final product wouldn't have been as good if he made it in his early 20's and wouldn't have been as timely if he made it when the economy wasn't a major issue.
  • Enforced Method Acting: The employees talking about their job climate at the beginning and end of the film were real-life employees who had been recently laid off. The crew told them that they were filming a documentary so they would be truthful as possible and not be playing to a camera.
  • Hey, It's That Guy:
  • Playing Against Type: Danny Mcbride's character is not the kind of crass high energy you expect from him. He's calm and nice for the most part.
  • Star-Making Role: Anna Kendrick.